Tag Archive for: Together11012022

Ukrainian music ensemble performs in Germany

In October, Baroque Plus, a Ukrainian musical group that includes members of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC), traveled to Germany to present concerts at several Evangelical Lutheran Free Church (ELFK) congregations. These concerts were a thank you for the German churchā€™s support to Ukrainian refugees who fled the country to escape the war with Russia. These concerts not only showed the ULCā€™s gratitude for that aid but also offered an opportunity to assimilate the refugees more fully into the German Lutheran churches.

Three sister church bodiesā€”the Ukrainian Lutheran Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Free Church in Germany, and WELSā€”worked together to plan the trip. Three ELFK congregations hosted the special worship services that included music from Baroque Plus, other German and Ukrainian hymns, gospel readings, devotions, and prayer.

ā€œThe services were edifying and beautiful,ā€ says Rev. Roger Neumann, WELSā€™ liaison to the Ukrainian Lutheran Church. ā€œTranslators made it possible that three languages were used during the service: Ukrainian, German, and English. Although, for the Lordā€™s Prayer, all three languages were spoken at the same time, which was quite impressive.ā€

Fellowship times before, during, and after the services provided opportunities for members from the Ukrainian Church and German church to interact. ā€œThere was truly a unique bond of fellowship at each church, which flowed from a sense of empathy, Christian love and concern, and the powerful bond of unity that believers have in Christ. Strangers quickly became friends,ā€ says Neumann. ā€œWe pray that those who attended the service, Ukrainian and German visitors who have no church home, will come again to learn more about Jesus and what he has done for them and for all people.ā€

Hanna Bulu, the leader of Baroque Plus and a member at Resurrection, Kiev, Ukraine, appreciated the opportunity to come to Germany. ā€œAfter traveling thousands of kilometers from our native home, we met good friends in Germanyā€”and also a long-forgotten feeling of peace and quiet. Such concerts are like bridges between churches, between hearts, between children of God, who are one in Christ.ā€

WELS, the ULC, and the ELFK are all part of the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC), a group of 34 Lutheran church bodies from around the world committed to the teachings of the Lutheran Church found in the Book of Concord. This fellowship of believers offers support in faith and doctrine. ā€œThis was a blessing, given to us by our Lord, that flows from the unity of believers from around the world who form the CELC,ā€ says Neumann. ā€œThe people from Ukraine who were there that week, as well as people from the various church bodies that form the CELC, can better understand that they are never alone.ā€

Read more thoughts about this trip from ELFK President Rev. Michael Herbst at wels.net/familyofbelievers.




Feedback encouraged on doctrinal statement

Biblical doctrines and principles do not change. But there are times when those doctrines and principles need to be understood clearly as new situations arise and are addressed by the church. That is certainly true when it comes to what the Bible tells us about the God-given roles of men and women and the nature of their relationship with one another.

Our synodā€™s current doctrinal statement on the roles of men and women is called ā€œScriptural Principles of Man and Woman Roles.ā€ After more than a decade of work and discussion, it was adopted by the 1993 synod convention as a correct explanation of biblical truth and as our synodā€™s formal doctrinal statement on the issue.

Since the adoption of ā€œScriptural Principles of Man and Woman Roles,ā€ our synodā€™s doctrinal position has not changed; the statement still expresses biblical truth. But new questions and issues have arisen regarding the biblical roles of men and women that did not really exist in 1993. Understandably, those questions were not addressed at the time.

For those reasons, the Conference of Presidents determined that it would be beneficial for our synod to consider an updated restatement of the scriptural principles outlined in the 1993 document. After three years of work and study, a proposed draft of that statement is now ready. The new statement is entitled ā€œGodā€™s beautiful and balanced design for male and female.ā€ The Conference of Presidents encourages you to study and discuss the statement and invites you to provide feedback.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder