Now is the time

Rev. Jonathan Hein, coordinator of WELS Congregational Services, offered convention delegates a picture of the current state of WELS and opportunities for the future. The basis for his presentation was the 2022 WELS Statistical Summary and Analysis.

Each year, WELS collects data from all congregations and schools. That data is compiled in a statistical report. WELS Congregational Services then publishes an annual Statistical Summary and Analysis to help congregations and the synod plan how to best steward the resources God provides. Hein shared the 2022 findings and analysis with delegates.

In his presentation, Hein used graphs and charts to address some common concerns heard from WELS members:

  • ā€œOur congregations are aging.ā€
  • ā€œWe have record pastoral vacancies.ā€
  • ā€œWe donā€™t have the people to open new churches.ā€

Although some statistics are sobering, Hein feels confident in the future of WELS. He notes, ā€œThis is not a time for us to cower or shake over the number of losses. Itā€™s a time to stand up and ask God to give us courage and strength and to love our community rather than lambast our community for becoming post-Christian. Letā€™s love our community and bring Christ to them. Now is the time for us to do it.ā€

Read the full WELS 2022 Statistical Summary and Analysis at