Ministry to the Military

WELS Ministry to the Military provides spiritual services to WELS members and others who serve in the United States Armed Forces, including those in the National Guard and the Reserves.

Ministry to the Military carries out its mission through a full-time national civilian chaplain and liaison to the military, a full-time civilian chaplain in Europe, and a network of WELS Military Contact Pastors across the United States.


Our mission is to make Godā€™s Word and sacrament available to our actively serving militaryĀ personnel and their families.



Military Resources

Access resources for military members and for those who love and serve them.

Latest News

Read the most recent updates, articles, and news about WELS Ministry to the Military.

Meeting the spiritual needs of WELS members in the military

In early February, WELS Military Services National Civilian Chaplainā€¦

Two new chaplains for WELS Military Services

WELS Military Services commissioned two new chaplains this summerā€¦

European retreats restored . . . and restoring

Retreats for WELS service men and women (and civilians) are aā€¦

All because of one referral

To steal a quote from Colonel Smith of The A-Team, ā€œI loveā€¦

Military contact pastors meet for conference

WELS Military Services assists WELS congregations serving militaryā€¦

Prepared to serve the military neighbor

Most Americans assume that spiritual ministry to military membersā€¦

New chaplain moving to Europe

Rev. John Hartwig is moving to Germany to serve WELS militaryā€¦

Serving those who serve their country

One of the many groups served by WELS Commission on Special Ministriesā€¦

Chased by demons

Many men and women in our congregations have served our countryā€¦