
What are the differences in Calvinism and Lutheran teachings? My brother recently sent me a video from Truth or Tradition that speaks of how Christmas and Easter are based more on devil worship. And now he is stating that he will not go to any church unless it will not participate in either Christmas or Easter celebration. Early in the video John Calvin is quoted. I see that Calvinism teaches 5 principles: T.U.L.I.P. T: total depravity, U: unconditional election, L: limited atonement, I: irresistible grace, and P: perseverance of the Saints. I am particularly interested in unconditional election as several Scripture verses quote that God has chosen or predestined a few to be saved and not others. What Scripture verses refute these teachings?

This month’s “Light for our path” column addresses the concern about Easter celebrations. This link will take you to that column.

The Bible does not teach double predestination; it teaches an election to salvation only (Ephesians 1:3-14). From the Bible we learn that God wants all people to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9). We learn from Scripture that people are responsible for their damnation (Jeremiah 15:6; Hosea 13:9; Matthew 23:37). The over-emphasis on human reason in Calvinism leads to the false teaching of double predestination.

Another very important difference is that Calvinism denies the power of God in the sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper) and considers them only “ordinances.”