The King Is Coming – Week of December 4, 2023

Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The Lord Almighty ā€“ he is the King of glory.
Psalm 24: 7-10

The King is coming! Imagine the red carpet rolled out, the best food prepared, the beautiful music. We would give our very best to show our love and support for a great leader.

As we look forward to Christmas, we prepare for a different king. This psalm was written by King David, one of the greatest kings in Israelā€™s history. He told his people to prepare for an even greater king. This king would be a King of glory, one who is strong and mighty in battle.

And then the king came. Born in a stable to parents who didnā€™t have much, he may not have looked like a king. There was no glory evident as he was placed in a feed trough. Yet never before and never again would such a king be born.

This king fought our biggest battle. He didnā€™t carry a sword or shield. He spent his short life on earth telling and living Godā€™s love and forgiveness. He certainly didnā€™t look like a mighty king as he hung on the cross, beaten and bloodied. But just a few days later, the victorious king came back to life, assuring us of victory over sin, death, and the devil. This King of glory won the battle for us.

And so we get ready for this glorious king. We lift up our heads to welcome the Christ child, our hearts full of joy at the salvation he brings. We lift our voices to sing his praises. We lift our feet as we run to tell the good news of our King, just as the shepherds did that first Christmas Eve.
And this doesnā€™t end with Christmas. Our King of glory is coming back. When Jesus returns, we will lift our heads with our fellow believers and all the angels, singing his praises in eternity. We will be with our King of glory forever. The King is coming!

Dear Jesus, you are the king of glory! We praise you for defeating sin, death, and the devil for us. We look forward to when you come again and we get to join you in heaven for eternity.

A Hymn to Consider:
Christian Worship 305: Lift Up Your Heads, You Mighty Gates

Early Childhood Ministry Educator’s (ECME) Devotions are brought to you by WELSĀ Commission on Lutheran Schools.
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