We Have Seen His Glory! – Week of December 21, 2015
She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21
ECME Devotion – December 21, 2015
Devotion based on Matthew 1:21
See series: ECME Devotions
Have you ever asked a group of young children what they think that first Christmas was like? Very likely they try to fill in some of the missing details. Perhaps they have extreme concern over the sheep that the shepherd likely left when they “hurried off” to see Jesus–they wonder if the angels stayed and looked after them, or, at the very least, scared off the wolves so that the sheep would be safe. Another child might envy the shepherds, the first visitors of Jesus, because “after everyone else found out about Jesus there was a very long line to hold that baby”.
God doesn’t give us every detail about that first Christmas, but we can be assured that everything we need to know is written down for us in his Word, the Bible. When we look in his Word, we see that he was more than just a baby. We needed Jesus to come! We fail to live as we should. We gossip or tell lies about people. We try to manipulate situations to work for our good and to someone else’s disadvantage. We live for ourselves.
And yet we see His glory. We see that God became a baby, a human, one of us. God sent his Son, who never did wrong, to be a part of our dirty, sinful world. Jesus was all God and all man. Jesus did all the things people do–he ate, slept, cried, felt emotional and physical pain. And he died.
The only “human” trait Jesus did not have was sin. He never lied, never gossiped, never disobeyed God. God’s glory was revealed to us through Jesus’ sinless life and his death on the cross. And now we have seen his glory! We share in his victory because he has taken our sins upon himself and has given us the crown of life. God’s glory is ours through Jesus!
Prayer: Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this happy morning! Jesus, to thee be all glory given, Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing. Oh, come let us adore him! Oh, come let us adore him! Oh, come let us adore him, Christ the Lord! Amen
Christian Worship 55 v 4