Conference of Presidents’ winter 2025 meeting

The Conference of Presidents (COP) met for its winter meeting Jan. 710, 2025. The COP is composed of the 12 district presidents, the synod president, and the two synod vice presidents. The synod secretary serves as a non-voting advisory member of the COP. 

My president’s report included these items: 

  • Reaction to the COP’s pastoral letter on man-woman roles has been positive with few questions or concerns raised. 
  • Reaction to the COP’s pastoral brief on critical theory has also been generally positive. The few questions or concerns that have been raised have usually centered on the fact that there were aspects of this topic that the brief did not specifically address. The purpose of the brief was not to provide an exhaustive study of critical theory but to underline the scriptural principles involved and to enable WELS members to approach this subject from a biblical and evangelical perspective. 
  • WELS is pursuing plans to declare fellowship with the Africa Mission Evangelism Church in Tanzania. This is a Lutheran church body with whom WELS has had extensive discussions to determine that our two church bodies are in doctrinal agreement. 
  • The new long-range plan, entitled “Christ through us,” is still under development and will be ready for presentation to the synod convention in July. 

There are 140 parish pastor vacancies as well as 6 non-parish pastoral vacancies. 

The COP authorized a special synodwide offering related to the synod’s 175th anniversary. The offering will be directed to the synod in general, world missions, home missions, and ministerial education. More specific uses for the offering by each area of ministry will be announced prior to the start of the offering. Congregations and individuals will be invited to participate. 

Congregational Services will be releasing samples of alternative governance structures for congregations in the coming months. District constitution committees will be equipped to answer questions that may arise when it comes to congregational governance and related bylaws. 

The COP authorized Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary to begin a generosity campaign in support of its planned building project. If all parts of the project can be done, it will provide classrooms, remodeling of current space for faculty offices, remodeling of portions of the library, and a gathering space attached to the gymnasium. 

The Doctrine Committee of the COP will hold its annual meeting with the Doctrine Committee of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in January. 

The deadline for congregations to submit their 2024 statistics and their 2025 Congregation Mission Offering (CMO) subscriptions is February 7. Looking ahead to CMO encouragement for 2026, “Joyful Generosity” and other stewardship materials will be made available by September 2025, including a CMO video presentation. 

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder