Redefining home

WELS missionaries are sent around the world and asked to acclimate and integrate themselves into a foreign culture. They learn the language, customs, culture, social practicesā€”they truly become part of the country as they work to share the gospel.

In August, a group of former WELS missionaries, some retired and some returning to the United States for new calls, met for a two-day repatriation retreat.

ā€œThe retreat is a recognition that people, once they live overseas for an extended period of time, really change in their worldview,ā€ says Larry Schlomer, Board for World Missions administrator. ā€œWhen they come back to the United States, theyā€™re actually not coming back to their home country, because they know their home country from 7, 10, 20 years ago. Things will have changed drastically in that time.ā€

Two speakers came to offer counseling, insight, and expertise to the former missionaries and their wives.

Schlomer says, ā€œThe retreat is to get several people who have gone through this experience together so they learn from each other and realize there are some common themes they will be facing.ā€

These themes include seemingly routine things like trying to decipher what products are a good value at the grocery store, ordering at a fast food restaurant, and navigating retirement benefits.

On top of day-to-day tasks that are now foreign, they have left people, friends, a home, and a ministry that they loved. ā€œYou get to where you donā€™t know how to do things in the States anymore, and you feel like an outsider. Nobody is really like you, and people donā€™t understand you,ā€ says Andrea Wordell, wife of former missionary Brad Wordell, who spend 17 years in Japan.

For Adam Gawel and his wife, Sherri, the roles are reversing. Adam met Sherri while serving in East Asia. The Gawels and their three children moved to Chicago after Adam accepted a new call. This time, it is Sherri moving to a foreign country.

After serving seven years in East Asia, Adam has noticed how ministry work is different. ā€œBeing a foreigner in East Asia, it was easy to talk to people,ā€ he says. ā€œTheyā€™re willing to engage with you in conversation, even religious conversation. But here in the U.S., people are a little more hesitant to talk about religion and maybe more suspicious if you approach them.ā€

When Stephen and Lori Lawrenz left for Africa 30 years ago with two small children and one on the way, they treated the experience like an adventure. Stephen says, ā€œNow I look at America like a foreign country, and I have to figure it out too.ā€ They say they know to put their trust in God as they face each new chapter.


Missionaries arenā€™t the only ones having to deal with change when returning from a foreign field. It affects their children too. Hereā€™s what Anna Sherod, whose father served in Japan for 11 years, has to say:

I moved to the States from the Japan mission field when I was 13. The first few years were privately difficult as I tried to fake my way past my reality: ignoring 11 years of growing up speaking Japanese, eating rice, commuting on trains, and having my family life defined by the sharing the gospel. I was successful enough, but I struggled with depression and a sense of drifting through life.

In 2011, I attended a retreat for adult (former) missionary kids sponsored by the WELS Board for World Missions. The purpose was to offer ongoing support. There I met the very first people outside my immediate family who understood my story. They had all grown up on mission fields too. The lives of their families were also defined by big moves, cross-cultural stories, and sharing Godā€™s love.

We shared stories of grief and loss, guided by a trained facilitator. When we worshiped together at the end of the retreat, the sermon was preached on the Beatitudes: ā€œBlessed are those who mourn.ā€ I began to understand that the many ā€œgood-byesā€ in my life had been used for Godā€™s kingdom and could continue to be used.

I started embracing my identityā€”as a Christian, as a missionary kid, and as someone whose formative years were spent in Japan. Since then, I have volunteered in Japan after a tsunami and earthquake struck, navigated living in Germany and Romania, and now work for Kingdom Workers on an Apache reservation. I know that the way I grew up shaped meā€”to love languages, to embrace listening to other cultures, and to be fearless about proclaiming Christā€™s love. I needed to meet people who had something in common with me, to embrace being ā€œdifferentā€ in my day-to-day life.

Anna is on a volunteer team putting together the next adult WELS missionary kid conference on April 21ā€“23, 2017, in Minneapolis, Minn. Learn more atĀ or e-mail her at [email protected].


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Volume 103, Number 11
Issue: November 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Encouraging future called workers

To help encourage young people to consider the public ministry, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary created a part-time position in 2015 for a seminary seniorā€”student recruiter.

ā€œWho better to communicate the joys of ministerial education than someone who has recently been through it? Who better to encourage young men to consider pastoral ministry than someone on the verge of becoming a pastor?ā€ says Matthew Rothe, last yearā€™s student recruiter.

The student recruiter travels to area grade schools and high schools and meets with the students to discuss serving in the public ministry. ā€œI hope to get them to see themselves as pastors or teachers for the few minutes I am presenting,ā€ says Paul Spaude, WLS senior and this yearā€™s student recruiter. He also organizes a special grade school chapel service at the seminary in the fall and a 5K run in the spring to get people on campus.

Besides encouraging students, Spaude also has the opportunity to speak with parents and teachers. ā€œI stress that I can only be a recruiter for a few hours, but they can be recruiters in childrenā€™s lives for years,ā€ he says.

Spaude recognizes from personal experience the importance of that continued encouragement. He says that in his early high school years, being a called worker was the last thing on his list of careers. But his attitude changed. ā€œMy parents never pushed me to go to Martin Luther College or the seminary but allowed me to discover that the ministry is a wonderful job by the service opportunities they put in front of me,ā€ he says.

Now he has the chance to encourage others: ā€œIn some small way, God will use the work I do as seminary student recruiter to encourage some for the ministry, and those future ministers will win hearts for Christ.ā€

Do you know a student you want to encourage to consider the ministry? Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary offers promotional items for individual or congregational use. Contact [email protected] for these materials. This yearā€™s special grade school chapel service is on Dec. 9. Contact Prof. Bill Tackmier, 262-242-8169 for more information.

Learn more about the importance of recruiting pastors and teachers in this monthā€™s edition of WELS Connection.


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Volume 103, Number 11
Issue: November 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Moments with missionaries: Coeur dā€™Alene, Idaho

Moments with missionaries: Coeur dā€™Alene, Idaho

Kevin K. Schultz

When I received the call to St. Matthew, Spokane, Wash., to start a multi-site church across the state line in Coeur dā€™Alene, Idaho, I was excited. Planting another church has always sounded interesting to me. And so, when I asked how many people would be part of the core group in Coeur dā€™Alene, the response caught me off guard: ā€œWell . . . basically . . . no one.ā€

No one? Iā€™ve always thought that new churches got started because a core group of WELS people lived in that area. No one? How do you start a church with no people?

After arriving in Spokane, I talked with some of the leaders. It quickly became clear that with no core group in Coeur dā€™Alene, we needed to recruit members from St. Matthew. These people would partner with me to plant this multi-site church almost an hour away.

But who in their right mind would travel one hour every week to do canvassing, community service projects, outreach events, relationship building, and weekly worship services, when the current church in Spokane is only a few minutes away? I couldnā€™t imagine that anyone would say ā€œyes.ā€

One by one I started contacting people in the Spokane congregation. I asked them if they would be interested in being a part of a launch team for two years to get a new church started in Coeur dā€™Alene.

I was honest and told them that it would take a lot of work and time out of their already busy schedules. They would need to travel almost one hundred miles round trip multiple times every month. They would be going door-to-door in the community talking with people about Jesus. They would be driving right past their current church every week to worship an hour away in a rented facility with perhaps only a few other people. I fully anticipated that no one would agree to do this with me.

But I learned quickly how God works in the hearts of his people. He reminded me not only how the gospel changes hearts but also how the gospel motivates hearts.

Twenty-five people said ā€œyesā€ to my request. 25! And shortly after that, another 5 people asked if they could be a part of it too. Thatā€™s a far cry from the ā€œno oneā€ that I had anticipated. God showed me once again that he is in control. His people are eager to be a part of the greatest adventure on earthā€”telling other people about Jesus.

Many of these people may not remain a part of our mission in Coeur dā€™Alene long term once the congregation gets established there. They may return to worship at theĀ main church campus in Spokane. But itā€™s been humbling for me to see so many of Godā€™s people excited about doing evangelism, outreach, community service, and relationship building for the purpose of sharing the gospel. God is using them to build his church.

Start a church with no people? Hardly.

Kevin Schultz serves as a home missionary at The Vine, Coeur dā€™Alene, Idaho, the second church site of St. Matthew, Spokane, Washington.

In 2016, the Board for Home Missions authorized five established congregations, including St. Matthew, to start second site ministries. A National Multi-Site Conference on Nov 14ā€“16 at Grace, Tucson, Ariz., will further discuss this strategy of a church reaching out to more people by worshiping and carrying out gospel ministry at more than one physical location. Find out more at


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Author:Ā Kevin K. Schultz
Volume 103, Number 10
Issue: October 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Equipping women to mentor: Women’s Ministry

ā€œFollow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.ā€ This was the theme for the Womenā€™s Ministry Conference held in July. Approximately 350 women from around the country met at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., to be encouraged and equipped through Godā€™s Word.

The conference explored how Christian women serve as mentors to those around them. Marilyn Miller, chairwoman of WELS Womenā€™s Ministry, says, ā€œWomen are natural mentors and do it without even thinking about it. This conference helped Christian women realize how their words and actions reflect Christ wherever they might find themselves. It is our prayer that women will intentionalize their mentoring, letting God use them to shape the character and transform the thinking of everyone with whom they come into contact. God is in the business of changing hearts, and I know he will do just that through some of the women who joined us.ā€

Presenters led Bible study sessions examining how Christ is the ultimate mentor and how to model oneā€™s mentoring after his.

Dawn Schulz, a member of the Womenā€™s Ministry Committee, led a study titled ā€œJesusā€”A mentor for me.ā€ ā€œAs a mentor my identity, purpose, priorities, words, and actions are all determined by the fact that I am Godā€™s child because of Jesus,ā€ she says. ā€œJesus not only shows me how to live in this grace, he teaches me how to mentor it to others by understanding their individual and diverse needs, giving them time to grow, and living transparently in order to set before them a living picture of a life patterned after Jesus.ā€

The conference also included time for networking, brainstorming sessions, and opportunities to share mentoring experiences.

Su Hansen, a conference attendee from Redeemer, Tomahawk, Wis., summed up the conference with one main word: ā€œEncouragement.ā€ She says, ā€œItā€™s a very godly way to gather together sisters in Christ and grow together and encourage one another in our various callings.ā€

WELS Womenā€™s Ministry, part of the WELS Commission on Adult Discipleship, holds a conference every three years; the next conference will be held in 2019.

Learn more about WELS Womenā€™s Ministry at


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Volume 103, Number 10
Issue: October 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Our Saviorā€™s love compels us

ā€œOur mission to share the gospel is so important that it demands nothing less than our very best,ā€ says Rob Guenther, pastor at Grace, Kenai, Alaska, and chairman of the Continuing Education of Called Workers Task Force. ā€œWe want to always strive for excellence in all that we do and push ourselves to be better not only because eternal souls are at stake but especially because our Saviorā€™s love compels us. And because we each have a sinful nature that is very active, we want others to push us and encourage us to stay focused on that task.ā€

Guenther explains that these thoughts drove the work of the Continuing Education of Called Workers Task Force, which was created at the direction of the 2013 synod in convention. Convention delegates resolved that a special task force should be appointed to develop a continuing education process for pastors and staff ministers ā€œso that progress toward professional growth for pastors and staff ministers can be more formally encouraged and reported.ā€ In recent years, special emphasis has been placed on professional growth for teachers, so this task forceā€™s work helped formalize growth for other called workers.

As the task force began its work, it quickly recognized that spiritual and professional growth is taking place throughout the synod. ā€œFor that we are thankful to God and his grace,ā€ says Guenther. ā€œBut weā€™re also glad to 1) keep pushing that growth withĀ an online newsletter to encourage it; 2) better track that growth through regular reporting to circuit pastors and district presidents; and 3) help create and locate resources to help with that growth and present a toolbox of resources.ā€

The first issue of this newsletter, titled The Four Branches, will be e-mailed to all pastors at the end of September. Each issue will contain one article on each of the four traditional branches of theologyā€”systematic, exegetical, historical, and practical.

As Joel Seifert, editor of The Four Branches, explains, ā€œMore than anything, the newsletter is meant to be a starting point for self-guided continuing education. The articles all have links to other online resources for those who want to take their study a little deeper. Even those who just read the short articles should receive a little more insight into some Scripture or dust the cobwebs off some learning they once did long ago.ā€

Much of the task forceā€™s work was in conjunction with Grow in Grace, the institute for pastoral growth at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. One such project became known as Fan Godā€™s Gifts into Flame, an essay and workbook to help a called worker develop a well-designed annual plan for growth. Grow in Grace is also housing an ever-growing list of growth tools that a pastor or staff minister can use to pursue growth. This toolbox of resources includes listings of articles, essays, books, videos, websites, podcasts, courses, workshops, and more. These tools are available at

Now that these resources have been created and compiled, the Continuing Education of Called Workers Task Force is praying that called workers and their congregations use these tools.

ā€œMy encouragement to congregations is to make continuing education a part of your annual church budget,ā€ says Guenther. ā€œIt shows your called workers that there is an expectation to grow and improve. . . . Give them time to grow as well. Time spent at conferences, at workshops, and in the study is not time wasted. Itā€™s critical to becoming a better servant of our Savior.ā€

Guenther continues, ā€œMy encouragement to called workers is to continue to make use of whatā€™s right at your fingertips. Read what youā€™re sent. Invest in good books, and make time to read them. It doesnā€™t need to be huge leaps forward, but regular improvement in an area of ministry will pay big dividends in the long run.ā€


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Volume 103, Number 10
Issue: October 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Lessons in Ukraine

Teens and adults from Grace, Oskaloosa, Iowa, and Faith, Sharpsburg, Ga., taughtā€”and learnedā€”some valuable lessons this summer when they traveled to Ukraine to help a local congregation with its vacation Bible school.

Three youth and three adults planned and taught Bible stories, crafts, music, and English lessons to around one hundred children at Church of the Holy Cross in Kremenets, one of 18 congregations in the Ukrainian Lutheran Church. In exchange they learned about Ukrainian culture and what itā€™s like sharing the Word in a different country.

Renee DeMarce, a member at Grace and junior at Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, especially appreciated learning about the hardships the Ukrainians had to go through for their faith. ā€œMy favorite part was hearing the story that was told to us by Deacon Stepan about when he was younger and put in a prison for teaching Godā€™s Word when Christianity was new in Ukraine,ā€ she says. ā€œThey gave him chances to change his ways, and he stayed true to his Christian beliefs. When he went to sleep one night he was surprised when he woke and noticed that all of his hair had gone white overnight. This was a sign to him that God was with him still and his hair changing overnight lead him to stay strong in his faith and continue teaching the Christian faith and being part of it to this day. This story will stick with me my whole life and reassure me in times of trouble that God does not leave us.ā€

Although in many ways this was just like teaching vacation Bible school in the United States, there were some notable differences.

ā€œThe biggest difference was the language barrierā€”every word we said had to go through an interpreter,ā€ says Sarah Kvidt, a member at Faith. ā€œThis took TIME! Pentecost was a huge gift from God!ā€

One of the interpreters even ā€œtranslatedā€ the Ukrainian songs phonetically so the volunteers could learn them. ā€œAfter the Sunday afternoon performance, I was approached by the mayor of Kremenets and congratulated on having learned the right words to their songs,ā€ says Brenda DeMarce.

Although having translators was a necessity for sharing the stories, Renee says they werenā€™t necessary to make connections. ā€œThe children knew that what we were teaching them was important even before they knew what we were saying.ā€

Tenth-grader Noah Kvidt also saw that Christian love trumps language barriers: ā€œThe language barrier was tough, but the love from and for the kids was not hindered,ā€ he says. ā€œOne boy, Max (age 10), was sitting by me during music. He looked up to me, hugged me, and said in his best possible English, ā€˜Noah, I love you.ā€™ I will always cherish that moment forever.ā€

This isnā€™t the first time WELS members have helped with conducting vacation Bible school in Ukraine. Past programs were coordinated through the Evangelical Lutheran Synod and Thoughts of Faith. This time, Roger Neumann, World Missionsā€™ liaison to the Ukrainian Lutheran Church, led a local effort to coordinate volunteers from his congregation in Iowa and from Sharpsburg, Ga. ā€œThey hadnā€™t had a VBS for three years, so we decided we needed to revive this,ā€ says Neumann. ā€œOur volunteers were great witnesses and well received by the church and townspeople of Kremenets.ā€


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Volume 103, Number 10
Issue: October 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


LWMS convention: mission work

LWMS convention highlights mission work

The Chicago Area Circuit of the Lutheran Womenā€™s Missionary Society (LWMS) welcomed nearly 1,100 WELS women from around the world to praise God and show their support for WELS mission work. ā€œChrist Alone, Our Cornerstoneā€ was the theme for the 53rd annual LWMS convention, held June 23ā€“26 in St. Charles, Ill.

During the convention, members attended several workshops and learned from home and world mission speakers about what God is doing through WELS missionariesā€”and through all of his people. ā€œAs a mom, I definitely want my kids to learn that missionaries arenā€™t just people that maybe live in a different country,ā€ says Katherine Schmoller, a member at Lamb of God, Lafayette, Ind. ā€œWeā€™re all called to be missionaries for Christ and we can do that whether we live in Zambia, or whether we live in Indiana or Wisconsin or anywhere (that) Christ has called us to share the good news.ā€

Missionary Terry Schultz, the preacher for opening worship, was amazed at the enthusiasm of the attendees. ā€œTo stand up on stage and see over one thousand women have such a passion for missionsā€”itā€™s like no other church service you can imagine,ā€ he says. ā€œTheir support through their prayers, volunteer work, and their gifts allows WELS to bring that Bible-based truth to all ends of the earth.ā€

About $53,000 was gathered during the convention for mission projects, and more than $143,000 was received throughout the year from LWMS chapters and its k.i.d.s. care program.

ā€œSuch faithful support isnā€™t taken for granted,ā€ says Keith Free, administrator of Home Missions. ā€œIt is another evidence of the power of the Lordā€™s love moving hearts to support the work we do in WELS through Home and World Missions,ā€Ā Karen Fischer, LWMS president, sums up the convention: ā€œIt was a wonderful, emotion-filled convention that underscored how God takes all of usā€”little pieces of rubbleā€”to build his church as he sees fit, making more of us together than we could ever make individually and building a diverse church full of saints around the world.ā€

Next yearā€™s convention will be held June 22ā€“25, 2017, in Orlando, Fla.

Learn more about LWMS at


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Volume 103, Number 10
Issue: October 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Training strong school leaders

ā€œI know Iā€™ve only been a principal for two months, but itā€™s a neat job that I wouldnā€™t trade for anything,ā€ says Bill Fuerstenau, principal at Bethany Lutheran School, Hustisford, Wis.

Fuerstenau originally wasnā€™t planning on being a principalā€”or even a teacher. But as a sophomore at UW-Eau Claire, he still didnā€™t know what he should major in. After attending a recruitment Sunday that shared more about the mission of Martin Luther College (MLC), both he and his now wife decided to go to New Ulm, Minn., to train as called workers.

ā€œI got this feeling that Iā€™d like to be a principalā€”not in charge of a faculty but working with them and helping other teachers by making their job easier,ā€ he says.

After his graduation in 2011, he was assigned as a teacher at St. John, Montello, Wis. One of the school board members saw his potential and recommended him for the Leadership Candidate Training program, a one-year program that helps prepare teachers to be principals or early childhood directors.

The Commission on Lutheran Schools started this program to address the need for additional principals and early childhood directors. The goal is to identify teachers already serving in WELS schools who have leadership gifts and provide training and mentoring to prepare them for leadership roles.

With many current principals reaching retirement age and the increase in early childhood ministries, the need for these leaders is great. Twenty-five new WELS principals and ten new early childhood directors were needed in each of the last two school years. While some of these positions were filled temporarily by pastors and interim teachers, 14 men were assigned directly from MLC as principals and 10 women as early childhood directors. ā€œThe goal is to have principals and directors who first have been able to become strong teachers before asking them to serve in leadership roles,ā€ says Jim Rademan, director of Lutheran Schools. ā€œThatā€™s what would be best for the growth of those teachers and, most important, for the children entrusted in their care.ā€

While Lutheran Schools does provide training and mentoring for those assigned to leadership roles directly after graduation, it is working to find and train experienced teachers in the field to serve in these roles instead. Thatā€™s where the Leadership Candidate Training program and graduate coursework comes in.

Fuerstenau was one of eight men and seven women who participated in the program during 2015ā€“16. These teachers attended several leadership conferences and seminars and were assigned a project during that year. They also were matched up with an experienced principal or early childhood director to mentor them.

ā€œTo hear all the things they do to be effective leaders was a really awesome experience,ā€ Fuerstenau says about the conferences he attended. ā€œAnd then bringing it all home and having one-on-one time with my mentor . . . has been really invaluable in preparing me to be a principal.ā€

Fuerstenau received his call to be principal and fifth through eighth grade teacher at Bethany about two-thirds of the way through the program. Heā€™s excited about his new administrative responsibilities, which include working on the curriculum, the budget, faculty development and communication, and school accreditation.

Heā€™s also happy that his school board recognizes that he needs time for these new duties. ā€œThey set up a part-time teacher to teach half days so that I can focus on accreditation,ā€ he says. Bethany is going to help him finance his continuing education as well, which includes enrolling in Martin Luther Collegeā€™s masterā€™s program.

Even though the program is developing new leaders, Rademan says that principal and early childhood director vacancies will continue in upcoming years. He also says that there are shortages of teachers who speak Spanish and who are prepared to serve in urban areas. ā€œThese are three key areas where we really need to pray for additional people who are willing to serve and be trained.ā€

Learn about the Principal Training Program, another way Lutheran Schools is training future school leaders, in this monthā€™s edition of WELS Connection.


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Volume 103, Number 10
Issue: October 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Called worker compensation changes discussed

In 2015, the Compensation Review Committee of the Synodical Council began a comprehensive examination of the synodā€™s compensation guidelines at the request of the 2015 synod in convention. The goal was to simplify the guidelines if possible, to address the question of whether the guidelines can or should do more to provide increased compensation for increased responsibilities, and to analyze whether the current way that years of experience are compensated is functioning as it should.

Earle Treptow, chairman of the Compensation Review Committee, says, ā€œThe committee, after about four months of work, came to the realization that many of the concerns about the present compensation guidelines were actually addressed in the current guidelines adopted in 2003. The problem has been that calling bodies havenā€™t consistently applied the guidelinesā€™ recommendations. The Compensation Review Committee decided to focus on a repackaging of the guidelines, with some revisions, rather than a radical reworking of them.ā€

The committee presented preliminary thoughts in the 2016 Report to the Twelve Districts and sought comments and input from district convention delegates. District convention delegates had a wide range of opinions.

One area that Treptow says the districts unanimously supported was the production of a user-friendly, web-based tool to assist calling bodies in determining appropriate compensation. The committee is now working with WELS Technology to prepare an online form to help calling bodies with this important work.

A proposal that most districts rejected was the suggestion of reducing the salary matrix from 32 years to 22 years. The committeeā€™s intention in offering that proposal was to have compensation based more on duties and responsibilities than simply on the number of years someone has been serving in the public ministry. Treptow notes that the Compensation Review Committee was not suggesting that workers with more than 22 years of service ought to have their salaries frozen for the remainder of their service, but that was a concern of district convention delegates.

ā€œOur intention was to encourage calling bodies to be more mindful in their approach to compensation,ā€ says Treptow, ā€œspending a little more timeĀ reflecting on what they are asking of their called workersā€”instead of merely pulling a number from a matrixā€”and that the result would be a greater appreciation for the time and effort those workers are expending with compensation reflecting that. The districts that rejected the proposal thought it would fly in the face of our goal to have compensation that shows double honor to public ministers of the gospel. From their perspective, the proposal was a bit naĆÆve or at least idealistic.ā€

Treptow notes that this suggestion was removed from the committeeā€™s considerations at its July meeting when the committee began to consider the districtsā€™ feedback.

The Compensation Review Committee will bring its final conclusions and any recommendations to the Synodical Council as it develops the ministry financial plan for the next biennium. Any changes in the compensation guidelines would need the approval of the 2017 synod convention.


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Volume 103, Number 9
Issue: September 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


2016 Youth rally impacts teens

More than 2,500 WELS teens and their adult leaders from across the country gathered at Colorado State Universityā€“Fort Collins, Colo., June 28ā€“July 1 to worship, study, have fun, and celebrate the One who has washed away every sin.

The 2016 WELS International Youth Rally, organized by WELS Commission on Youth and Family Ministry, featured worship, two keynote speakers and several educational workshops focused around the theme ā€œOur God Reigns,ā€ based on Isaiah 52.

ā€œThe whole rally experience is designed to meet the kids where they are at today,ā€ says John Boggs, chairman of the Commission on Youth and Family Ministry. ā€œIt is designed for them to have fun, to be edified, and to understand and cherish the truth that they are not alone, that they have brothers and sisters throughout this country who are involved in the struggle with them, who know Jesus, and who share the truth and joy that they have in him.ā€

The rallyā€™s mission is to provide teens and adult youth leaders with Bible-focused worship, education, and fellowship opportunities that deepen their commitment to Christ and the church. Here is what some rally-goers said about their experiences . . .

Duke Backhaus, 18, from St. Paulā€™s, Tomah, Wis., was impressed by the presentations offered. ā€œThe workshops were amazing; I really loved them. They all pointed me toward Christ and taught me a lot. I know now Iā€™m going to be a pastor.ā€

Emily Gage, 18, from Good Shepherd, Woodlands, Tex., explains what it is like to worship daily with more than 2,500 other teens: ā€œIt was awesome to praise God with so many fellow Christians my age and to know that everyone is here for the same reason.ā€

Grant Kloosterman, 16, from Living Word, Gray, Tenn., sums up his thoughts on his first rally: ā€œWELS really is like a big family. It seems everyone knows someone and nobody here at the rally feels like a stranger. We all love each other. It was great to end each day with evening reflection time. It was a time to relax, discuss, learn, and listen with your youth leaders and friends on the incredible day we all experienced.ā€

Boggs says, ā€œThe young people of our synod are not just the future of our synod; they are the here and now of our synod. They need to be in worship and Bible study, and they need our prayers, support and attention now.ā€

The next WELS International Youth Rally will be held in 2018.

To watch video presentations from the rally, go to


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Volume 103, Number 9
Issue: September 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


District conventions 2016

Each of WELSā€™ 12 districts met in convention this June, considering local ministry topics along with issues that apply to the entire synod.

Lay delegate Paul Giovinazzo, a member of Good Shepherd, South Attleboro, Mass., summed up his North Atlantic District convention experience by saying, ā€œWhen you come from a congregation that is isolated from other like-minded believers, you often feel like you are on an island all by yourself. It is so nice to be reminded that you are part of something bigger, that there are other Christians who share your faith and an appreciation for the truths found in Godā€™s Word.ā€

Each district held elections for district officers. Four new district presidents were electedā€”Philip Hirsch, Nebraska District; Charles Westra, South Atlantic District; David Kolander, Southeastern Wisconsin District; and Michael Jensen, Western Wisconsin District.

In addition to elections, worship, Bible study, and presentations, delegates considered information reported by the areas of ministry in the Report to the Twelve Districts.

Delegates also had a sneak peek of the new Luther movie being developed by Boettcher+Trinklein Television, Inc., through the support of Thrivent Financial, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in October 2017. The movie will be shown on PBS. To view the trailer, visit

Four new district presidents elected

As Mark Schroeder, synod president, notes, ā€œA turnover of one-third of the district presidents is rare.ā€

Yet in 2016, four new district presidents were elected. This took place because three district presidentsā€”John Guse, South Atlantic District; David Rutschow, Southeastern Wisconsin District; and Herb Prahl, Western Wisconsin Districtā€”announced before the conventions that they would not seek re-election as they were considering retiring from the full-time ministry and because Nebraska District President Earle Treptow accepted a call to Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.

The president of each district plays an important role in the ministry of the synod. His responsibilities include

ā€¢ overseeing the doctrine and practice in his districtā€™s congregations;

ā€¢ providing congregations with call lists to fill vacancies;

ā€¢ encouraging the called workers in his district and providing them with individual counsel; and

ā€¢ serving on the Conference of Presidents.

Meet the men who were newly elected in June to serve as district presidents.

Philip Hirsch, Nebraska District

Currently serves: Hope, Manhattan, Kan.

Family: He and his wife, Kristi, have seven children

What do you view as your most important job as district president? To help the brothers proclaim the unconditional gospel of Jesus Christ at a time when it is so easy to take oneā€™s eye off the ball and do some other nice or even churchy thingā€”something other than proclaim the unconditional gospel of Jesus Christ to the sinner-saints.

What are some ways that God has blessed the Nebraska District? The Nebraska District is 89 congregations spread all around mid-America and the Rocky Mountain West, gathering in the name of the Lord of the church and trusting in his presence. Weā€™re blessed with older brothers and sisters who have seen the trends come and go and yet are pleased and thankful for the gospel, above all. Weā€™re blessed to serve dyed-in-the-wool confessional Lutherans who know what that means. And weā€™re blessed to serve many new converts to the faith who are simply overjoyed to know the peace of God in Christ Jesus. Weā€™re blessed with Lutheran school principals and teachers who recognize the privilege of serving the gospel. Weā€™re blessed with two district mission boards that take seriously the business of planting churches in the worldā€™s third largest mission fieldā€”the United States of America.

Michael Jensen, Western Wisconsin District

Currently serves: St. Markā€™s, Watertown, Wis.

Family: He and his wife, Jane, have seven children and three grandchildren

What do you view as your most important job as district president? Being a servant/pastor of Christ to the called workers, congregations, schools, and people of our district.

How has God prepared you to serve as district president? As I look back on my life and the people Christ has placed in my life, I see the gracious hand of my Savior in every aspect of my life. Iā€™ll also add my voice to the apostle Paulā€™s: ā€œOur competency comes from Christā€ (2 Corinthians 3:4-6).

What are some ways that God has blessed the Western Wisconsin District? The Western Wisconsin District includes

ā€¢ 172 congregations filled with faithful people and faithful pastors listening to and proclaiming Christā€™s gospel;

ā€¢ 104 Lutheran elementary and preschools, three area Lutheran high schools, and a synod preparatory school, all filled with hundreds of faithful gospel teachers serving and children hearing of their Savior every day; and

ā€¢ countless opportunities for outreach even in an established district.

Any other thoughts? Iā€™m just another sinner-saint, claimed and kept by Godā€™s underserved love in Christ, ā€œpressing on toward the goal for which Christ took hold of meā€ (Philippians 3:12).

David Kolander, Southeastern Wisconsin District

Currently serves: Christ the Lord, Brookfield, Wis.

Family: He and his wife, Lu, have three children.

What do you view as your most important job as district president? To seek to apply Godā€™s Word to people and situations in a Christ-centered, evangelical manner. In that connection it is also important for the district president to encourage the called workers of his district to ā€œwatch their life and their doctrine closely,ā€ as the apostle Paul encouraged Timothy. As called workers, we want to say what God wants us to say, and we want to live in a way that is consistent with Godā€™s wonderful message of forgiveness.

What are some ways that God has blessed the Southeastern Wisconsin District? The Southeastern Wisconsin District is blessed to have such a high concentration of WELS members, congregations, and schools. One thing this allows us to do is to provide extra opportunities to worship, fellowship, and serve. Our challenge is to not take these many opportunities for granted but to be grateful to God for the extra chances we have to be built up and edified in our Christian faith and life. It is a joy to see so many people in one area look at Godā€™s Word in the same way with humble love, gratitude, and respect.

Any other thoughts? Please pray for all of us who serve you in this way, that God might give us joy, patience, wisdom, firmness, and love.

Charles Westra, South Atlantic District

Currently serves: Christ Our Savior, Columbia, Tenn.

Family: He and his wife, Deb, have four children

What do you view as your most important job as district president? I have been called to serve as pastor to the called workers and congregations of our district. That is an immense privilege and tremendous responsibility. That pastoral responsibility could bring many different challenges and duties. I am comforted by the simple fact that it is all ā€œmeans of graceā€ ministry and that the Lord of the church remains in control of his church.

How has God prepared you to serve as district president? He declared that I am innocent through the work of his Son. He claimed me as his own in baptism. He continues to nourish me through his life-giving Word and sacrament. Over the years of representative ministry he has also given me opportunities for experience in our congregation and in working with many other congregations in our district and beyond.

What are some ways that God has blessed the South Atlantic District? God has blessed the South Atlantic District with a faithful and evangelical district president for more than three decades. We are thankful to God for Pastor John Guse and his leadership among us. Through Pastor Guse, God has given an example of mission spirit and faithful ministry.

Members of the Conference of Presidents

Mark Schroeder, synod president

James Huebner, first vice president

Joel Voss, second vice president

Jon Buchholz, Arizona-California District president

Charles Degner, Minnesota District president

Douglas Free, Dakota-Montana District president

Philip Hirsch, Nebraska District president

Michael Jensen, Western Wisconsin District president

David Kolander, Southeastern Wisconsin District president

Donald Patterson, South Central District president

John Seifert, Michigan District president

John Steinbrenner, Pacific Northwest District president

Donald Tollefson, North Atlantic District president

Charles Westra, South Atlantic District president

Joel Zank, Northern Wisconsin District president

Robert Pasbrig, synod secretary (advisory member)


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Volume 103, Number 9
Issue: September 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Helping youth workers transform their ministries

ā€œAbout two-thirds of the young people who are confirmed in WELS churches are still attending church as often as once a month by the time they are 19 years old.ā€ That is one of the findings of a study WELS conducted in the early 2000s about youth membership in our churches. It was also estimated that less than 20% of WELS young people are retained in the church from the time of their baptism until age 30.

More recent studies by independent research groups have shown similar trends with youth in other denominations. For example, a 2013 Barna Group survey found that nearly 60% of Millennials with a Christian background have, at some point, dropped out of going to church after having gone regularly.

ā€œResearch shows that youth are falling away from big, mega churches, just as much as our churches,ā€ says Rev. Jon Enter, pastor at Hope, West Palm Beach, Fla., and youth coordinator for South Atlantic District. ā€œWe need to do something about this, but many congregations donā€™t know where to start.ā€

That was the impetus for creating the new School of Youth and Family called Transformed: Equipping Youth Leaders, an eight-part video series that includes presentations by youth workers from around the synod and shares ideas and resources to help congregations transform their youth ministries.

ā€œIt all boils down to the spiritual aspect of our kids,ā€ says Enter, who is leading this effort. ā€œIf they continue to grow in their faith and they have ownership in our churches, then they stay engaged.ā€ Thatā€™s why the videos ā€” which include topics like Christian mentoring, games and activities, youth-driven Bible studies and faith experiences ā€” focus on helping youth create meaningful relationships with each other, with their churches and with Godā€™s Word.

ā€œWe have done a great job of training our kids in school and in confirmation class,ā€ says Enter. ā€œThey have a very informed faith. But they struggle with sharing it and using it. So instead of just a cerebral thing, we want this to be heart and soul thing. We want to completely connect kids into the DNA of their local church and to get them to actively serve. We want to them to feel like this is my church.ā€

Along with the downloadable videos, which focus on the importance of the different aspects of youth ministry, congregations can also access a collection of Bible studies, recommended reading and ā€œhow-toā€ resources for their youth ministries.

ā€œI pray congregations will be excited after watching the videos and, Lord-willing, implement a lot of these things into their ministries,ā€ says Enter. He says that even making small changes or refocusing some time and energy can have a big impact. ā€œWeā€™re not trying to drastically change what weā€™re doing. We are just looking at things a little differently and then asking God to bless them.ā€

For more information about the program, watch Enterā€™s presentation at the 2016 Youth Rally at To order the video series and accompanying resources, visit and search for ā€œtransformed equipping youth leaders.ā€ Special pre-sale pricing ends Oct. 31.


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Author: Alicia Neumann
Volume 103, Number 9
Issue: September 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Working together

ā€œWe were all working togetherā€”the district mission board, WELS Church Extension Fund, and us,ā€ says Bob Giebelhaus, president of Our Shepherd, Cornville, Ariz. ā€œWe were all going for the same thing. And to me, God was leading the way.ā€

Our Shepherd, an unsubsidized home mission, recently bought land with an existing house and shop and is renovating the buildings to serve as its new church in the Verde Valley. The 82-member congregation which started as a satellite of Christ, Prescott Valley, Ariz., in 2014, held its charter service in October 2015.

The congregation currently worships in a local elementary school. ā€œWe need to show that weā€™re going to be here for the long haul,ā€ says Giebelhaus, ā€œso thatā€™s the reason we started looking for property.ā€

Our Shepherd worked closely with its district mission board through the process, which included becoming an unsubsidized home mission. This allowed the mission to apply for a loan and grant from the WELS Church Extension Fund (WELS CEF). The congregation plans to have an open house for its renovated facility this fall.

WELS CEF and the Board for Home Missions are excited to work together in this way to help congregations build churches for future generations. Our Shepherd is just one of 19 congregations that received a loan from WELS CEF in fiscal year 2016. Each congregation has a unique story:

Redemption, Watertown, N.Y.ā€”This relatively new mission started in 2014 to reach out to a largely unchurched city as well as serve military personnel at nearby Fort Drum. The congregation meets weekly on Sunday for worship and Bible study at the local community center but has no place to go during the week for fellowship and community outreach events. ā€œPeople are really skeptical of religion here,ā€ says Harland Goetzinger III, Redemptionā€™s pastor. ā€œI knew we needed a permanent place because it was too great of an obstacle for people otherwise.ā€

Because rental properties are expensive in this area, the congregation began looking for a building to buy. It purchased an old furniture store in December 2015 and is working on renovations. Loans and grants from WELS CEF is making that possible. ā€œTo get a loan from a normal bank would have been impossible because we have no credit history,ā€ says Goetzinger. ā€œTo have this resource [in WELS] is just immense.ā€

Living Word, Montrose, Colo.ā€”Living Word is a veteran in terms of working with WELS CEF. It received its first loan in 2011 to build its original facility and is now working with WELS CEF to finance a 1,900-square-foot addition. The congregation originally worshiped in a storefront but built a church so that it could start a preschool. That preschool has grown and serves 28 children, only one of whom is a member. ā€œAsĀ the preschool grew bigger and our congregation grew bigger, we decided we would like to have dedicated space for the preschool as well as extra space for bigger events,ā€ says Matt Frey, Living Wordā€™s pastor. Builders For Christ, a division of Kingdom Workers, built the original church and is now constructing the addition.

Living Promise, Morristown, Tenn.ā€”Matt Westra, Living Promiseā€™s pastor, arrived in 2011 to start this home mission with nine core members. Now the almost 80-member congregation has outgrown its second rental facility. When members began looking for a new space, they discovered that it wasnā€™t that much more expensive to build their own facility, especially after receiving a special grant from WELS CEF to purchase land. In October 2015, Living Promise broke ground on its new building, which includes space for a future early childhood ministry. It plans to hold a grand opening this August.

Westra says that since construction started, the congregationā€™s website traffic has tripled and a dozen people have visited for the first time. ā€œThere are three dozen storefront churches in our town of 30,000, most of which donā€™t last more than a few years,ā€ says Westra. ā€œHaving our own facility just gives us a bunch of legitimacy. Morristown is Living Promiseā€™s home, and we pray weā€™re going to be here for generations to come.ā€

He also is thankful for partnerships. ā€œKettle Moraine Lutheran High School students came down to hand out fliers that a Lutheran Womenā€™s Missionary Society group helped pay for that promote a project that would not be possible without WELS CEF. Thank God that we can walk together as a synod!ā€

Learn more about WELS CEF at and in this monthā€™s edition of WELS Connection.



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Volume 103, Number 8
Issue: August 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Picture this

From her first camera that she received at her confirmation (one that used 110 film) to her latest cell phone (which she says she picked out based on the camera), Naomi Green has been hooked on photography. ā€œFor as long as I can remember, it has been a passion for me,ā€ she says. ā€œWherever I go, it is just something my mind does. I always think, How would I frame that? What would be the best lighting for that? Itā€™s just part of who I am.ā€

So when a friend on Facebook shared with her a photo challenge sponsored by WELSTech, a weekly podcast that explore the use of technology to further the spread of the gospel, there wasnā€™t a question in her mind about whether or not she should participate. ā€œI had to take part in it,ā€ she says.

The contest, which started in August 2015, asks photographers to take photos based on a monthly theme. All photos submitted are then included in an online public domain album for use by our churches and schools.

Sallie Draper, co-host of WELSTech, says the idea came about after a summer series on the WELSTech podcast about the importance of images in communication. ā€œIt was really well received, and that was the genesis of the photo challengeā€”letā€™s build up an image library for churches and schools to use,ā€ she says. Many of the themes are built around the church year, providing images for congregations to use throughout the year in their visual communications.

Green has participated almost every month, sometimes submitting slice-of-life snapshots and sometimes setting up specific still-life images. ā€œIt is fun as a photographer to have something to motivate you,ā€ says Green, a member at St. Peter, Monticello, Minn. ā€œAnd what a cool thing for me to be able to take something I love to do and have it help other people.ā€

While photography is just a hobby for her, Green also volunteers her time and talents to her local church and WELS high school, taking photos for their websites and promotional pieces.

The photo challenge is now giving herā€”and other photographersā€”an opportunity to further hone their skills and share their talents with a broader audience.

ā€œWhen I think about this photography challenge, itā€™s a practical applications of 1 Corinthians 10:31, ā€˜So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.ā€™ I see this as a way of giving glory to God and helping him with whatever I do,ā€ says Green. ā€œItā€™s something that I love to do, and it can be used for Godā€™s kingdomā€”and itā€™s fun!ā€

The WELSTech photo challenge runs through August 2016. The challenge theme for the month of July is summer and church. Find out more at To viewā€”or useā€”the more than 650 photos taken by over 30 photographers, go to



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Volume 103, Number 7
Issue: July 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


From Liberia to Las Vegas and back again

Isaac David has not had an easy life. In fact, at one point, he was so disappointed in God, he stopped going to church. Now, however, he is looking for every opportunity he can to share the message of salvationā€”whether to legal immigrants in his home city of Las Vegas or to the people of his homeland in Liberia. ā€œI know God has been faithful and he has been carrying me through,ā€ he says. ā€œWhat I am today is not by my strength but because God has a plan for my life.

David was born and raised as a Christian in Liberia. But with the eruption of a civil war in 1989, his life changed dramatically. In 1990, at the age of 10, he witnessed his parents being murdered. He escaped and traveled to Nigeria by boatā€”along with 30,000 other refugees. There he grew up as an orphan in a refugee camp, often with little food or medication. ā€œI slept on the ground for eight years,ā€ he says.

He was mad at God. ā€œChurch was not my priority because I was going to church in Liberia and now I lost my parentsā€”both of them in the war,ā€ he says. ā€œSo I felt that God had let me down.ā€

In time he returned to church and even agreed to study to be a church leader. He went to high school and college to study to be a teacher. In 2003, he immigrated to America and was among the first Liberian refugees to settle in Las Vegas, Nev.

After settling in, he became concerned about the faith of his peopleā€”and that of other immigrants flooding into the area. He says that the immigrants were not going to church, probably due to cultural and language differences. He decided to open a churchā€”the Chapel of Improvement Christian Fellowshipā€”to reach these immigrants. ā€œMy goal was to reach African refugees that come to Las Vegas with the gospel of Christ and to remind them of the promises that were made before coming to America,ā€ he says.

He began studying at a Lutheran seminary but found it was too liberal for him. After an Internet search for conservative Christian church bodies, he discovered WELS. Now David is studying to be a pastor through the Pastoral Studies Institute (PSI) of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, with plans to graduate in May 2017.

Part of Davidā€™s ministry is providing material items to new refugees to help them get started in America. Along with the pots and pans, the soap and detergent, is information about the church and an invitation to worship. He is also working with Water of Life, Las Vegas, to set up a first friends program, in which volunteers establish relationships with the refugees. ā€œThey minister the Word of God to them but also help them out in American society,ā€ says David.

The congregation recently has started a second site that is closer to where the refugees are settling down. More than 100 people from 13 different nationalities are being served.

David, however, doesnā€™t just want to help refugees to America. He also wants to share the gospel in Liberia. When he traveled there in 2014 to see family members, he started five churches and began training more than 30 leaders.

In March 2016, David returned to register these congregations with the government as the Confessional Lutheran Church of Liberia. John Vogt, one of Davidā€™s PSI professors, and Matt Vogt, pastor at Water of Life, met him there in April to attend the first convention of the new church as well as to teach courses to the leaders. John Vogt writes, ā€œThe conventionā€™s worship servicesā€”unlike anything we experience in the U.S.ā€”were filled with a joy, enthusiasm and volume. The reports indicated that worship attendance and congregational membership are about 900, and 18 men are serving as pastors. On Saturday we taught a day-long course on law and gospelā€”57 people attended the full course and received a certificate of attendance.ā€ He reports that 62 studentsā€”pastors plus other leaders and teachersā€”then attended two weeks more of full-day classes for ministerial training.

ā€œThe Lord is providing WELS with a world mission field right at our door,ā€ says Larry Schlomer, administrator of WELS World Missions. ā€œNew immigrants arrive in our cities and towns looking for a place to belong. When the love of our members reaches out with the gospel, the Holy Spirit goes to work. These new, God-planned connections are helping our synod reach with the message of Jesusā€™ love far beyond what where we could ever go on our own.ā€

Both the WELS Joint Mission Council and WELS Christian Aid and Relief are providing funding for Davidā€™s work in Las Vegas. Learn more about Christian Aid and Reliefā€™s work in Las Vegas in the July WELS Connection.



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Volume 103, Number 7
Issue: July 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Where are they now? – Crown of Life, Corona, Calif.

In Forward in Christ, we report the news but arenā€™t always able to follow up. Where are they now? is our way of giving you the rest of the story.

In January 2013, we gave you a glimpse into the ministry of Crown of Life, a congregation in southern California whose goal was to be one church with multiple services in multiple locations so that it could have the intimacy of a small church with the impact of a large church.

Hereā€™s a recap:

Crown of Life was established in Corona, Calif., as a home mission in 1998. By November 2012 the 396-member congregation was holding four weekly services in three different locations and was served by two pastors. It saw potential for outreach in several other locations.

So where are they now?

Michael Johnson, pastor at Crown of Life, explains that in 2014 a sister congregation in Yucaipa, Calif., about 10 miles from Crown of Lifeā€™s Beaumont location, decided to close its doors and dissolve as a church because its numbers had dropped and the congregation was aging.

ā€œWhen they closed,ā€ says Johnson, ā€œthey offered us their building and property, and we began what we now call ā€˜saving sacred spaces.ā€™ We gratefully accepted their generous offer, renovated and updated the building, and moved our Beaumont group to Yucaipa. We currently average 70s in Yucaipa with lots of young families and children attending.ā€

The Board for Home Missions believes that the practice of ā€œsaving sacred spacesā€ can be a valuable tool for outreach.

As Johnson explains, ā€œIn southern California and probably in many other places, WELS has struggling small congregations with land and buildings that are in danger of closing and the property being sold. In some areas, such as southern California, if we lose these sacred spaces, we may never be here again or it may cost us dearly to re-establish ourselves. For the sake of the souls around these sacred spaces, Crown of Life has included ā€˜saving sacred spacesā€™ as part of our multi-site mission.ā€

In May 2015, Crown of Life began working with St. Paul, Riverside, on a second ā€œsaving sacred spacesā€ project. The plan is for St. Paulā€™s, a small 45-year-Ā old congregation with a church, to join with Crown of Life to better reach out with the gospel to those in the Riverside area. The group from Crown of Life that has been worshiping at a rented Riverside storefront plans to move to St. Paulā€™s church in the fall, and two services are planned to be held there each Sunday.

Mike Johnson, a member at Crown of Life, says, ā€œI think what makes Crown of Life special is the vision and mission set by the pastors. I have been here from the beginning and have seen Crown of Life grow from one service to the five we currently have. They could have been satisfied with one campus but have been seekers of the lost and continue to move forward in the great commission.ā€

With its stated mission to ā€œget the gospel to as many people as possible,ā€ members of Crown of Life are thankful for how God has blessed their congregation but are not ready to slow down their aggressive outreach plan. In 2015, the congregation supported a vision of ā€œ6 by 20,ā€ indicating its goal of establishing three more worship and outreach locations during the next five years.



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Volume 103, Number 7
Issue: July 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Youā€™ll never be the same

When Rachel (Kionka) Schroeder arrived in Malawi after her graduation from Martin Luther College (MLC), New Ulm, Minn., in 2007, she knew sheā€™d crossed a threshold, not only into a new country, but into a new way of seeing the world.

A year later, she wrote: ā€œThe joy hits before you even get out of the truck. The choir sways out of the small brick church, clapping and dancing. Then they begin to sing. It is a sound youā€™ve never heard before; the harmonies are more brilliant, more penetrating. Stepping down onto the dirt, you realize you will never be the same again.ā€

Schroederā€™s written reflection and accompanying photo earned her MLCā€™s Thalassa Prize in 2008.

Thalassa is a Greek word meaning ā€œthe sea.ā€ The Thalassa contest gives MLC students and graduates whoā€™ve served overseas an opportunity to share their experiences through a photo and 300-word reflection.

Thalassa Prize winners are awarded $1,000, half of which they designate to a mission of their choice. The prize was funded by a founding donor the first seven years, then by another donor for one year, and now by the MLC International Services Office.

The year 2016 marks ten years of Thalassa. Johannah Crass won the 2016 prize with her entry from Antigua, ā€œWhite Robes.ā€ Her submission joined more than one hundred over the yearsā€”from Peruvian villages and teeming cities in Asia, from a snowy Siberian college town and the sun-soaked Caribbean, from a Brazilian fazenda and the Zambian bush. Each photo and reflection is rich in particulars but tells the same storyā€”of human needs and the Savior who meets them.

In honor of this anniversary year, the ten Thalassa winners reflected again on their ministries overseas, noting what they did afterward, what they learned, how they were changed.

Rachel Schroeder taught at two Lutheran high schools; chaperoned a mission trip to Ukraine; and spent another year overseas, this time in Mexico with her husband, Howard. She recalls that the Malawians taught her more than she ever taught them: to be happy even in the toughest of circumstances, to focus on Christ, and to consider service to the Lord a great privilege.

The 2007 winner, Kristina (Wessel) Troge, notes that she still uses the Spanish skills she honed in the Dominican Republic at Divine Savior Lutheran Academy in Miami, Fla. Similarly, the 2011 winner, Amber (Schlomer) Poth, lives in St. Louis, where she uses her Mandarin skills with the large Chinese population.

The 2012 winner, Paul Kelm, served in Japan from 1987 to 1989 and the Czech Republic from 1994 to 2006. Now teaching at Risen Savior, Milwaukee, Wis., he says: ā€œSharing

Godā€™s Word in Milwaukee, though a world apart from the work we did in the Czech Republic, is still exciting and humbling. I am thrilled that the Lord continues to use me and my family to do his work of sharing his love and forgiveness with the world around us.ā€

See all the winning entries plus additional photos in the ten-year anniversary booklet, Martin Luther College Thalassa Prize 2007-2016, at



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Volume 103, Number 7
Issue: July 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Our thankful response to Godā€™s gifts update

The 2016 stewardship emphasis determined by the Conference of Presidentsā€”364 Days of Thanksgivingā€”focuses on how we can be thankful every day for the blessings God gives us.

The three-week emphasis builds on the popular Northwestern Publishing House book written by Andrew Schroer, pastor at Redeemer, Edna, Texas.

ā€œUsing the unique devotionalā€”part book, part journalā€”will help our families ā€˜live a life of thankfulness to God every day,ā€™ ā€ says Kurt Lueneburg, director of the Ministry of Christian Giving. ā€œIn addition to the 26 uplifting devotions, weā€™ll be encouraged to write down one thing we are grateful for each day of the year. In doing so, we will begin to recognize Godā€™s blessings in our lives and can flip back to them whenever we need a reminder. Such a review will also provide encouragement as we generously respond to Godā€™s love for us in Jesus.ā€

The stewardship emphasisā€”whether used by itself or as an introduction to the continued used of the devotional bookā€”will include three sermons on thankfulness,Ā worship helps, and a related three-lesson Bible study. It can be used any time of the year but may fit nicely in November leading into Thanksgiving or in January at the start of a new year. Pastors can order a kit through Northwestern Publishing House that includes the sermons, Bible study materials, and one copy of the book. Bulk discounts are available for congregations that want to order multiple copies of the book for their members.

ā€œIt has more application than just for a brief stewardship emphasis,ā€ says Lueneburg. ā€œI would use it as a way to encourage daily devotional timeā€”to get people to regularly reflect on Godā€™s gracious, abundant blessings to them and how they may live confident, joyful, generous lives in grateful reaction to those blessings.ā€

Learn more about the program at


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Volume 103, Number 06
Issue: June 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


An app to let your light shine

When Paul Bourman first arrived at Martin Luther College (MLC), New Ulm, Minn., he opted to take Spanish courses in addition to biblical-related languages. With eyes set on being a pastor, ā€œI wanted to pick the language that would be most useful in a future ministry,ā€ he explains.Ā After studying Spanish at MLC as well as in five other countries in Latin America, Bourman, who is heading to Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary this fall, came across a unique way to combine his Spanish training and ministry. This opportunity came in the form of participating in Whatsapp, a phone messaging app that facilitates group texting. The feature is widely used in WELS Latin America outreach initiatives, and students such as Bourman are using it to help spread Godā€™s Word to Spanish speakers on a regular basis.

Whatsapp is one of the main ways individuals in Latin America communicate. This free app allows users to create groups and then send messages that everyone in the group can easily see. From sports activities to school classes and social groups, Whatsapp provides a space in which everyone can stay connected and be included. ā€œKeeping everyone involved goes along with Latin American culture,ā€ notes Mike Hartman, field coordinator for Latin America.

Whatsapp is used in connection with (Christ Academy). This site provides free Spanish video and audio resources that share the gospel message and teach lessons on Christianity and the Bible.

When visitors to sign up to access these free resources, they are invited to join a Whatsapp group. Participants in each group receive a daily devotion from (Christ Word of Life), a site with Christian resources in Spanish.

During the last year, 4,500 individuals have signed up for, explains Hartman. Of these, 400 people have joined a Whatsapp group as well.Ā ā€œIf people visit your website and leave, they might forget about it,ā€ says Hartman. ā€œBut if you can get them to join a Whatsapp group, you can share Godā€™s Word with them every day and you become known as an organization that is serious about sharing what God says.ā€

To facilitate discussion, Whatsapp groups are limited to 25 participants. When a person asks to join a Whatsapp group, Bourman assigns the individual to a group.Ā He also helps oversee a Whatsapp group. Nearly every day, ā€œI post a devotion and then people react to it,ā€ he says. ā€œSometimes people post a video or share things theyā€™re struggling with.ā€

He continues, ā€œEveryone in the group feels free to talk about things. A lot of times the devotions will bring up questions. Once, for instance, we had a really great discussion about baptism.ā€

Each Whatsapp group has an overseeing pastor as well. The main goal is to share the gospel, stay connected with individuals using, and encourage those interested to study and learn more about the Bible.

In addition, ā€œItā€™s a chance for MLC students to gain experience in letting their light shine in the world,ā€ notes Hartman.

Rachel Hartman


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Author:Ā Rachel Hartman
Volume 103, Number 06
Issue: June 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


New MOSE program helps congregations create action plans for their ministry

The congregation knows what it wants to do. The leaders have spent a lot of time outlining goals and completing a ministry plan. But now comes the hard part ā€” how exactly are they going to do it? Thatā€™s where the Commission on Congregational Counseling comes in. Through its new Ministry Organization and Staffing Evaluation (MOSE) program, the commission helps congregations assess and evaluate their ministry plans and provides recommendations for carrying them out.

ā€œA lot of congregations have a ministry plan and goals for the year, but most donā€™t break those goals down into steps and have people assigned to tasks with due dates,ā€ says Rev. Jon Hein, director of the Commission on Congregational Counseling. ā€œWe help congregations think through their ministry in terms of human resources and how much time it will take.ā€

Hein says this is a very helpful process, since one of the biggest barriers facing congregations is time ā€“ both understanding how itā€™s currently being utilized, and being realistic about how much it will take to carry out their ministry plans. So Hein starts by giving the pastor a sheet to track the time he spends on current ministry. ā€œItā€™s good for the pastor and the congregation to see how much time everything really takes,ā€ he says.

The results can be very eye-opening. For example, one congregation learned that their pastor was logging nearly 90 hours per week. ā€œI interviewed the lay leaders, and they knew he was getting burned out,ā€ he says. ā€œThey told me, ā€˜We need our pastor to let go of some things, but we donā€™t know where, or how, or if heā€™s comfortable with it.ā€™ So thatā€™s my job ā€“ to give them some options.ā€ After learning that the pastor was doing all of the shut-in, hospital and evangelism calls, Hein recommended training congregation members to help with some of those visits. ā€œThe congregation was all on board; they got it,ā€ he says. ā€œThey just needed to go through this process to crystallize things in their head.ā€

After a congregationā€™s current activities are analyzed, the next step is to look at their ministry plans. If a congregation finds they donā€™t have enough time to carry out their plans, Hein provides recommendations about how to fill that gap ā€” either by scaling back the plans or increasing manpower. Not surprisingly, many congregations want to fill the gap by mobilizing volunteers ā€” and Hein says one of the best ways to do that is by creating detailed job descriptions for each role.

ā€œIf you tell people exactly what you expect of them and how much time it will take, and if they can see the purpose and the vision, theyā€™ll consider getting involved,ā€ says Hein. He also recommends actively recruiting people for service, instead of posting sign-up sheets for volunteers. ā€œDonā€™t just have an open call for ministry,ā€ he says. ā€œBe aggressive. If your congregation uses a spiritual gifts inventory, you can look at that and find out which people to talk to. Then ask them face-to-face.ā€

Once the MOSE program is complete, each congregation receives a report with detailed recommendations ā€” and then the congregation works to implement them. Hein says he hopes this program will not only help congregations expand their ministry, but also encourage more members to use their spiritual gifts. ā€œPeople can serve God just as well in their personal life, by being good parent, orĀ neighbor, or employee,ā€ he says. ā€œSo if they are going to give additional time to the church, they want to know itā€™s time well spent. And that requires planning.ā€

The Commission on Congregational Counseling also provides counseling for congregations in the early stages of ministry planning ā€“ either through the Self-Assessment and Adjustment program or School of Strategic Planning events. For more information, visit


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Volume 103, Number 06
Issue: June 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Congregation raises awareness of child abuse

Two years ago, Benjamin Sadler, pastor at Goodview Trinity, Goodview, Minn., attended a seminar on child abuse. Victor Vieth, WELS member and nationally recognized expert on the issue of child abuse, was presenting and shared some sobering statisticsā€”such as one in four people is the victim of some kind of abuse and that victims tend to have a higher propensity toward issues like drug use and promiscuity. ā€œI walked away from that seminar knowing I had to do something,ā€ says Sadler.

He began by addressing the issue of child abuse in his sermons and Bible studies. Soon, members were opening up about their own experiences with the topic. ā€œThe reality is that everybodyā€™s broken,ā€ Sadler says. ā€œEveryoneā€™s got a past, and everyoneā€™s got issues. We want this to be a place where people can be honest about that.ā€

As Sadler brought more attention to the issue, the congregation decided to put a child protection policy in place, which requires background checks for staff and volunteers who will be working with children. ā€œPerpetrators look at churches because they are easy targets; people are accepting,ā€ says Sadler. ā€œThis policy lets them know we are serious. We want this to be a safe place for everybody.ā€

They are also taking this issue into the community. Sadler is part of the Child Abuse Council, a community task force that aims to raise awareness of this issue, and the congregation participates in a program called ā€œCare in Action,ā€ which provides help to families with children in need.

ā€œItā€™s really good for our members to realize that weā€™re here to serve people,ā€ he says. ā€œItā€™s a hard thing for our sinful nature, to help people without expecting anything in return. But there are many people who are giving toward this, and when we have a need we always fill it.ā€

Sadler says thereā€™s still more work to doā€”and he hopes other congregations will consider addressing issues like this. ā€œWe all have baggage and fear and shame and sadness,ā€ he says. ā€œWhen you address these issues, it turns your church from a museum for saints into a hospital for sinners. You become a safe place for broken people to come and hear the good news.ā€

For more information, visit, a website developed by WELS Commission on Special Ministries. The site is geared toward abuse survivors and also offers counseling resources for called workers.


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Volume 103, Number 06
Issue: June 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Eight new home missions approved update

The Board for Home Missions authorized eight new mission starts, three ministry enhancements, and one relocation during a meeting on April 15. New ministry support will total almost $1 million during the next fiscal year.

ā€œPlanting eight new churches is a tremendous blessing,ā€ says Keith Free, administrator of the Board for Home Missions. ā€œThese are eight new locations where the gospel will be proclaimed.ā€

Free is thankful for the generous gifts to Home Missions that helped the board be more aggressive in its planning.

The new ministries that will now be supported include new starts in Lehi, Utah; Coeur dā€™Alene, Idaho; Rockwall, Texas; Fredericksburg, Va.; Atlanta, Ga.; Victoria, Texas; Meridian, Idaho; and Stevens Point, Wis. Five of these ministries will be second sites for established congregations. The development of multi-site ministries is becoming a more common mission strategy for WELS churches.

Home Missions will also support ministry enhancement at three congregationsā€”Centennial, Milwaukee, Wis.; Abiding Grace, Henry-Newton County, Ga.; and Risen Savior, Lakewood Ranch, Fla. These existing congregations will receive funds from Home Missions to support projects that will allow the congregations to reach more people with the gospel. For example, Centennial is using its support from Home Missions to partially fund the calling of a full-time pastor to minister to the many Spanish-speaking people in its neighborhood.

In addition, Home Missions will help Peace, Holiday, Fla., with some transition costs as it moves to Trinity, Fla. This established congregation is already seeing Godā€™s blessing on the new location. Twenty-five adults have been confirmed at Peace during the past 18 months. Members are excited about the opportunity to serve more souls.

Learn more about the work of Home Missions at


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Volume 103, Number 06
Issue: June 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


One in Christ June update

The 2015 synod convention launched the ā€œOne in Christā€ debt elimination offering through June 2016 to eliminate the remaining $4.7 million synod debt. If successful by Godā€™s gracious blessing, the ā€œOne in Christā€ campaign will put our synod in a better financial position to continue the ministry of training workers and establishing missions at home and abroad.

Steve Smith, pastor at Immanuel, Buffalo, Minn., requested more ā€œOne in Christā€ offering brochures on behalf of the members, but, he said, it was his congregationā€™s idea to do the second offering collection: ā€œThe Lord opens hearts. The idea came from the congregation, and I certainly approve.ā€

Kurt Lueneburg, director of the Ministry of Christian Giving, says, ā€œWe glorify our gracious God for this marvelous blessing and thank all who have participated to date. We also encourage those still planning to participate in ā€˜One in Christā€™ to consider an effort during the Pentecost season. What a special time for thanksgiving and an offering that, in the end, will benefit our sharing the message of the Resurrection and the Life by the Spiritā€™s power!ā€

Learn more and find resources at


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Volume 103, Number 06
Issue: June 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Latin American Lutherans meet

Twenty-three men from eight different countries attended the first Latin America regional conference of the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC) in MedellĆ­n, Colombia, in April.

While at the conference, attendees were able to grow together through a series of essays on ā€œThe church under the cross.ā€ They also learned about mission work in Spanish-speaking countries and in other areas around the world and encouraged each other in that gospel ministry.

The conference highlighted, an online teaching and training tool for Spanish speakers developed by WELS in 2015. Mike Hartman, field coordinator for Latin America, talked about what is available now as well as discussed future video-based leadership courses. Attendees were then asked to provide feedback on upcoming potential courses.

ā€œWe want to get input on how it is going, how we can use this better, and how we can use this to reach more people and plant more churches in Latin America,ā€ says Nate Seiltz, director of Multi-Language Publications and conference attendee. ā€œIt has to be driven by the nationals.ā€

Attendeesā€”as well as members from Most Holy Trinity, the local congregation sponsoring the conferenceā€”also practiced singing new culturally-appropriate Spanish songs and parts of liturgy that are being developed to add as resources through, a live-streamed, Christ-centered worship site.

While attendees were mostly leaders of missions and national church bodies in Latin America that are in fellowship with WELS and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, two attendeesā€”one from Argentina and one from Colombiaā€”were contacts made through Academia Cristo and online worship.

ā€œWhat was really encouraging to me was [the attendeesā€™] excitement to work together using Academia Cristo to share the gospel wherever they are,ā€ says Seiltz, ā€œand to see them talking with each other . . . about challenges. Itā€™s hard to get that anyplace else than at a conference like this. And then their realization: ā€˜Weā€™re not alone. We have other people whom we can connect with, and we can encourage each other.ā€™ ā€

Learn more about our Latin American missions at


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Volume 103, Number 06
Issue: June 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Meet the Editorial Staff: Habben

When Rev. Daniel Habben, pastor at St. Peterā€™s, in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, was asked to write for Forward in Christ magazine, “I thought they got the wrong Habben,” he said, laughing. “My wife is the writer of the family.” After being assured that he was, indeed, the right Habben, he graciously accepted the invitation to be the new writer for the Thought for Today devotions. His series, which begins this month, focuses on the depth of God’s love for us and our responses to it. He says the idea for his devotions came from a variety of experiences, including growing up in Japan and serving a congregation in Canada for more than a decade.

He was born and raised in Japan while his father served as a missionary there. Habben says the cultural differences between Japan and North America are “as wide as the Pacific Ocean,” and that includes religion. In rural areas, people are very superstitious and some still participate in ancestor worship. Habben remembers his father talking about the mission work being hard and slow because many people don’t know anything about the Bible. So his family spent a lot of time making personal connections, building relationships and inviting people to Bible study.

Habben came back to the United States to train for the ministry, and after he graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, he was assigned to St. Peterā€™s. He has been serving the small congregation for the past 16 years. Although St. Peterā€™s has hosted large outreach events that attracted several hundred community members, few have showed up in church afterward. “Sometimes it takes years to get new people in the door,” he says.

Habben thinks this is partly because of multi-culturalism, which is prevalent throughout the Canadian culture. “That idea, that your culture is just as good as mine, spills over into their philosophy and religion,” he says. “Mission work can be difficult, because people think it’s okay to be Christian ā€” as long as you’re not serious about it. In that respect, I think we’re a generation ahead of where the United States is heading.”

He hopes to touch on that idea in his devotion series. “As Christians, we need to be serious,” says Habben. “Let’s not be Sunday Christians. It’s not just part of your life, it is your life. I’ll be looking at how we sin and take things for granted. But God grants us forgiveness and gives us the power to live our lives the way he wants us to. I just really want to look at depths of God’s love for us and marvel at that.”

Alicia Neumann



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Author: Alicia Neumann
Volume 103, Number 05
Issue: May 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Outreach website gets a new look: WAJ, developed by the Commission on Evangelism as an outreach website, has a brand new look, while maintaining all the gospel-oriented content that makes it popular.

Mike Hintz, director of the Commission on Evangelism, says, ā€œ exists to connect the world to Jesus Christ. Developed and maintained by the WELS Commission on Evangelism, the objectives are to proclaim the Christian faith to everyone and to promote personal evangelism of Christians by sharing the siteā€™s content with people they know.ā€

The What About Jesus website launched about 15 years ago and has continued to grow. Today, about between 20,000 and 30,000 people visit the site each month.

The main sections of are ā€œJesus Who?ā€, ā€œQuestioning God?ā€, ā€œLife Concerns,ā€ ā€œThe Bible,ā€ and ā€œWorship.ā€

ā€œArticles in the sections of ā€˜Jesus Who?ā€™ and ā€˜Questioning God?ā€™ address some of the questions that people have about the Christian faith. The articles, based on tWhat he truth of Godā€™s Word, point readers to the true identity of Jesus as the worldā€™s Savior and what God says about himself and us. ā€˜Life Concernsā€™ offers comfort and guidance from Godā€™s Word for people experiencing trying times. For peopleā€™s spiritual growth, there are studies of biblical books and teachings in the section of ā€˜The Bible,ā€™ ā€ says Hintz. ā€œAnd in ā€˜Worship,ā€™ there are helps for worshipers to prepare for upcoming church services. An important feature in this section is the devotion that is offered every day. Verses from Godā€™s Word are explained and applied to our lives, leading us to a greater knowledge and appreciation for the love of God through Jesus Christ.ā€

The site has been updated to meet current online design trends and to make it easier to share content. WELS Creative Services Coordinator Briana Lambrecht, who redesigned the site, says, ā€œThe new responsive design and site architecture allows for a more user friendly experience that makes consuming and sharing the site much easier. Our hope is that the new interactive site encourages others to share its Christ-centered content via social media spaces. Itā€™s a great tool to share Jesus with friends, coworkers, and family in an ever-increasing social media-based world.ā€

Visit the site at



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Volume 103, Number 05
Issue: May 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Spanish websites expand reach, connecting more people to their Savior

Internet and smartphone usage is on the rise in Spanish-speaking countries; there were more than 70 million smartphone users in Mexico at the end of 2015. World Missions, through its One Latin America team (1LA) and Multi-Language Publications, is using these tools to reach out to Spanish speakers around the world, connecting them with each other and their Savior.

The 1LA team and Multi-Language Publications, with help from national Spanish-speaking church bodies, have developed a suite of websites that functionsā€”as Mike Hartman, field coordinator for Latin America, describes itā€”as a church does.

ā—Ā A PLACE TO WORSHIP:Ā (Christ Lutheran Church) enables people to participate in live-streamed Christ-centered worship. Hartman shares that 95 percent of the people in Latin America never have experienced a Christ-centered church service. Now, through these live-streamed services prepared especially for the online viewer, they can experience Christ-centered worship as well as download resources such as liturgies and hymns for their own use.

The Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church in Colombia has taken the lead on this project, broadcasting the services from Most Holy Trinity in MedellĆ­n. Three different worship leadersā€”Henry Herrera (see p. 28) from Colombia, Juan Garcia from the United States, and AndrĆ©s San MartĆ­n from Chileā€”conduct the service, which includes a live chat window to interact with online viewers. Spanish-speakers from ten different countries have gone through instruction classes with Herrera and joined Most Holy Trinity.

ā— A PLACE TO LEARN: (Christ Academy) was developed in 2015 to provide free Spanish video and audio resources that share the gospel message and teach lessons on Christianity and the Bible. The two most popular resources are Spanish versions of the recent WELS movies Come Follow Me and My Son, My Savior. Spanish-speaking national pastors and missionaries are online for live chats with those visiting the site. The site also directs them to Iglesia Luterana Cristo for online worship.

Leadersā€™ guides are available for Bible studies so that local lay leaders can take the materials and use them in their communities. ā€œWe want to empower people to start churches that faithfully teach Christ,ā€ says Hartman. ā€œOur main focus is working with contacts who reach out to us.ā€ In April, the site began offering live weekly online classes to train leaders how to conduct Bible classes in their communities.

ā— A PLACE TO REACH OUT:Ā ā€œOne of our main goals in Latin America is to become a known entity,ā€ says Hartman. ā€œIn Mexico, there are more Buddhists than Lutherans. No one knows who a Lutheran is.ā€ The Academia Cristo Facebook page is used to get the nameĀ ā€œLutheranā€ out in Latin America as well as to promote resources. With limited advertising, the site reaches an average of 300,000 people a day with Christ-centered messages and links to Academia Cristo.

ā— A PLACE FOR INFORMATION: (Christ Word of Life) serves as a digital newsletter for Spanish-speakers. Meant mainly for those already in our fellowship, the site contains daily audio devotions, Christian resources in Spanish, and news about confessional Lutheranism. This site replaces El Mensajero Luterano (Lutheran Messenger), a printed newsletter that was distributed to Spanish-speaking congregations for the past four decades.

While the Internet is being used to distribute information, Hartman is quick to point out that this doesnā€™t replace face-to-face communication. Itā€™s actually meant to promote it. ā€œWe are seeking to use online means of communication God has given us to empower more people to do on-the-ground ministry,ā€ he says. Several members of the 1LA team live in Mexico and will work directly with contacts to start new churches. Another team member works with Spanish-speaking members in the United States who want to reach out with the gospel message to their families back in Latin America. Connections made through Academia Cristo have opened up new opportunities for church planting in several different areas in Colombia.

The sites also allow any WELS member to spread the gospel to their Spanish-speaking neighbors. ā€œYou donā€™t have to know Spanish,ā€ says Hartman. ā€œWeā€™re giving you the resources to help you share your faith with someone who prefers to speak Spanish.ā€

Multi-Language Publications prepares the resources for these sites, while the 1LA team makes connections and follows up on contacts. According to Nate Seiltz, director of Multi-Language Publications, this model of using digital media may be used in other areas of the world in the future.



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Volume 103, Number 05
Issue: May 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


WELS 2016 district conventions

Each of the 12 districts holds a convention each biennium, generally in the even-numbered years. (The synod convention is held on odd-numbered years.) Every pastor, professor, and male teacher of the district plus a lay delegate representing each congregation attends the convention as a voting delegate. Other members of the district are welcome to attend as guests.

District conventions are held for the following purposes:

  • To meet as a group to carry out the legislative responsibilities of the district, such as holding elections, accepting new members, formulating resolutions to send to the synod convention, etc.
  • To celebrate Godā€™s blessings.
  • To nurture faith.

The election of the district president is an important moment at each convention. This year at least four districts will elect new district presidents. Three district presidentsā€”John Guse, South Atlantic District; David Rutschow, Southeastern Wisconsin District; and Herb Prahl, Western Wisconsin Districtā€”have announced that they will not seek re-election as they begin to consider retiring from the full-time ministry. The Nebraska District must also elect a new president to replace Earle Treptow, who accepted a call to Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.

In addition, this summerā€™s conventions will focus on the new ministry that WELS can support thanks to the One in Christ special offering; present the synodā€™s proposal of a long-range plan beginning in 2018; share the recommendations of the Synodical Councilā€™s Compensation Review Committee; and preview WELSā€™ upcoming celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.

Here is a schedule of the 2016 district conventions:

Arizona-Californiaā€”June 13-15. Chaparral Suites, Scottsdale, Ariz.

Dakota-Montanaā€”June 14-16. Great Plains Lutheran High School, Watertown, S. D.

Michiganā€”June 6-8. Michigan Lutheran Seminary, Saginaw, Mich.

Minnesotaā€”June 14-16. Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn.

Nebraskaā€”June 6-8. Nebraska Lutheran High School, Waco, Neb.

North Atlanticā€”June 7-8. Resurrection, Chesapeake, Va.

Northern Wisconsinā€”June 14-15. Fox Valley Lutheran High School, Appleton, Wis.

Pacific Northwestā€”June 14-15. Evergreen Lutheran High School, Des Moines, Wash.

South Atlanticā€”June 7-9. Innisbrook Golf Resort, Palm Harbor, Fla.

South Centralā€”June 13-14. Calvary, Dallas, Tex.

Southeastern Wisconsinā€”June 14-15. Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, Wis.

Western Wisconsinā€”June 6-7. Luther Preparatory School, Watertown, Wis.

Questions about a specific district convention may be directed to the president or secretary of that district.



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Volume 103, Number 05
Issue: May 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


One in Christ update : May

The 2015 synod convention launched the ā€œOne in Christā€ debt elimination offering through June 2016 to eliminate the remaining $4.7 million synod debt. As the offering reaches its final months, Pastor Kurt Lueneburg, WELS director of Christian Giving, shares how ā€œOne in Christā€ participation has been so far.

Q: How have congregations and individuals responded to the debt elimination offering?

A: The Lord has moved his people to generously participate so far! Almost two thousand families, representing 462 congregations, have sent ā€œOne in Christā€ offerings directly to WELSā€”some of them have given offerings multiple times. Many other individuals have given ā€œOne in Christā€ offerings through the 388 congregations that have remitted gifts. To Godā€™s glory, a total of $1.8 million has been generously presented to Jesus for ā€œOne in Christā€ from July 1, 2015, through March 22, 2016! In addition, our church body is making monthly principal and interest payments this fiscal year that will total $1.6 million. That leaves our remaining debt at approximately $1.4 million, which we hope will be eliminated by additional offerings. We thank all those who have participated in ā€œOne in Christā€ so far!

Q: How does eliminating this debt affect our synodā€™s future?

A: Eliminating our debt this year enables us to deploy the resources we receive from God through his people on our present and future kingdom endeavors. As we gratefully reflect on how the Lord allowed us to fully fund our past capital projects and internal borrowing to maintain ministry, we can humbly and confidently move forward in the blessed work of sharing Christā€™s good news of eternal life with a growing number of people in North America and around the world.

Q: What if we donā€™t meet our goal?

A: If offerings and planned payments this fiscal year total less than $4.7 million, weā€™ll gratefully rejoice in the blessings we received from God! Then our leaders will decide how to pay off the remaining balance either through applying other assets, reducing our ministry, or a combination of both. Our ministry plan has no budgeted payments after June 30, 2016.

Q: Is there still time for congregations and individuals to make a gift?

A: Absolutely! Itā€™s our hope that every WELS member and congregation will prayerfully consider generously participating and/or giving additional offerings in this opportunity to move forward in ministry through the ā€œOne in Christā€ debt elimination. Since the outcome of this endeavor, as with all we do, is in our Saviorā€™s gracious hands, we believe that he will enable us to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine to the praise of his name and the salvation of blood-bought souls!

Learn more about how you can help at



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Volume 103, Number 05
Issue: May 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Booknook: Moments in the Word

Prioritizing my time: it’s most of what I do as a mother. “Just a moment” is a phrase my kids hear from me far too often. If I’m honest, it’s a phrase God hears from me too often as well. Between the physical and emotional needs of my kids and all the running around I do during the day, setting aside quiet time for personal Bible study gets put on the back burner.

Moments in the Word for Moms by Melissa M. Berg offers excuse-proof devotion time, perfect to start or end the day in God’s word. Each devotion takes between 5 and 15 minutes to read. It truly takes “just a moment” to get my day started off filled with the Holy Spirit and focused on God’s word.

Broken into 3 sections applicable to moms of all ages and stages of parenting, each devotion consists of an opening Bible verse, a short relatable story of motherhood, thoughts for the day and a closing prayer. I enjoyed journaling my thoughts for the day and used that time to delve deeper into the word as time allowed. I found the prayers to be powerful and wound up sharing many of them with my family.

Moments in the Word for Moms offers women at any stage of motherhood the opportunity to connect with and reflect on God’s word. The short but powerful devotions give encouragement and direction for the important job we have of raising our children to know their savior.

Kerry Ognenoff



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Author:Ā Kerry Ognenoff
Volume 103, Number 05
Issue: May 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us