2019 synod convention planning underway
Planning has begun for the 65th biennial convention of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which will be held at Martin Luther College (MLC), New Ulm, Minn., July 29-Aug. 1, 2019. More than 400 delegates and 50 advisory members will be meeting under the theme “For the Generations to Come.”
“Looking back on the history of God’s blessings to his church is always a good thing to do. But looking ahead to the opportunities God is giving us to carry out our mission is equally important,” says Rev. Mark Schroeder, WELS president. “The convention theme will help us to focus on the opportunities God is giving us now and the challenges we face in an increasingly hostile society. It also reminds us of the responsibility we have to pass our rich heritage of faith to our children and grandchildren so that God’s church will continue to be built by the power of his gospel.”
During the convention called workers and lay members will hear presentations, discuss issues, and make decisions related to the synod’s work, including setting a ministry plan (budget) for the next biennium. Two offices to be filled by election are the synod president and second vice president. Delegates will also elect others to serve on various boards and commissions. Voting members of WELS are encouraged to nominate qualified individuals to serve on these boards and commissions. A list of positions and descriptions is available online.
The primary source of the convention’s business is the Book of Reports and Memorials (BORAM), which contains various departmental reports as well as formal petitions to the synod convention called “memorials.” A memorial outlines a particular item of business for consideration by the delegates. The deadline for submitting memorials to be printed in BORAM is Jan. 15, 2019. Memorials submitted after Jan. 15 will not be printed but will be posted at the discretion of the synod presidium on the convention website if they are received by June 1, 2019. More information about submitting memorials can be found online.
Keep up-to-date with the synod convention at its website, wels.net/2019synodconvention.
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