Update from Ukraine: March 23, 2022
Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.
Just a short while ago, one of the pastors and his family, who I asked you to pray for yesterday, has reached their destination safely. Their journey was a long one. The first day they traveled approximately 200 miles which took them 12 hours. Checkpoints congest traffic. At each checkpoint they need to show identification and have their vehicle searched. Saboteurs sometimes steal vehicles and infiltrate cities. Today their trip was equally as long, but they are safe. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
The other pastor, I asked you to pray for yesterday, is still in a dangerous area as plans to leave yesterday did not happen. They will try again, and Lord willing get to safety.
Right now there are three Pastors in areas of great danger. Iāve been asked to be vague about who and where these are. Prayers are asked for them, our Lord knows for whom you are praying.