Tag Archive for: LWMS

Peace like a River

“Peace like a river” was a fitting theme for the 60th Annual Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society Convention, held this past weekend in La Crosse, Wis., held just steps to the Mississippi River. This convention serves as a an annual opportunity for men and women to come together in one place and serve by increasing awareness of, interest in, and support of the mission outreach of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).

This year’s convention included speakers from Wisconsin to Ecuador to Colorado to East Asia. Each workshop leader and keynote speaker had something unique to present as a result of their unique mission fields.

Rev. Daniel Lewig, of Richland Center, Wis., spoke on “upcycling evangelism.” He shared examples from personal experience with their church, Bethlehem Lutheran. He reminded attendees that each congregation has it’s strengths and weaknesses, so why not lean into those strengths. They did just that by leaning into their Live Nativity event that had great attendance, and they never looked back. What began as a well attended event, eventually led the church to settle on Bethlehem as their name. How fitting!

Coming from the other side of the country, Rev. Paul Biedenbender and Vicar CJ Fury from Denver, Col. presented on the Vicar in a Mission setting program, which allows seminary students to serve their vicar year at a home mission, or mission minded, church. Vicar Fury was able to give a first hand account of some of the responsibilities and projects he took on during his vicar year at Christ Lutheran, as well as stories of the ministry he’s been able to do this past year.

To speak about World mission work in Latin America, LWMS had Missionary Elise Gross, the director of Women’s Ministry for the One Latin America team, as one of the keynote speakers. Elise told her story of growing up as a missionary child in Antigua and how she now has a missionary child of her own in Quito, Ecuador. She addressed how her role as director of Women’s Ministry has given her an opportunity to connect Latin American women with Academia Cristo, as they have the monumental task of sharing the gospel with their families, which takes strength and courage.

The convention had many other Home and World missionaries who were able to present and share their stories of faith, struggle, success, and unexpected situations in a mission field. Along the way, attendees were also able to receive Home and World Mission updates from Rev. Larry Schlomer and Mr. Sean Young, a 100 in 10 initiative presentation by Rev. Paul Schupmann and Steve Wolf, members of the 100 in 10 task force, and LWMS Business Meeting highlights.

After four days filled with WELS Missions, the 60th Annual LWMS Convention came to a close. The weekend was spent with over 1,200 attendees sharing their love and support for WELS Missions and all by the hand of God, who made all things possible. God willing we will meet again next year in Sioux Falls for the next Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society Convention!

Subscribe to future Missions Blogs at wels.net/subscribe.

57th annual LWMS convention goes virtual

Since 1964, the Lutheran Womenā€™s Missionary Society (LWMS) has faithfully hosted annual conventions, gathering to joyfully praise God and support WELS mission work. The year 2020 was to be no exception. Plans were well underway for the 57th annual convention in Athens, Ga., in June. The theme, ā€œ2020 Vision for Missions,ā€ was chosen, and hours of planning were already complete.

Then the coronavirus pandemic swept the globe, and for the first time in 57 years, LWMS made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel its in-person convention.

ā€œThe decision to cancel was agonizing,ā€ recalls LWMS president Mrs. Cynthia Natsis. ā€œBut by the end of April, it became obvious that travel and staying in hotels would be dangerous to our members.ā€

Despite its deep disappointment, the LWMS team adapted to the situation. If people couldnā€™t come to the convention, LWMS would bring the convention to themā€”by way of technology.

Through a partnership with WELS Missions, the LWMS convention was combined with WELS Taste of Missionsā€”another in-person event that was cancelled due to the pandemic. ā€œTaste and See,ā€ the combined virtual event, was born. LWMS and WELS Missions staff brainstormed how to offer key elements of both events in an engaging and interactive online format.

On June 27, the Taste and See virtual event launched. For two weeks, thousands of WELS members worldwide tuned in to view the opening and closing worship services, ā€œMoments with Missionariesā€ videos, recipe tutorials from around the globe, the commissioning of new missionaries, and the inspiring LWMS flag presentation. Viewers even hosted ā€œwatch partiesā€ for the opening and closing services.

Natsis is simply in awe of how God blessed the event. ā€œDue to the new format, we were able to reach so many more people than if we had held it in person,ā€ she says.

Mr. Sean Young, director of WELS Missions operations, was also thrilled with the number of Taste and See website visitors, totaling over 9,300. He says, ā€œI thought weā€™d get a few thousand views. But from the opening service to the final day, God again demonstrated that we canā€™t pray audaciously enough! He continues to be glorified in the work his church on earth is able to do.ā€

Even during a pandemic, God advances his kingdom. Through Taste and See, God moved the hearts of his people to contribute the largest service offering to date for an LWMS convention: $72,925.

ā€œI am blown away at the generosity of my fellow believers and their love for spreading the good news about Jesus,ā€ says Natsis. She and the LWMS board extend their gratitude to all who participated to support WELS mission work: ā€œThank you for making this time of uncertainty about the virus a time of rejoicing instead. God is good!ā€

Visit welstasteandsee.com to view more than 80 videos and additional resources from the event. The website also includes a handy checklist of available videos, which will remain online for at least a year.




LWMS convention highlights mission projects

The Wild Rose Circuit of the Lutheran Womenā€™s Missionary Society (LWMS) welcomed nearly 950 attendees from 821 WELS congregations to praise God and show their support for WELS mission work. ā€œLet Us Ever Walk with Jesus in the Heartlandā€ was the theme for the 56th annual LWMS convention, held in Des Moines, Iowa, June 27-30.

During the convention, attendees learned about the expanding outreach efforts by missionary teams in Latin America and Africa and about the continuing growth of the mission field in East Asia. ā€œMy wife and I have known over the 12 years weā€™ve served in a mission field that the ladies of LWMS were praying for us and sending us letters, but to be here and meet them face to face and receive their hugs is something we definitely miss when we are serving overseas,ā€ says Rev. Joel Sutton, missionary to Latin America. ā€œIt is very encouraging for us to see these wonderful people who are passionate and have a big heart for missions.ā€

In addition, home missionaries shared their experiences with outreach in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Workshops included topics of new mission opportunities in Vietnam, the WELS Mission Journeys program for short-term mission trips, and a panel discussion by missionary wives who shared their experiences.

Each year the individual LWMS circuits gather offerings for several Home and World Mission projects. This year $41,204 was given to both the East Asia Outreach and Campus Ministry projects. LWMS also raised $49,938 for kids c.a.r.e.ā€”kidsā€™ summer Bible camps. ā€œThe support LWMS provides Home and World Missions is a huge boost and extremely important for our outreach efforts. The people behind those gifts praying for us and the knowledge they take back home and share with their congregations is vital to our ministry,ā€ says Rev. Larry Schlomer, administrator of WELS World Missions.

Betty Schwede was one of 138 first-time attendees to the convention and was impressed with the missionary presentations. ā€œIt was so exciting to see all of the amazing things happening at home and around the world. The fellowship and support are so encouragingā€”I canā€™t wait to go back to my home congregation to share what our synod is doing around the world and hopefully encourage even more outreach into our community.ā€

Next yearā€™s convention will be held June 25-28, 2020, in Athens, Ga., under the theme ā€œ2020 Vision for Missions.ā€

Learn more about LWMS at lwms.org.

LWMS Convention 2019