Stronger together: a reflection on the WELS Texas campus ministry retreat

Looking back on our second annual WELS Texas Campus Ministry Retreat, Ephesians 4:3-4 comes to mind; ā€œMake every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called.ā€ Through the Holy Spirit, that unity was reflected in the fellowship we had at our retreat.

At the beginning of our spring semester, 17 WELS college students from Baylor University, Tarleton State University, and Texas A&M University took a weekend away from our studies to spend time together at a retreat in Lorena, Texas. We played games, ate delicious food, showed everyone around Waco, and watched a heartbreaking triple overtime Baylor basketball loss on T.V. More importantly, we spent time in the Word with Bible study focused on how we can share Christ and his love in each and every one of our relationships.

On college campuses, even Christian ones like Baylor, sometimes you arenā€™t quite sure what the people around you believe or how it differs from your own faith. Even with a loving community of Baylor friends, who I know love Jesus, there can still be a disconnect between what we believe. This retreat was especially refreshing in that I got to sit down and dive into the Word with people who I know for a fact believe what I do. While I had never met half of the students there, our faith in the ā€œone hopeā€ of Jesus connected us and made it easy to talk to each other about everything.

I am certain that our hope in Jesus is one and the same. I have peace in knowing that outside of college, I am a part of a family of believers with whom I have complete unity. Our retreat was the perfect expression of that fellowship.

Written by Lilia Kasten, campus ministry student at Baylor University.

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