Navigating new chapters

The book of Joshua opens with Israel on the banks of the Jordan River, a moment Joshua and the people had waited on for years. But Joshuaā€™s journey didnā€™t start there. It began long beforeā€”training under Moses, climbing Sinai, wandering the wilderness. After crossing into the promised land, how quickly do you think time passed for Joshua?

In the days following Assignment Day at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, I found myself reading through Joshua during personal devotions. During the transitionā€”new people, a new place, new workā€”I found comfort in how God used Joshua. But like Joshua, the story didnā€™t start in the new land. Hereā€™s what life has looked like as my wife Grace and I walked toward our new journey:

April was full of studies with classmates. Studying Romans deepened our love for the message of forgiveness. The prophets reminded us of Godā€™s faithful messengers. Projects and social events filled the calendar. We were all counting down the days until Assignment Day while making the most of the time we had left.

Rev. Jacob and Grace Ungemach at Ault Park in Cincinnati, Ohio.

May was busy. Classes wrapped up, countdowns began, and celebrations filled the daysā€”a baby shower for friends and graduation at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minn. Meanwhile, excitement for the Call Day kept building.

Call Day was a blur. We started early with a devotion by Lake Michigan along with some classmates. At the Call Service, we sat nervously with family, waiting to learn where weā€™d go. We listened as friends were assigned to their new places. Then it was our turn: Beautiful Savior ā€“ New Mission Start; Oakley, Ohio. Neither Grace nor I knew where Oakley was, but we knew this: God would be with us there.

June began with a quick trip to Cincinnati to see where weā€™d be living. Iā€™ll never forget driving into the city for the first timeā€”rolling green hills and beautiful buildings rising into the skyline. We met a few members of our Oakley group during that short trip. Driving back to pack up, Cincinnati was already beginning to feel like home.

Moving day for the Ungemach’s!

July 1 was moving day! As we pulled into our apartment, we were greeted by members from Beautiful Savior ready to help unload. The congregation was excited to start work on the second site in Oakley, and so were we. Afternoons and evenings quickly filled with opportunities to meet new people in our core group and the community.

Today . . . things still havenā€™t slowed down. Weā€™re just beginning to meet together, grow in the Word, and find ways to show this community the love of Jesus. There are still so many unknowns.

The greatest comfort Iā€™ve found in Joshua isnā€™t in the change he experiences, but in the changelessness of God. Just as God was with his people in a new place and age, he will be with us in this new mission. And like his promises were fulfilled to his people before, the promise that his Word will not return empty stands with us today.

Please keep Beautiful Savior in your prayers as we begin planting a second site in Oakley, Ohio.

Written by Rev. Jacob Ungemach, home missionary at a new mission start in Oakley, Ohio.

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