Marvel at the grace of God

“Your gifts, God’s blessings: An annual report to our members” is now available online. The report includes photos of Christian brothers and sisters around the world, stories of faith, and updates on WELS’ ministry.

“As you read this annual report,” says WELS President Mark Schroeder, “join me in marveling at the grace of God—the grace of God that has brought us into his family and given us an eternal inheritance, and the grace of God that has blessed the work that he privileged us to carry out.”

Marvel at

  • Marli, who is studying with Academia Cristo and has gathered a group of Christians in her home in Cuernavaca, Mexico;
  • Jesse, who knew that something was missing from his life so he contacted Rev. Tim Spiegelberg, pastor at Carbon Valley Lutheran, Firestone, Colo., and went through Bible information classes with him;
  • Qiang Wang, a Pastoral Studies Institute graduate who is offering Chinese worship in Coquitlam and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; and
  • Blythe, a student at Cross of Christ, Peoria, Ariz., who was baptized at one of the school’s outdoor chapel services.

These stories and more are presented in the 2023 edition of “Your gifts, God’s blessings.” Print versions of the report are being sent to every WELS congregation and individual donor. Additional print versions are available from Northwestern Publishing House for free. Visit or call 800-662-6022.

To view the report online, visit There you can also download a PowerPoint presentation of the report with notes that allow anyone to share the highlights of our synod’s work. Alternatively, churches can invite a WELS Christian giving counselor to give the presentation. Contact WELS Ministry of Christian Giving at 800-827-5482 for more information.


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