God’s kingdom grows one soul at a time

Sometimes missions happen organically. Even though I have only been in the mission field a couple months, God is still growing his kingdom as his faithful people care for one another and reach out to the lost and straying. A couple stories from West Lafayette, Ind., illustrate the words of Jesus: ā€œAll by itself the soil produces grainā€”first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the headā€ (Mark 4:28).

West Lafayette is home to Purdue University, and while the WELS campus ministry presence there has been small recently, the students who participate are active. Students are faithfully inviting their friends to worship and on-campus Bible class. For weeks and months, they have been reaching out, but sometimes it takes many tries before anyone joins us. Yet God is using these Christians and their everyday witness to bring people into his church.

In one instance, a student invited a young man (ā€œJinā€) to Bible study. Jin was looking for a Christian community, and he saw at work an on-campus Bible study. He came to worship that Sunday. It just so happened that my wife, a very talented cook, invited everyone in worship that Sunday to come to our house for a house-warming party. Not only did this young man join us for lunch, but he even helped cook one of the dishes. During lunch, he was able to visit the members of the church and talk to me about the WELS stance on the Bible. We thank God for these opportunities provided by faithful Christians inviting their friends to join them!

On another occasion, a car was parked in the church parking lot. I stopped over to see if everything was all right and introduce myself. I came to learn the gentleman sitting there (Kyle) was waiting to go to work; he often stops by our parking lot to sit and think. He had trauma in his church growing up, coupled with more recent struggles. Kyle wants to get back in the church and hear the Word of God. After following up, we set up a time to meet. Kyle started a Bible instruction class, and we look forward to our time together in Godā€™s Word.

Slowly, one by one, the kingdom of God grows, through the faithful outreach of Godā€™s people and God putting people in our paths. But this kingdom grows all by itself as the Holy Spirit works through his Means of Grace. Itā€™s just like our Lord says, ā€œ[The kingdom of God] is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plantsā€ (Mark 4:30). God is providing shelter for his people as his Word works in and through his people.

Written by Rev. Andrew Ewings, home missionary at Lamb of God Lutheran Church in West Lafayette, Ind.