Free conference highlights innovative gospel outreach with media

The Gospel Outreach With Media (GOWM) online conference opened Monday, Oct. 18.

Presentations in this international three-week conference highlight various types of media—including stained-glass windows, virtual reality, the creative visual arts, toys, and the Internet—and how they can be used to spread the gospel.

“People normally think about technology when talking about media,” says Mr. Tom Kuster, executive director of the Christ in Media Institute, which hosts the conference, “but we highlight other media as well.” He shares that media really is whatever channel carries the message from the speaker to the audience.

Kuster says the goal of the conference is to “tickle people’s awareness” of innovative ways of using different media so they start thinking how they can get involved in outreach, no matter what their skill set or vocation. A secondary goal is to connect people with mutual interests for future collaboration on gospel-outreach projects.

This is the seventh annual GOWM conference hosted by Christ in Media Institute. The institute started in 2009 as an educational arm of Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minn., to promote research and education focused on employing God’s gift of mass media to bring the pure gospel message to vast audiences in the U.S. and abroad. It is a part of WELS’ sister synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

Anyone can participate in this free online conference. Presentations are available to read or watch; online discussion will be open until Nov. 8 before the conference closes and is archived. Past conference presentations are always available.

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