Submission of questions

I am a practicing WELS member and want to say thank you for having courage to answer so many questions that, in my view, are not really questions seeking understanding. They are questions designed to say "I got you" or to discredit biblical truths. Considering this, do you publish all questions submitted to this website or do you edit or throw some out because they are inflammatory or not appropriate given the mission of our church body?

Thank you for your kind words. It is a privilege to interact with and respond to questioners from around the country and the world.

I can assure you that the great, great majority of questions (95%+) submitted to the website receive responses that are also published on the website. If questioners receive a private response, it is because the subject matter is not appropriate for the website or the information provided by questioners could potentially identify individuals or congregations. Any editing of questions takes place because the submissions are lengthy or contain writing errors.

God willing, all questioners receive biblical responses that are helpful for their Christian faith and living.