Souls in heaven

In heaven, is the soul of the believer who dies before Judgment Day conscious of the joys of heaven or is the soul asleep in heaven, protected by God, but unconscious of the joys of heaven that we will eventually enjoy when our souls are reunited with our body (glorified body) after Judgment Day?

The Bible provides little specific information regarding what souls in heaven or hell are experiencing prior to the Last Day.

The information we do have points to the souls of believers enjoying the perfection and glory of heaven, while the souls of unbelievers are experiencing the horror and torments of hell (Luke 16:19-31).

Matthew 22:32 speaks of believers living with God in heaven. Luke 23:43 states that the penitent thief would be with Jesus in Paradise when he died. 1 Peter 3:19-20 describes unbelievers in hell who witnessed Jesus’ descent into hell. Revelation 6:9-10 provides an account of believers in heaven conversing with the Lord.

All this says that people who have died—and their souls have gone to heaven or hell—are very much aware of their existence.

When death takes place, body and soul separate. Any biblical references to sleep pertain to the body, which is motionless.