Souls in heaven aware of events on earth?

Can souls in heaven see what happens on earth?

The Bible does not reveal much information about the existence of individuals between the time of death and the last day. We do know from the Bible that when people die, body and soul separate from one another, and they either enjoy the glories of heaven or experience the horrors of hell based on faith in Jesus Christ or unbelief.

As the Bible describes heaven as a place of perfect joy and peace (Psalm 16:11; Revelation 21:4), one wonders how souls in heaven could have that perfect joy and peace if they were able to see the sinful things that happen on earth. Some point to passages like Psalm 88:10-12; Ecclesiastes 9:10; and, Isaiah 63:16 for support that souls are not aware of what happens on earth.

What souls in heaven do see is their Savior God (Philippians 1:23). They will see him face-to-face forever (1 John 3:1-2). That is something Christians eagerly anticipate!