Praying on the go

Many times as I am riding my motorcycle through the countryside, I talk to God and thank him for the beauty of his wonderful creation: the beautiful blue skies, the majestic clouds, the rolling landscapes, the green crops in the fields, and even the wonderful smells in the fresh air of the countryside. These are little things that are often overlooked when traveling by four wheels, and I thank God for them as I am riding on my motorcycle. Is it okay to talk/pray to God in this manner or should our prayers and conversations with God be more formal with our heads bowed, eyes closed and our hands folded? Thank you.

While the Bible describes different prayer postures (bowing – Exodus 34:8; kneeling – 1 Kings 8:54; standing – Mark 11:25; lifting up hands – 1 Kings 8:54), it does not command us to follow a certain posture. And in the scenario you describe, that is a good thing!

It might be helpful to be reminded what prayer is: it is conversation with God. Prayer can include “petitions…intercession and thanksgiving” (1 Timothy 2:1). Conversations with God are not limited to certain times of the day, designated places or restricted topics. Think of prayer as a running conversation with God throughout the day and night. As you see the beauties of creation, for example, you tell him how kind and good he is to care for the world he created. As you see someone in need, for example, you ask him to care for that person—through your efforts and the efforts of others. If we see prayer as a running conversation with God throughout the day, we will move beyond any thinking that prayer is limited to times and circumstances, and regulated by postures.

So, keep enjoying the beauties of God’s creation on your rides. Keep telling God how much you appreciate how he fills your world with beauty. And be safe!