Forgiveness for sin

Can I be forgiven for sins when i said the G--D D-M IT? I did not mean it. The words just kinda slipped out of my mouth. I read the Bible or books like Billy Graham etc. and pray every day that God will forgive me. I hope that Jesus will let me into heaven when my time comes.

The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ won forgiveness for all sins by his holy life and sacrificial death (1 John 2:2). Jesus’ glorious resurrection from the dead is proof positive that God the Father accepted Jesus’ work as the full payment for sin (Romans 4:25).

Through Spirit-worked faith in Jesus Christ, people personally enjoy the forgiveness of sins Jesus has won (Romans 5:1). The Bible teaches us to confess our sinful thoughts and words and actions to God, and to receive his message of forgiveness in faith (1 John 1:9; 2:1-2).

Our thankful response for God’s gracious forgiveness of our sins is to lead lives that are pleasing to him. When we fail to do that, as in using words you did, we bring those sins to the Lord, as Jesus taught us to do in the Lord’s Prayer: “forgive us our sins” (Luke 11:4). Our comfort is knowing and believing that Jesus was perfect in our place (Hebrews 4:15); he never uttered wrong words. In addition, God laid all our sins, including our sins of misusing his name, on his Son, Jesus (Isaiah 53:4-9).

When it comes to the end of our earthly lives, God has given us some wonderful promises. You can look up passages like these: Mark 16:16; John 3:16; 10:27-30; 11:25.

Keep the Bible at the top of your reading list. Recognize that salvation is God’s doing, from beginning to end. Keep in mind that Christian faith is a gift of God (John 15:16; Ephesians 2:8). Keep your focus on Jesus (Psalm 141:8; Hebrews 12:1-2). God bless you.