Bible lessons for children

I married a woman a couple years ago who has two children from her prior marriage, 8 and 10 years old. Her children have never had any kind of education with God. I was born and raised WELS with the benefit of a WELS private school up through 8th grade. Although my wife is uncomfortable going to my church because of a troubled Roman Catholic upbringing, she is on board with us educating our children at home. And one of the kids even comes with me sometimes to church because he is interested. We take a few minutes to do children's Bible devotions and such, which is going OK so far. My question is this. I'm no teacher, and I don't have access to a WELS school for them. I've looked and researched for some sort of curriculum to aid in what stories we do first from the Bible, or to just have some sort of structure or plan. I get overwhelmed with all the different stuff out there. Compared to the Christian upbringing I had, I feel like I'm not doing nearly enough for our children. I feel like I'm in over my head. Can you recommend any resources to help give me some sort of structure to teaching them? Do you have any recommendations on what kinds of stories to focus more on or what order I should go in? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ideally, as your wife’s comfort level with the church rises, you and your family will be able to utilize all the educational resources of your congregation. For the time being, you could benefit from Christ-Light Sunday School Lessons at Home. Videos of Bible lessons are available free of charge here. Your congregation may have accompanying printed materials. Please contact your pastor about those resources.

God bless you and your family!