Faces of Faith – Wade

Zijian “Wade” Wei (pictured right) was baptized on November 30, 2021, while attending Arizona Lutheran Academy in Phoenix, Ariz. Since he was a foreign exchange student during the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was forced to make the U.S. more of a home than perhaps he ever intended. We thank God for the Christian family and friends who were there for him. A family of special note was the Gutierrez family, members of Crosswalk in Laveen, Ariz.

Now as a student at Arizona State University (ASU), Wade remains close to the Gutierrez family. In his first year at ASU, Wade continued to room with the sons of the Gutierrez family, Cole and Jonah (pictured center). Cole and Jonah are officers for the registered student organization, Light in the Valley, the WELS campus ministry.

Every week, Wade joins the Light in the Valley group for food, fellowship, and a Bible study. While studying engineering at ASU, he can continue to grow in his faith. This WELS campus ministry is not the only way that Wade continues to be served with the Means of Grace. Wade and his friends rent a house just a few blocks from Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Tempe and attend worship every Sunday to receive God’s gifts in Word and Sacrament.

From Christopher Pflughoeft (pictured left), campus ministry pastor for Light in the Valley and pastor at Emmanuel in Tempe, Ariz.