Based on Zephaniah 3:14-17

Do you sing? And if so, where? I’m guessing at church. Or maybe you sing in the car when you’re riding solo and you crank the tunes and belt it out because number one, no one else is in the car, and number two, those songs just take you back.

Or maybe it’s when you’re in the car and the car is loaded full of kids, and you have your favorite tune from your high school days cued up. You’re ready to crank it and belt it out at the top of your lungs to embarrass your kiddos.

What about at a military ceremony formation? Do you sing there? For a change of responsibility or a promotion or a change of command or a graduation, and the band kicks in with that familiar military march, and you’re ready to belt it out with the gusto of a Marine at the birthday ball? Or maybe you quietly mumble along because it’s the 220th time that you’ve heard that march.

How many of you are familiar with the march “Always Ready, Always There!”?

I’m guessing that if you’re in the National Guard, maybe you are familiar with this march. And if you’re in the Guard, maybe you still haven’t heard of it because it’s fairly new. It’s only eight years old. “Always Ready, Always There!” is much younger than the National Guard, which celebrates its birthday today on December 13th.

When you listen to this march, it just makes you want to stand up and belt it out with gusto.

In our devotion today, the Lord God gives us as Christians good reasons to stand up and burst into song. Through his prophet Zephaniah, he encourages his people with these words: “Sing, Daughter Zion; shout aloud, Israel! Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, Daughter Jerusalem!” (Zephaniah 3:14). Those proper names Zion and Jerusalem are pictures that are used of all believers.

So what was the occasion that prompted the Lord to tell us to burst into song with the gusto of a Marine at the birthday ball? Well, he says this through his prophet in verse 15: “The LORD has taken away your punishment.” More festive than celebrating a birthday. More congratulatory than a promotion. More celebratory than a retirement is this declaration: Your sins are forgiven.

Zephaniah says there is no punishment waiting for you because you’ve sinned against your holy God. He’s saying to you that there is nothing evil that happens to you in this life because God is somehow using that evil to get back at you for the things that you’ve done. No, he’s taken it away forever. God doesn’t punish you. He punished his Son Jesus on the cross in your place. It’s done. It’s finished. That’s why God says to you and me, “Sing, shout aloud, be glad and rejoice with all your heart.”

But now in an interesting spin, the prophet Zephaniah then says this: “The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing” (verse 17).

Did you catch that? It says that God sings, and he sings because of you. And God’s song for you is prompted by the joy and happiness in his heart because your sin no longer separates you from him. He has this song of joy in his heart because he has won eternal life for you through his Son Jesus. He sings a song of joy and happiness because he has saved you forever, and he sings his song because he knows that you will spend eternity with him.

So, my friends, sing your glad songs to God for his saving work for you, and then listen as God sings his song because of you.

Hear our prayers, Lord Jesus Christ, and come with the good news of your mighty deliverance. Drive the darkness from our hearts, and fill us with your light. Lord Jesus, protect the men and women who serve in our nation’s National Guard. Keep them faithful to the duties of their vocation as they serve us here at home in the States and around the world. Bless the efforts of the leadership to maintain a National Guard force that is ready to serve in times of strife or to help after natural disaster. I pray this in your name, Lord Jesus. Amen..

Written and recorded by Rev. Paul Horn, WELS National Civilian Chaplain to the Military, San Diego, California.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. Note: Scripture reading footnotes are clickable only in the web version.