The Good Shepherd Knows – April 24, 2024
[Jesus said] “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know meājust as the Father knows me and I know the Fatherāand I lay down my life for the sheep.”
John 10:14,15
The Good Shepherd Knows
Devotion based on John 10:14,15
See series: Devotions
A fan can know a lot about a celebrity on a superficial level. They can know the celebrity’s birthday, life story, and so many other details. However, if they were to bump into each other in public, the celebrity would know nothing about the fan. It’s a one-sided, superficial relationship at best.
Have you ever thought of your relationship with Jesus in the same wayā “I know a lot about him, but does he really know me?” Or maybe you are searching the Bible to learn more about God and what he’s like, but does he really know you? It’s actually the other way around. Jesus, your Good Shepherd, knows you. And not on a superficial level. He knows you better than you know him. In fact, he knew you, loved you, and laid down his life for you before you ever came to know him.
Before the sheep realized the danger, the shepherd knew and acted to save the sheep. Before it ever dawned on us how much we needed Jesus and his salvation, he laid down his life for us. He knows his sheep. He knows you intimately. At first thought, it might startle you to realize God knows you that well. Perhaps there are things about you that no one else knows, and it would terrify you if they did. Jesus knows those things. However, it didn’t lead him to run away or shun you. It led him to lay down his life for you. Listen to what your Good Shepherd calls you: my sheep!
He knows your deepest needs better than you do, and he knows how best to meet them. He knows the guilt you’ve felt and the trouble you’ve experienced. He takes you in his arms, cleanses you of all guilt, and calms your troubled heart. Your Savior knows you and loves you. You are his!
Lord, shepherd me through the ups and downs of life and grant all that I need, as you know best. Amen.
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