God is Watching Over Us – March 1, 2024

In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.
Job 1:22

God is Watching Over Us

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Daily Devotion – March 1, 2024

Devotion based on Job 1:22

See series: Devotions

What a terrible day Job had! In a matter of moments, he lost everything: his livelihood, his wealth, and his family. Every earthly thing that he held dear was gone in an instant. We struggle to imagine what it would have been like to experience such a horrible day. How would you expect Job to feel?

Once the shock wore off, we would likely feel angry. In this anger, we may lash out at others or do something rash. We might shout at God and tell him that if he really loved us, he would not have allowed these terrible tragedies into our lives. And it may not be the first time we have had those sentiments.

How did Job keep himself in check? He was human like we are. He no doubt loved his family as we love ours. How could he not blame God or be angry with him? Job amazes us by not accusing God of doing anything wrong.

Yes, Job would struggle to understand why these things happened. He trusted that God was there for him and loved him. He trusted that God had a plan for his life. A plan that was centered around a promise. Later in this book, Job would confess his faith in the promise God had made to send a Savior. A Savior who would come to take away all sin and suffering and pain. A Savior who would come to give us victory over death. This Savior is Jesus, and he has come. He came to live and die for us all and to remove the curse of sin so that we could live forever in heaven.

This same God is the one who is watching over us. He has a loving purpose for us and is always focused on getting us home to him. So whenever you are tempted to be angry at God, realize this only pulls you away from the One who loves you and can help you. Instead of anger, turn to God in faith and let him lovingly lead you through each trial.

Dear Jesus, forgive me for the times I have directed my anger at you. Help me to trust you and to rely on your love for me. Amen.

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