Advent is Road Construction Season – December 12, 2023

“In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.”
Isaiah 40:3,4

Advent is Road Construction Season

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Daily Devotion – December 12, 2023

Devotion based on Isaiah 40:3,4

See series: Devotions

In the northern parts of the United States, many road construction projects that filled the highways with orange signs and barrels for the summer months are put on hold this time of year. The effect of cold temperatures on the ground, the workers, and the materials interferes with the ability to successfully complete any major road work.

But the word of God in our Bible passage today tells us that the season of Advent is road construction season. In these words, the prophet describes a scene that was familiar to his readers. When the king traveled around his kingdom, a delegation went ahead of him to prepare the way. But they weren’t coordinating with local law enforcement, clearing the runways for the king’s plane, or hanging colorful banners to welcome the king. They constructed or repaired roads for the king to travel onā€”even leveling hills, filling in valleys, and straightening curves so that the king’s journey would be swift and smooth, with no obstacles to stand in the way.

During Advent, we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus, our King, at Christmas. We also remember that he comes into our hearts through his Word and will come again at the end of time. What obstacles might be getting in the way of his coming into your heart? What is taking time away from your hearing God’s Word and getting to know Jesus better? This time of year, we can get so busy with many things. There is so much to do and so little time to do it. It is good that you are reading or listening to this devotion. Look for more opportunities like this to hear what God says in your home or at a local church.

As you do, God is at work to clear away sin and every other obstacle so that he can come into your heart with his message of peace and hope, forgiveness and mercy, and life that never ends when Jesus, your King, comes again.

King Jesus, clear the way to come into my heart through your Word this Advent season. Amen.

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