Congregation Mission offerings rise
Congregation Mission Offerings for March totaled $1,729,000 or $261,000 (17.8%) more than last March. Year to date, offerings have totaled $4,229,000 or $219,000 (5.5%) more than the same period last year. These offerings represent 103.7% of subscriptions, meaning that for the first quarter of the year offerings are 3.7% above what was projected. We are thankful to our congregations for this generous support, and we thank God for his blessings.
Synod statistics for 2014
The synod statistics for 2014 show some mixed results. Total baptized membership fell slightly from 376,177 to 373,022, a decline of 0.8%. Communicant membership also dropped slightly from 298,899 to 296,080, a decline of 0.9%. There were slightly fewer infant baptisms (5,980 in 2014 compared to 6,074 in 2013), but there was a small increase in adult baptisms, adult confirmations, and members received by profession of faith. Fewer members were lost due to death and departures for other churches. There was a small decrease in church attendance (42.4% to 42.1%). Giving for all purposes increased synodwide from $331,704,402 to $338,534,947 (an increase of just over 2%). Per communicant, giving for all purposes increased from $1,110 to $1,143.
Many factors produce statistics in a church. We know, of course, that God remains in control of his church and that the faithful proclamation of God’s Word remains the only thing on which the life and health of God’s church depend. At best, a statistical report can be one more reminder for us to examine our faithfulness in being stewards of the blessings God gives—blessings of time, resources, his Word, and the opportunities to proclaim the saving gospel to as many people as possible.
You can see the complete statistics here.
Serving in Christ,
President Mark Schroeder