Christians Under Construction Week 2

Christians Under Construction is a series of devotions designed for family use each week focused on Christian stewardship. Here is week two:

(Please set aside an evening this week to use this devotion as your personal devotion or family devotion.)

Ephesians 2:10 For we are Godā€™s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Bill Gentry loved his job. He worked as an advertising executive in one of the cityā€™s largest agencies. He spent his days working with companies trying to help them create advertising campaigns, commercials and billboards. Much of what he did was to observe large companies and try to learn from their approach to advertising. One of his favorite companies to watch was Nike. ā€œWhat creative campaigns they come up with!ā€ he told a number of his associates. He especially liked their ā€œjust do itā€ campaign. It was simple and to the point, but you remembered it and you remembered who told you to do it ā€“ Nike. It meant that with those shoes you could do itā€¦jump high, run fast, be like Mike, whatever. Bill was so impressed by the concept that he told others to ā€œjust do itā€, he told himself to ā€œjust do it.ā€ It was motivational for him.

Then on one Sunday morning he heard his pastor say the same thing. His pastor was talking about Ephesians 2:10, and in it he described one of Godā€™s very own creative campaigns ā€“ Godā€™s ā€œjust do itā€ campaign.

He listened intently and learned that God tells each and every one of us to ā€œjust do itā€ too — to do good works, God wasnā€™t trying to sell shoes however. He didnā€™t make a shoe that he claimed could make us run faster or jump higher. He didnā€™t stamp a swoosh on anything to identify it as something cool and hope weā€™d buy it. What God did do was make us. He calls us his ā€œworkmanship.ā€ And rather than stamp us with a logo, he put faith in our hearts, a faith in Jesus our Savior.

Whatā€™s even more amazing is that he didnā€™t roll each of us off the same assembly line. God made each one of us by hand, gave us each faith, and determined ahead of time the ā€œfeaturesā€ our model had. Wow! Each of us is unique with our own feature set.

God is so much more creative than we can even imagine! It is those God-given features that identify us as Godā€™s workmanship–that we are made by Him and for Him. And it is those features, those spiritual gifts, that determine exactly what God wants us to do.

We donā€™t have a swoosh. We donā€™t even have to wear a cross, Christ already wore one. We simply need to ā€œdo it.ā€ That shows the world who made us and to whom we belong. It shows God that we love him and are grateful for his craftsmanship.

God too says ā€œjust do it.ā€ ā€œDo what Iā€™ve enabled you specifically to do. Do those good works Iā€™ve prepared in advance for you to do.ā€

Be sure to read next weekā€™s devotion to find out some of those ā€œfeaturesā€ that God has built into us. For a sneak peak, youā€™ll want to read the ā€œFamily Readingā€ verses for today.

Discussion Questions: What have you ever been compelled to ā€œjust do?ā€ Do you have other mottos that you live by? List some of the ā€œfeaturesā€ you think God has given to you. Discuss why everybody has different spiritual gifts.

(Note to parents: You may want to review the facts of the story to reinforce the lesson.)

Family Reading: Romans 12

Prayer: Father in heaven, you have made each of us with different gifts, but you crafted each one of us with love. Please help us be like Christ, who did it for us, who paid for our sins on the cross. Help us to do good works, those which you have prepared for us to do. Amen.