Synodical Council holds winter 2022 meeting

The Synodical Council (SC) met Feb. 25 and 26 for its winter meeting. Here are some of the things that the SC discussed and decided:

  • Financial news was universally positive across all areas of the synodā€™s ministries. Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) for the first six months of the fiscal year (July through December) totaled $12.4 million, higher than planned and higher than the previous year. The Financial Stabilization Fund decreased to $15.8 million as of Dec. 31, 2021. 2021 CMO totaled $22.7 million, an increase of 4.3 percent ($938,000) over 2020. This is the highest CMO on record.
  • The ministerial education schools, WELS Church Extension Fund, WELS Foundation, WELS Investment Funds, and Northwestern Publishing House all experienced strong starts to the fiscal year.
  • The Schwan Foundation provided $1,879,000 in its regular grant to the synod for 2022; it also awarded an additional $125,000 in special project fund grants for 2022.
  • The Ministry Financial Plan was modified to enable Luther Preparatory School, Martin Luther College, and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary to fill necessary staff positions or to complete other needed projects. The additional spending will come from funds available at the schools and not through increased operating support.
  • Special fund reserves held by all areas of ministry increased to $80.2 million as of Dec. 31, 2021, up significantly from forecasts.
  • Due to recent inflationary trends, the SC approved a change to wage increases for Fiscal Year 2023 (starting in July 2022) to an average of 3.5 percent, 1.5 percent higher than the previously approved average of 2.0 percent. While not covering the full inflationary increases that everyone is feeling, this action is intended to provide called workers with at least some relief and is consistent with projected wage increase expectations for U.S. employers.
  • The mileage reimbursement rate was increased to 56 cents per mile, effective March 1, 2022.
  • The SC asked Luther Preparatory School to conduct a financial feasibility study for its proposed new music center.
  • The SC received a presentation by Northwestern Publishing House to develop a new K-12 religion curriculum for our Lutheran schools. The SC will be asking the Conference of Presidents (COP) to discuss how such a project could best be carried out under the auspices of the Commission on Lutheran Schools, with input from the Commission on Discipleship, the ministerial education schools, and Northwestern Publishing House. The COP will discuss this request in April.
  • The SC received a presentation by Home Missions on the ā€œ100 Missions in 10 Yearsā€ initiative. Planning has already begun, with the program launching in fall 2023.
  • World Missions reported that work is continuing to train Hmong pastors in Vietnam. With travel restrictions starting to ease, it is our prayer that construction of the training center in Hanoi can begin soon. World Missions also reported that the first WELS missionary has arrived in London and has begun to work with a core group of WELS families living in London. There is a possibility that a second missionary will be sent to London in the coming months.
  • Rev. Jon Kolander and Mr. Mike Krueger were re-appointed to the WELS Foundation board. The assets of WELS Foundation increased by 6.34 percent to $79 million during calendar year 2021.
  • Mr. Jeff Fisher was re-appointed to the Accounting Oversight Committee.
  • Loan demand through WELS Church Extension Fund remains weak, with less building activity going on due to the pandemic.
  • WELS Benefit Plans reports that the transition to the new retirement program is going well, with only 30 congregations not completing the enrollment process to date; those 30 are expected to complete the process in time for the April deadline. The current pension plan achieved a strong investment return of 16.1 percent during 2021; the funding status of the current plan, based on WELSā€™ actuarial assumptions, is 112.3 percent compared to 72.1 percent only three years ago.

Five members of the SC have completed their service. Rev. Don Tollefson and Rev. Paul Janke will retire at the end of June. Mr. Brad Johnston has ā€œtermed out,ā€ and Mr. Tim Kriewall has decided not to seek re-election. Board for Home Missions administrator Rev. Keith Free, an advisory member of the SC, has accepted a call into the parish ministry.

The SC will not meet for its April meeting unless there is an urgent and unexpected need to do so.

We thank God for his many blessings on our synod.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder




An update from Ukraine

WELS Ukraine liaison Rev. Roger Neumann has been able to maintain regular contact with leaders from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC), WELSā€™ sister church body. As of Tuesday morning, Neumann is reporting that so far the members there remain physically unharmed. However, all but 2 of the 17 congregations, comprising approximately 600 members, are in the direct line of the Russian advance. Two of the pastors have been cut off from communication. Many were able to hold online or in-person worship during the invasion on Sunday morning.

Neumann reports, ā€œThereā€™s a lot of fear, mixed with anger and bewilderment, as to why this is happening. They are very encouraged by the international support; very encouraged by the prayers of WELS people that are going out.ā€

According to Neumann, some members have been able to flee the country. However, at this time, all Ukrainian men between ages 18 and 60 are required to remain to defend their country as needed. The people who have stayed are taking shelter at night in the underground subway stations and come out during the day to find food and supplies. So far, limited supplies are still available, but the shelves are getting emptier.

WELS is financially assisting two ULC churches in western Ukraine that are setting up refugee centers to welcome Ukrainians who are fleeing from war-torn areas in the east, but space and resources are limited. Hundreds of thousands of people are currently on the move. Money is also being sent to help buy supplies for these refugees. At the time of this writing, banks and supermarkets are still open. The situation is being closely monitored regarding how funds can be safely and effectively sent and used.

ā€œWhen this is all said and doneā€”and Lord willing, itā€™s going to be soon and Lord willing, itā€™s going to be where they will keep their sovereigntyā€”there is going to be a tremendous need for humanitarian aid,ā€ Neumann predicts. ā€œPray for Ukraine; pray for the people. Thatā€™s the number one thing, and the rest God will take care of in his way.ā€

If youā€™d like to give a gift to support these relief efforts, visit and select ā€œUkraineā€ from the dropdown menu.



Forward in Christ highlights the seven words of Jesus

This Lenten season, Forward in Christ is focusing on Jesusā€™ final words from the cross, highlighting the seven statements through articles, music, and art.

In the March edition, a different author delves into each of Jesusā€™ statements, offering insights and lessons for the world today. The issue also features a new original Lenten hymn from Christian Worship: Hymnal called ā€œThe Seven Wordsā€ (Hymn 436), written by Rev. Michael Schultz, director of the WELS Hymnal Project. The hymn uses the tune of the well-known Lenten hymn, ā€œO Sacred Head Now Wounded.ā€

To help familiarize members with this hymnā€”as well as provide more devotional opportunities for Lentā€”Forward in Christ teamed up with WELS Commission on Worship to offer short weekly videos based on each verse. WELS musicians offer different musical arrangements for each verse. The videos also include illustrations by WELS artist Corissa Nelson. The videos will be released on social media each Wednesday in Lent, starting on Ash Wednesday, March 2. They also will be online at

ā€œThe text of the new hymn is powerful and moving on its own, just as poetry,ā€ says Rev. Bryan Gerlach, director of WELS Commission on Worship. ā€œBut when joined to beautiful music and interpretive art, itā€™s all the more meaningful. I am thankful for the many artistic and creative people who contributed to this project.ā€

Congregations may ā€œshareā€ Forward in Christā€™s post each week or embed the video on their own social media or website post. Download the first video.




Together Video Update – February 22, 2022

We caught up with Rev. Mark Henrich at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary’s Mission and Ministry seminar on Feb. 9. Learn about Henrich’s ministry serving at Hope, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a multi-cultural home mission congregation.




Congregations generously support the synod

By the gracious working of the Holy Spirit, Godā€™s people remitted $22.68 million in Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) during 2021, which is 4.3 percent ($938,000) more than 2020 CMO and 4.9 percent ($1,059,000) higher than projected receipts. According to Chief Financial Officer Mr. Kyle Egan, ā€œCalendar year 2021 CMO is the second straight year in which the synod has reached a new record level of CMO and the first calendar year where CMO exceeded $22 million.ā€

As part of financial planning for 2022, 98 percent of congregations submitted CMO subscriptions leading to a total of $22,450,000 in 2022 CMO subscriptions. Already in January offerings are exceeding expectations. Churches gave $1.43 million, which is 21.9 percent ($256,000) more than in January 2021 and the highest level of CMO for the month of January on record.

Rev. Kurt Lueneburg, WELS director of Christian Giving, says, ā€œThis is amazing given the record amount of 2021 CMO that Godā€™s people gave. Let us thank the Lord for continuing to bless our synod through his peopleā€™s generous gifts!ā€

For an engaging summary of how WELS uses congregational offerings to carry out Christā€™s work in missions and ministerial education and to support our churches and schools, review WELS annual report, titled ā€œYour Gifts, Godā€™s Blessings,ā€ at




Mission and Ministry held at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

From February 8ā€“10, students at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., participated in Mission and Ministry, an annual three-day event organized by the students.

Under the theme ā€œA World Overcome,ā€ this event highlighted the worldwide work of WELS.

Each day featured a worship service, an overview of ministry highlights by WELS leaders, an encouraging keynote address by a worker in the field, and the opportunity to attend three breakout sessions of interest. WELS organizations also set up displays to share information about their work in Godā€™s kingdom.

In order to give these future pastors a cross-section of experiences they may face in ministry, 24 breakout sessions were offered on specific topics. These sessions included discussions on world missions using technology post-COVID, continued mission opportunities to the Hmong in Vietnam, urban ministry, restarting a mission, church culture, and graphic design for worship and outreach. Many workshops had the underlying, connecting themes that pastors need to be intentional in their work and have a curious mind toward potential new ideas.

The seminary family was blessed to have visitors each day: the pastor-track juniors from Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn., participated on the first day and the students of Bethany Theological Lutheran Seminary, Mankato, Minn., participated on days two and three. A special moment during the opening worship service was the commissioning of Missionary Michael Hartman to England.

For photos of the event, visit the seminaryā€™s Facebook page.




Understanding cultural diversity

Martin Luther Collegeā€™s (MLC) Cultural Engagement Center offered several opportunities for students to grow in cultural awareness this January and February. The Cultural Engagement Center (CEC) works to welcome and support diverse students, provide opportunities for cross-cultural understanding, and promote community on campusā€”all to help students better carry out the Great Commission, Jesusā€™ command to share the gospel with all nations and peoples.

In January, MLC planned a full day of activities to commemorate Martin Luther King Day, including a special worship service, workshops, social simulations, and thought-provoking films. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher and Patricia James, members at Divine Peace, Largo, Md., presented the keynote address.

In February, the Center featured decorations explaining and celebrating the Lunar New Year, a traditional festival celebrated by Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese people. The Center also partnered with the campusā€™ Art In Ministry group to sponsor a Lunar New Year crafting event to teach students more about traditional Chinese art.

Earlier in the school year, students also learned more about the cultures of the international students attending MLC during International Education Week, which included ethnic food nights, student presentations, and panel discussions.

According to Mrs. Megan Kassuelke, director of cultural engagement at MLC, the CEC is meant to cultivate diversity and culture-related discussion in respectful, mindful, and authentic ways. She says, ā€œMy goal is to foster a sense of belonging for all by inviting the entire campus family to join in the conversation about diversity awareness and cultural competency.ā€

Rev. Aaron Robinson, cultural diversity coordinator at MLC, says events like these offer students opportunities to grow in their understanding as WELSā€™ future called workers. ā€œThe reason we use days like this to talk about culture is not to divide but so we can better serve,ā€ he says. ā€œI want to continue the conversation and these momentsā€”meeting the students where theyā€™re atā€”so they can grow as God wants them to grow and minister to those who are not like them.ā€





Together Video Update – February 8, 2022

Zachary Satorius, a third-year student at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., is serving as a vicar in MedellĆ­n, Colombia, during this school year. Hear from Satorius what his ministry in Colombia involves and what he is learning as he serves there.




Home Missions begins planning for 100 missions in 10 years

At the synod convention last summer, the Board for Home Missions presented a proposal to open 100 new missions in 10 years, beginning in 2023. The convention enthusiastically embraced the proposal.

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, the planning for the project began in earnest. To start the planning process a meeting was held to bring together representatives from the synod Board for Home Missions, district mission boards from all 12 districts, mission counselors, and Home Missions administrators.

The group discussed a wide range of issues such as funding and manpower, the process for identifying and prioritizing locations for new missions, and the important responsibilities of the district mission boards to do the work necessary to carry out the project.

Itā€™s an ambitious goal, but weā€™ve established that goal with trust in Godā€™s promises, asking for the Lordā€™s blessings on our efforts. God uses us to plant and water, but he alone makes his church grow.

Learn more about WELS mission work at

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder



You Should Also Know – Feb. 1, 2022

News briefs from the Feb. 1, 2022, edition of the Together newsletter.

New Bible readings start this month

This month, Forward in Christ readers can enjoy selections from the book of Galatians in a study entitled, ā€œEvery day with Galatians.ā€

Luther writes the following regarding Paulā€™s letter to the church in Galatia:

Without any merit or work on our own, we must first be justified by Christian righteousness . . . but this righteousness is heavenly and passive. We do not have it of ourselves; we receive it from heaven. We do not perform it; we accept it by faith. . . . In this epistle therefore, Paul is concerned to instruct, comfort, and sustain us diligently in a perfect knowledge of this most excellent and Christian righteousness. (Luther’s Works, Vol. 26:8,9)

This monthā€™s daily readings are short but powerfulā€”a fuel for our day-to-day lives. ā€œIt is a comfort to know that I am justified by what Jesus did for me. Itā€™s important to renew that truth because there are still so many distortions that lead us to think that we can earn Godā€™s love,ā€ says John Braun, FICā€™s executive editor. ā€œBecause he has given me this gift I find courage to live as God wants me to live. His grace changes me so that I can live as a child of God. Thatā€™s important every day.ā€

Additionally, short excerpts from Martin Lutherā€™s 1535 lectures on Galatians will be available online at

Watch the WELS Investment Funds quarterly update webinar

If you missed it live you can still catch the latest WELS Investment Funds quarterly update. The 30-minute webinar featured Bill Burns, CFA, senior investment consultant for Vanguard, as he delivered a quarterly market recap, an investment performance review for the WELS Funds, and Vanguardā€™s market and economic outlook.

The webinar also included an informative Q&A featuring current issues impacting the markets. Here is a sample of the questions that were addressed:

  • What challenges does the Fed face in deciding to raise rates?
  • How will inflation come down?
  • What is Vanguard doing to mitigate the volatility in the WELS Balanced Fund and WELS Endowment Fund?

As of December 31, 2021, WELS Investment Fundsā€™ net assets totaled $321 million. We currently provide investment portfolios for 240 WELS and ELS ministries, and each quarter more and more WELS members are tuning in to these updates to learn how their congregationā€™s or organizationā€™s investments are making an impact on ministry.

View the webinar recording

Lutheran Schools video

The Commission on Lutheran Schools is sharing a video highlighting the blessings of Lutheran schools. Enrollment in WELS schools is up 9.8 percent this school year (8 percent for Lutheran elementary schools alone), according to the recently released 2021ā€“22 school statistics, with 26,586 students in 282 Lutheran elementary schools and 11,672 students in 363 early childhood ministries.

Watch the video




Conference of Presidents January 2022 meeting

The Conference of Presidents (COP) held its winter meeting on Jan. 3-6. The following items were discussed or decided:

  • Representatives from the Conference of Presidents will meet with the Board for Home Missions leadership and with several members of the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary faculty as a part of the planning process for the effort to open 100 new home missions in ten years beginning in 2023.
  • Northwestern Publishing House (NPH) is continuing its search for a new president. Mr. Bill Ziche, current NPH president, has announced his plans to retire. Mr. Mark Buske, director of marketing for NPH, will serve as acting president until a new president is found.
  • There are currently 143 pastoral vacancies in the synod, 124 of which are parish pastor positions. Forty of the pastoral vacancies are in associate pastor positions (meaning those congregations are still being served by at least one pastor). Next yearā€™s graduating class at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary will be larger than those in recent years, which will help to reduce the number of pastoral vacancies.
  • With expanding enrollment at our WELS schools, the growing shortage of teachers continues, especially in the area of early childhood. The COP discussed ideas for enhancing recruitment efforts.
  • The COP recently issued a pastoral letter on Christian freedom.
  • The overall cost of the vicar program is $42,000 per vicar, down slightly from last year. The vicar stipend was increased by $25 per month to $1750. Vicar compensation also provides for housing most of the cost of health insurance.
  • The COP expressed thanks to God for the high level of Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) in 2021. The exact total will be published in the coming days.
  • Congregations are asked to submit their 2021 statistics and CMO subscriptions by the Feb. 4 deadline.
  • The COP expressed its support for a proposal by Northwestern Publishing House and the Commission on Lutheran Schools to develop a comprehensive K-12 religion curriculum for schools and Sunday schools.
  • The COP has been making final edits on the restatement of the synodā€™s teaching on male and female roles. It is hoped that the final document will be ready for review by the district conventions this summer.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder




Increased school enrollments offer new opportunities for outreach

Enrollment in WELS schools is up 9.8 percent this school year (8 percent for Lutheran elementary schools alone), according to the recently released 2021ā€“22 school statistics, with 26,586 students in 282 Lutheran elementary schools and 11,672 students in 363 early childhood ministries.

This is the highest ever recorded enrollment for WELS early childhood ministries and the highest number for Lutheran elementary schools since the 2004ā€“05 school year, according to Mr. Jim Rademan, director of WELS Lutheran Schools.

About 70 percent of WELS schools increased their enrollment this year, while 25 percent decreased and about 5 percent stayed the same.

Besides enrollment increasing, schools are seeing more opportunities for outreach. More and more students attending WELS schools are mission prospects, with nearly 33 percent of families in early childhood ministries and 16 percent in Lutheran elementary schools identifying either as non-Christian or no church home.

ā€œEnrollment is up in our schools,ā€ says Rademan. ā€œNow how can we take advantage of the opportunity? Conditions have been favorable for having more students sit at the feet of Jesus in our classrooms. But how long will that window be open and how well are we going to take advantage of that open window and be as urgent and resolute as we possibly can about sharing the gospel with those children and their families?ā€

To help congregations and schools connect with unchurched school families, WELS Congregational Services offers a workshop called Telling the Next Generation: Utilizing our Schools for Outreach. Available in person for groups of congregations or a single congregation or virtually for single congregations, the workshop provides resources and advice to help congregations develop outreach plans and strategies to share the gospel with school families.

Learn more about Telling the Next Generation.

Watch last week’s Together video with Mr. Jim Rademan.




Godā€™s work among us and through us

ā€œYour gifts, Godā€™s blessings: An annual report to our membersā€ is now available online. The report includes photos of Christian brothers and sisters around the world, stories of faith, and updates on WELSā€™ ministry.

ā€œThis report reviews some of the many ways that God has blessed his work among us,ā€ says WELS President Mark Schroeder. ā€œAs you read about them, join with the psalm writer in singing, ā€˜Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory, for your love and faithfulness!ā€™ā€

Read more about

  • Zach Satorius, a seminary student studying in MedellĆ­n, Colombia, during his vicar year;
  • Arturo and Maricruz Navarette, who sold their living room furniture and purchased chairs, tables, and a coffeemaker so they can host a new church group in their home in Mexico City, Mexico;
  • the help Christian Aid and Relief offered in New Orleans, La., following damage from Hurricane Ida; and
  • the many resources available for congregations as they begin to use the new Christian Worship: Hymnal.

These stories and more are presented in the 2022 edition of ā€œYour gifts, Godā€™s blessings.ā€ Print versions of the report are being sent to every WELS congregation and individual donor. Additional print versions are available from Northwestern Publishing House for free. Visit or call 800-662-6022.

To view the report online, visit There you can also download a PowerPoint presentation of the report with notes that allow anyone to share the highlights of our synodā€™s work. Alternatively, churches can invite a WELS Christian giving counselor to give the presentation. Contact WELS Ministry of Christian Giving at 800-827-5482 for more information.




A special 2021 Christmas message

WELS Christian Aid and Relief responds to South Central tornadoes

On Dec. 10, tornadoes caused devastation across the South Central part of the United States. Rev. Daniel Sims, director of WELS Christian Aid and Relief, reports: ā€œAt this time, we are unaware of any of our WELS congregations or members who have been directly impacted by this storm. Praise God for watching over his people!ā€

Because no WELS congregations are near the affected areas, WELS Christian Aid and Relief is currently not planning to mobilize volunteers for onsite disaster relief work. ā€œBecause we donā€™t have the deep resources or infrastructure of FEMA or the Red Cross, itā€™s very difficult to go into areas where we donā€™t have a congregation nearby to use as our ā€˜home baseā€™ for volunteers,ā€ says Sims. ā€œHowever, we will continue to look for opportunities to go to the area and help those in need.ā€

To support those affected by the tornadoes, WELS Christian Aid and Relief has sent a gift of $10,000 to Direct Relief, which has people on-site and active in providing disaster relief in the form of medical aid.

Sims is thankful for the response from WELS members wanting to help: ā€œWe are grateful for your support and your messages of care and concern. Your love for those who are hurting is obvious. May the Lord continue to bless our efforts to ā€˜do good to all peopleā€™ (Galatians 6:10).ā€

To help those affected by the tornadoes, you can make a financial gift through WELS Christian Aid and Reliefā€™s disaster fund at (designate the gift to ā€œdisaster reliefā€). Stay updated on relief efforts at




Introducing the new hymnal

About 45 percent of WELS congregations have ordered Christian Worship: Hymnal and accompanying resources since its release in September. Most materials are now available and are being shipped to congregations and individuals who have preordered or are currently ordering. Christian Worship: Service Builder, a digital tool to help congregations with planning worship and generating service folders, is projected to be released the week after Christmas.

Resources are available to help people become familiar with some of the key new hymnal features and to help pastors guide congregations through their first use of Christian Worship materials. Resources include:

  • Introduction scripts and a dedication rite.
  • Video presentations that highlight hymns, psalms, and liturgies included in the new hymnal.
  • Concert videos.

Some congregations are planning to purchase the new hymnal and resources in 2022, including St. John, Burlington, Wis. But even though St. John hasnā€™t yet bought the hymnal for its sanctuary, it already has started to introduce its members to it.

In November St. John hosted a hymnal introduction seminar where more than 100 people gathered to hear presentations as well as sing selections from the new hymnal and psalter. Both books were available for attendees to examine and useā€”and even buy. ā€œThis hymnal is something that will touch the lives and worship of all the members of the church,ā€ says Rev. Kirk Lahmann, St. Johnā€™s pastor. ā€œBecause of this seminar, people were able to walk away saying, ā€˜I really understand why this is important,ā€™ and that generates excitement.ā€

Now the church is working to raise money to buy hymnals for all the pews and enough psalters for the choir to use.

Once the hymnals are in the pews, the introduction process will continue. For worship services, Lahmann plans to distribute a simple outline to congregants and then have members use the hymnal to follow along rather than a service folder. ā€œWe need to learn how to navigate the book,ā€ says Lahmann. ā€œIf we want this to be a book that is used in worship and the home, then letā€™s learn how to use it.ā€

Rev. Bryan Gerlach, director of the Commission on Worship, comments: ā€œWe recognize that congregations can be at very different stages of evaluating and obtaining new hymnal resources. Some preordered before the books were even in print for review. Some, like Burlington, waited longer. Others might not explore options yet for months. Thatā€™s okay. Whenever a congregation is ready, the online resources will help them explore the great benefits of the new hymnal suite of resources.ā€

Learn more about Christian Worship: Hymnal as well as access hymnal introduction resources at Northwestern Publishing House also has published shipping updates.




Bible study on the divine call available

People have always had questions about the divine call and the process we use to call people into the public ministry. With the high number of vacancies and with many congregations affected by the shortage, itā€™s not surprising that there have been more questions than normal about exactly what the divine call is and how the doctrine of the call is applied among us.

For that reason, the 2021 synod convention passed a resolution encouraging the Conference of Presidents to develop resources and perhaps a series of instructive articles in Forward in Christ that will provide our people with a better understanding of the divine call and how it works.

The COP is now making available a Bible study that deals with the public ministry, the call, and our WELS call process. That Bible study, which includes a PowerPoint presentation and a leaderā€™s guide, is now available for download online. While designed for a Bible class setting, it will also be available to anyone for personal self-study.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder



New synod in Latin America forms

In October, representatives from WELS and WELSā€™ sister churches throughout Latin America met in MedellĆ­n, Colombia, to form a new synod: Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional. Founding members come from churches in Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Venezuela.

ā€œFor years, our sister churches in Latin America have just been small, individual groups fighting against the wind,ā€ says Rev. Larry Schlomer, administrator of WELS World Missions. ā€œFor them to be able to have this much broader ministry thatā€™s clearly being blessed by the Lord, thereā€™s an excitement there.ā€

As part of a synod, these churches will be able to do mission work together, train pastors together, and support each other with prayers and fellowship.

Synod membership is expected to swell in the future as new groups gathered during the Academia Cristo training efforts complete a two-year confessional process called Ruta Cristo (Christ path). ā€œOne of the needs that Ruta Cristo has given us is where will new congregations that come from Academia Cristo go?ā€ says Rev. Henry Herrera, a pastor in Colombia and president of Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional. ā€œThis is why we can tell them now that the answer is Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional.ā€

Currently 12 groups are on that two-year path, with dozens more possible in the upcoming year. Leaders who complete the highest level of Academia Cristo classes also will be considered candidates for a new seminary program led by Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional and supported by WELS missionaries.

ā€œFor years we were adding people to our churches [in Latin America] by the tens. To now have people joining our fellowship through the work of so many people by the hundredsā€”if not soon, the thousandsā€”is just amazing,ā€ says Schlomer. ā€œThe real blessing is that the Lord is leading more people to learn about grace and what Jesus has done.ā€

Learn more about Academia Cristo at




Synodical Council fall 2021 meeting

The following items were discussed or decided at Novemberā€™s meeting of the Synodical Council (SC):

  • Reports from WELS Church Extension Fund, WELS Investment Funds, and WELS Foundation indicated strong and healthy financial results for all three subsidiaries.
  • Northwestern Publishing House (NPH) reported it is planning to develop a new WELS religion curriculum called ā€œCurriculum 22:6ā€ (a reference to Proverbs 22:6, ā€œTrain a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from itā€). The curriculum will include levels for early childhood through high school and will also be suitable for use in both Sunday schools and elementary schools. Development time will take approximately five years. NPH also reported that sales of the new hymnal are strong and above projections.
  • WELS Benefit Plans reported the transition to the new retirement plan is going well. The SC gave final formal approval to implement the new plan on Jan. 1, 2022.
  • Chief Financial Officer Mr. Kyle Egan reported that Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) totaled $22.6 million (the highest ever) and was $1.2 million higher than the previous year. He also reported the Financial Stabilization Fund finished the year with a balance of $19.5 million, an increase over the prior year by $3.3 million. All four synodical schools ended the fiscal year with higher surpluses than the previous year. CMO for the first quarter of fiscal year 2022 remained strong and above projections.
  • The synod learned last week that its Paycheck Protection Program loan of $2.6 million was forgiven. All synodical entities eligible for PPP loans (synodical schools, Northwestern Publishing House, and the synod) now have had their loans forgiven.
  • The SC created a new ā€œMinistry Opportunity Fundā€ to provide continuing support for unfunded priorities and for new ministry opportunities. The fund will initially include about $5 million coming from the Financial Stabilization Fund. The SC passed a resolution that this fund would provide $750,000 for four years to WELS Home Missions in support of its 100 new missions in 10 years initiative.
  • The SC approved the transfer of the synodā€™s ownership interest in the Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel and Student Center property in Madison, Wis. The property and buildings will be fully owned by the Chapel and Student Center.
  • The SC will consider providing additional funding for WELS Military Services once the SC receives a detailed request of how the dollars will be used. A convention request for additional funding for WELS Prison Ministry was answered with grants from the Antioch II Foundation and the Schwan Foundation.
  • The SC, with the encouragement of the Conference of Presidents, appointed a committee to begin the process of developing a new synod strategic plan for the year 2025 and beyond. First Vice President Rev. James Huebner will chair the committee.
  • The SC will work with WELS Home Missions to support the 100/10 initiative that will begin in 2023.

Once again, the SC marveled at the grace of God and the generosity of our WELS members. To him be the glory!

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder



Making a sad day a day of joyful celebration

Divine Peace Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wis., was started as a mission of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in 1957. The neighborhood on S. 76th Street was a new and growing community on the southwest outskirts of Milwaukee, an area at the time filled not with blocks of homes but with undeveloped fields and few streets.

After almost 65 years of bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to its neighborhood, Divine Peace will hold its final worship service on Sunday, Nov. 7.

Itā€™s always a sad day when circumstances force a congregation to close its doors for the last time. But even at a time of sadness and loss, the members of Divine Peace have found a way to celebrate and to express their joy and thanks to a gracious God.

The congregation has decided that the proceeds from the sale of its building, along with its other assets, will be used to carry out gospel ministry even after Divine Peace has closed. It has designated that 80 percent of the congregationā€™s assets will be given to the synod to support the planting of new home missions and that 20 percent of the assets will be given to Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee to support the Christian education of young people. In doing so, the congregation is making a beautiful statement that even though Divine Peace will no longer exist, its ministry will continue through these gifts that will be used to proclaim the gospel through new congregations and through the Christian education of future generations.

The members of Divine Peace are bringing this gift to the synod both out of desire to further mission work in new locations but also out of thanks and appreciation for the synod that established Divine Peace as a home mission in 1957.

Because of its location in Milwaukee, the members of Divine Peace will have many different opportunities to find a new WELS church home in the area. Divine Peace is providing its members with assistance in finding and joining a congregation nearby.

Our prayers are with the members of Divine Peace. And we join in thanking them for this forward-looking gift of faith that will continue to support gospel ministry for generations to come.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder



An end and a beginning for these home missions

Five home mission congregations are enjoying new or renovated worship spaces.

  • Beautiful Savior, Fayetteville, N.C.: On Aug. 29, Beautiful Savior dedicated its new worship space, which was built with the help of Builders For Christ. This congregation serves a large military population.
  • Illumine, Rock Hills, S.C.: On Oct. 3, members of Illumine began worshiping in their ā€œoldā€ worship space and then caravanned to their new building to finish a special ā€œMoving Day Worship Service.ā€
  • Risen Savior, Mansfield, Ohio: After 15 months of renovation work, Risen Savior dedicated its new space on Oct. 10. In June, the congregation hosted a Praise and Proclaim outreach seminar, which led to 15 people knocking on 300 doors and making more than 50 gospel presentations. Since then, Risen Saviorā€™s members have continued to reach out to their neighbors by canvassing local neighbors one Saturday each month.
  • Amazing Grace, South Beloit, Ill.: Amazing Grace held a dedication service for its new building on Oct. 31. This congregation has a pumpkin patch on its church property and each year it offers community members the opportunity to pick a free pumpkin in exchange for donations for a local food pantry.
  • Shepherd of the Lakes, Linden, Mich.: On Oct. 31, Shepherd of the Lakes dedicated its new church. Members began worshiping in the new space in December 2020 but held off on a dedication service due to the pandemic and a pastoral vacancy. New seminary graduate Caleb Schaewe was assigned to serve Shepherd of the Lakes in May and was installed there in July.

ā€œFor those involved in building a church, a church dedication marks the end of a long process,ā€ says Keith Free, administrator of WELS Home Missions. ā€œAnd yet, it really is just another beginning for the mission church to continue its efforts to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. From its inception the members of the mission strive to be gospel proclaimers with a temporary worship location as their base. Now, blessed with a permanent facility, the people of God renew their efforts to go with the gospel into their community.ā€

WELS Church Extension Fund, Inc., helped these congregations along the way by providing financing through loans and grants for their ministry facilities. In fiscal year 2020ā€“21, WELS Church Extension Fund approved $15.4 million in new loans and $1.98 million in new grants to congregations. In addition, it provided grants of $1.06 million and $.6 million to the Board for Home Missions. Visit to learn more about WELS Church Extension Fund.



An update from Vietnam

WELS Director of Missions Operations Mr. Sean Young just returned from a month-long visit to Vietnam to discuss next steps for the theological education center in Hanoi. Hmong Asia Ministry Coordinator Rev. Bounkeo Lor accompanied him. The Board for World Missions released this report about the trip:

From the beginning of this initiative, WELS has known that that there would be potential challenges and unexpected setbacks due to this being a brand new mission field in an unfamiliar country. COVID also complicated the process, but weā€™re thankful that the Lord continues to guide these efforts and ā€œwork all things for the good of those who love himā€ (Romans 8:28).

This was the first visit to Vietnam since COVID-19 shut down international travel in March 2020. Certain conversations and building plan discussions were held via Zoom, but concrete plans for the next steps needed to be discussed in-person. Conversations with the Hmong Fellowship Church leadership went well and continue at the time of this writing. If all goes as planned, it is WELS World Missionsā€™ goal to have the theological education center open by Easter 2022, pending no other COVID-19 complications.

Rev. Dr. Terry Schultz from Multi-Language Productions and Rev. Ger Lor from Grace Hmong Lutheran Church in Kansas City, Kan., accompanied Rev. Bounkeo Lor and Mr. Sean Young on the trip. Schultz trained Hmong Fellowship Church leaders how to use evangelism materials he created to train their members, and he gained valuable insight into the Hmong culture for the creation of future materials. Multi-Language Productions will be purchasing flip-book versions of these visual teaching aids. They also identified three Hmong Fellowship Church students with drawing skills who potentially could help develop future educational resources.

In the meantime, the second wave of visiting professors are currently in Vietnam to have their religious visas renewed/approved and conduct training. Rev. Joel Nitz is there for the first time since being called to serve the Hmong in Vietnam in February 2020. Training continues, in-person (thank the Lord!) and via Zoom, for the first 60 men who will prayerfully be ordained as pastors. These men also continue to lead rural training workshops throughout the 13 districts to share what they are learning with other Hmong Fellowship Church members.

The Hmong Fellowship Church grew by 12,000 people in 2020, and the church body now numbers 138,000 members. Stay updated on progress and learn more about Hmong outreach in Vietnam at

Serving with you in Christ,
President Mark Schroeder




Conference of Presidents Fall 2021 meeting

At its October meeting, the Conference of Presidents (COP) received and discussed the following reports and topics:

  • Mr. Bill Ziche, president of Northwestern Publishing House (NPH), provided an update on the new hymnal. Already 325 churches have placed orders for the hymnal, a pace that NPH considers encouraging. NPH is also in the early stages of developing a new religion curriculum for pre-school through high school.
  • President Richard Gurgel of Martin Luther College (MLC), New Ulm, Minn., provided an overview of the strategic planning effort that has already begun at MLC.
  • WELS Benefit Plans director Mr. Josh Peterman provided an overview of the materials that will be used to introduce the new retirement plan to congregations and called workers. The change in the retirement plan takes effect on Jan. 1, 2022.
  • There are 136 vacancies in pastor-trained positions. This includes positions in world missions, schools, and administration.
  • The COP discussed the issue of called and hired workers in our early childhood ministries. More study will take place on developing principles and guidelines for congregations to consider as they staff these schools.

The COP formally expressed thanks to the members of the WELS Hymnal Project for their many years of faithful service.

The COP resolved that the on-campus requirement for staff ministry certification be the same as the practice now in place for teacher certification.Ā  As is the case with teachers, someone enrolled in the staff ministry certification program and serving in a call will be considered provisionally ministry certified.

Work continues to clarify the synod bylaws dealing with the discipline and appeal process for called workers.

The next COP meeting takes place in January.




New and upcoming Prison Ministry resources

WELS Prison Ministry works to reach those impacted by incarceration with the saving message of Godā€™s grace. It does this through a vigorous ministry-by-mail program that has two components. One is mailing Bible studies to inmates that include a test to complete and mail back; it then gets reviewed by volunteers and sent back with words of encouragement. The other is an active pen pal program, composed of WELS volunteers who correspond with inmates via letters to share Christā€™s love.

In addition to reaching the incarcerated, WELS Prison Ministry also seeks to equip members and congregations to help those who have been released from prison or jail. Through the faithful and generous support from WELS members in addition to a generous grant, Prison Ministry has a range of resources that were recently released or are in the planning stages.

Mentoring a Returning Citizen is a video-based training resource that helps church leaders prepare their members to mentor people returning to the community from incarceration. It can be found at

Two resources to help promote awareness of Prison Ministryā€™s work are also available. Worship planning resources for a Prison Ministry Sunday include suggested hymns, psalm, and prayers together with a sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:16,17. A few stories and comments from inmates who have benefited from Prison Ministryā€™s Bible studies are included at the end of the sermon sheet.

A Sunday school/Lutheran elementary school lesson based on Onesimus and Philemon emphasizes the importance of welcoming those with troubled backgrounds into Godā€™s family. The lesson contains student and leader sheets for four grade levels (PreK- Grade 6). These resources can be found online at

Looking ahead, the WELS Prison Ministry committee is examining ways to reach inmates as communication methods change. ā€œMethods used to deliver the gospel to inmates are changing. Inmates are communicating less frequently via U.S. Mail. More inmates are being given access to electronic communication (similar to e-mail) as well as other services such as book or music downloads to tablets that the inmates own. Our ministry needs to adapt to this new environment. Frequent opportunities to share law and gospel with many more inmates nationwide are available if we can adapt our efforts to this new reality,ā€ explains Mr. Dave Hochmuth, WELS Prison Ministry administrator.

There are three components to this new effort:

  • Produce devotions that support outreach to people with little if any biblical knowledge.
  • Implement a system for distributing the devotions using electronic messaging services to inmates.
  • Test and implement a system using electronic messaging services to collect Bible study tests, return corrected tests, and exchange pen pal letters with inmates.

Hochmuth says, ā€œWith changes in the environment of our ministry, we are grateful that the Lord continues to provide generous gifts from donors and organizations to meet the new opportunities for outreach right now.ā€

Learn how to support or get involved with WELS Prison Ministry at




Free conference highlights innovative gospel outreach with media

The Gospel Outreach With Media (GOWM) online conference opened Monday, Oct. 18.

Presentations in this international three-week conference highlight various types of mediaā€”including stained-glass windows, virtual reality, the creative visual arts, toys, and the Internetā€”and how they can be used to spread the gospel.

ā€œPeople normally think about technology when talking about media,ā€ says Mr. Tom Kuster, executive director of the Christ in Media Institute, which hosts the conference, ā€œbut we highlight other media as well.ā€ He shares that media really is whatever channel carries the message from the speaker to the audience.

Kuster says the goal of the conference is to ā€œtickle peopleā€™s awarenessā€ of innovative ways of using different media so they start thinking how they can get involved in outreach, no matter what their skill set or vocation. A secondary goal is to connect people with mutual interests for future collaboration on gospel-outreach projects.

This is the seventh annual GOWM conference hosted by Christ in Media Institute. The institute started in 2009 as an educational arm of Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minn., to promote research and education focused on employing Godā€™s gift of mass media to bring the pure gospel message to vast audiences in the U.S. and abroad. It is a part of WELSā€™ sister synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

Anyone can participate in this free online conference. Presentations are available to read or watch; online discussion will be open until Nov. 8 before the conference closes and is archived. Past conference presentations are always available.

Participate now at



60 years of Godā€™s grace and blessings

On Sat., Oct. 9, a special worship service will be held at 5:00 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church in downtown Milwaukee to mark the 60th anniversary of the WELS Central Africa Medical Mission. As the theme of the celebration states, members of our synod will thank God for 60 years of his grace and blessings on this important work.

The Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) is a mission of WELS supported entirely outside of the synod budget through gifts from WELS womenā€™s groups, Lutheran schools and Sunday schools, and individuals. Its work is administered by the Central Africa Medical Mission Committee, with input from Medical Mission Councils in Malawi and Zambia and the WELS Board for World Missions. We thank the many committee members who have served as volunteers throughout the years.

CAMM began its work in 1961 when it established its first medical mission on the Sala Reserve near Lusaka, Zambia. A permanent dispensary was built and opened later that year. By 1963, as many as 4,000 people were being treated at the Mwembezhi Lutheran Clinic each month. Special prenatal clinics began in 1965, and an under-fives clinic began in 1968.

Work was expanded to Malawi in July 1970 with a mobile health care unit. The nurses traveled to five designated bush areas to set up a clinic for the day and then returned to their home in Lilongwe by night. Permanent structures built to serve as clinics during the week are used as churches on Sunday.

Dozens of faithful workers have carried out the work of this mission for six decades. The mission has faced many challenges, and, as circumstances changed, adjustments were made to the way in which the mission carried out its work. Despite the challenges and changing circumstances, God has blessed the work richly. With God’s help, hundreds of thousands of patients have been served and countless lives saved through the work of the Central Africa Medical Mission. Many adults and children have been baptized.

We take time to thank God for what he has accomplished and for the people he provided to carry out this work faithfully for 60 years. Learn more at

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder




2022 WELS National Education Conference

The Commission on Lutheran Schools (CLS) is announcing the 2022 WELS National Education Conference, June 20-22, Pewaukee, Wis., with preconference sessions on June 19.

Mr. Paul Patterson, CLS associate director and member of the conference planning committee, says, ā€œThis conference is focused on teaching and designed by teachers for teachers.Ā We have six compelling strands that offer sectionals in topics that are the focus in professional journals: social emotional learning, feedback and assessment, higher order thinking and questioning, student achievement, student-centered classrooms, and leadership in ministry.ā€

Three keynote speakers have been announced: Rev. Rich Gurgel, Martin Luther College president; Mr. Eric Jensen, a nationally known writer and trainer who connects brain research to the classroom and to enhanced attention and learning; and Dr. Dipesh Navsaria, a Wisconsin pediatrician specializing in early literacy.

Patterson says, ā€œWe also have seven awesome preconference strands including early childhood; a new Christian Worship conference style presentation for those who missed the 2021 Worship Conference because it was canceled; special education; ministry development plan primer; and more!ā€

All WELS teachers are encouraged to save the dates. Registration will open in January 2022.

For more on the conference, check out this short promotional video and check out the conference website, which includes the opportunity to sign up for the conference newsletter.



New home mission plans approved

The WELS Board for Home Missions met Sept. 16-17 and approved financial support for three home mission locations.

A new home mission plant was approved in Collinsville, Ill. Christ Our Savior in Collinsville has served as a preaching station of Martin Luther in St. Louis, Mo., since 2002. The core group has maintained an average of 25 to 30 people attending worship through the years. The core group is increasing its outreach efforts, including reaching students at a local college and workers on a nearby military base, as well as offering services for the deaf in their community. Martin Luther has committed time, manpower, and financial assistance to help Christ Our Savior grow and become its own congregation. Home Missions funding will allow Christ Our Savior to call a full-time pastor to assist in this effort.

Home Missions is also providing financial support to two existing ministries:

  • Crossville, Tenn.: Crossville is a growing area of eastern Tennessee that is attracting many retirees thanks to the retirement communities and activities in the area. A core group at Ascension Lutheran Church is committed to restarting the church and expanding gospel outreach. More and more visitors are coming to church, and its Bible information class had six people in it this past year. Home Missions funding will allow the congregation to call a full-time pastor to help kick-start this ministry.
  • Las Vegas, Nev.: Summerlin Lutheran Church was originally approved to receive three years of financial support in spring 2021 to restart its congregation, which already owned a large facility in a growing suburb of Las Vegas. Situations have changed, and a number of leaders within the core group have moved away. Home Missions is providing the congregation additional funding with the optimistic anticipation of great blessings from the Lord.

Home Missions also approved unsubsidized mission status for Good Shepherd in Beloit, Wis. Home Missions provides assistance to unsubsidized mission congregations through its district missions boards, mission counselors, synodical support staff, and special project funds, but does not provide direct financial support. Learn more about all of WELS Home Missions work at

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder




New mission opportunities in Europe

A new mission in London is one step closer to reality. After a trip to England earlier this month, Rev. Larry Schlomer, administrator of the Board for World Missions, is recommending that the board call a full-time missionary to London.

During his trip, Schlomer met with a group of WELS families in London to talk about the possibilities. These members will serve as the ā€œcore groupā€ for this mission and its work. ā€œThey are more than excited,ā€ says Schlomer. ā€œA couple of the members even shared with me that they have been praying for a pastor.ā€

In the past, this group in Londonā€”about 30 peopleā€”has been served with the Word and sacraments by the WELS European chaplain, who travels monthly from Germany where he is based. The chaplain, part of WELS Military Services, ministers to WELS military personnel on large bases in Germany as well as serves civilians and troops in Germany, England, Switzerland, and scattered throughout Europe. Currently Rev. John Hartwig fills that role.

According to Schlomer, besides serving current members weekly with the Word, a new missionary will be able to explore opportunities for reaching out to the many immigrant populations that settle in London. WELS already has connections with several groups, including members and pastors from WELSā€™ sister synod in Hong Kong who have recently relocated to London. Once initial exploration has been completed, a second missionary may be called to work specifically with these immigrant groups. Funding has already been approved for both positions. ā€œRight now our priority is to get someone there with this group of believers, and weā€™ll let the Spirit guide it as the Spirit will,ā€ says Schlomer.

Phil and Sandy Parker, who have been members of this group in London since 2000, are excited about the possibilities. ā€œLondon is such a multicultural area, and we think that the field amongst these immigrant populations will be particularly ripe because we can offer useful services, such as English as a foreign language classes, that can benefit them as they try to integrate into their communities,ā€ says Sandy.

They also recognize the need for their English friends and family to hear the pure gospel message, something that is in short supply in London. ā€œWe know that the Holy Spirit is stronger than even the most stoic Englishman, and so, with a missionary here to help us with these conversations, we might be able to rest assured that our loved ones know Godā€™s salvation too,ā€ says Sandy.

During Schlomerā€™s visit, Hartwig led worship in person for the group for the first time since he arrived in Germany in June 2020. COVID-19 had made it impossible for him to travel to England, so the group had been worshiping through Zoom video meetings.

ā€œIt was such a happy experience,ā€ says Hartwig about the service, which included communion and a baptism affirmation. ā€œAnd on top of that, seeing that we may have an opportunity to have a permanent pastorā€”weā€™re definitely excited about that.ā€

He continues, ā€œThe European Chaplaincy has been thankful to have the opportunity to work with the military and the civilians in the U.K. for many years. Weā€™re excited about the new turn this is taking and want to do everything possible to help that to happen.ā€

London is one of five new world mission opportunities being explored by WELS Missions. Learn more.




The new hymnal has arrived

Northwestern Publishing House, in partnership with WELS Commission on Worship, is sending two copies of the new WELS hymnalĀ and one copy ofĀ Christian Worship: PsalterĀ to every congregation. These free copies were shipped late last week. Congregations that preordered hymnals should see deliveries begin this month.

Additional supporting resources for pastors, musicians, and worship planners will be available to congregations and WELS members, including 17 books, 3 digital products, and multiple accompaniment volumes. Nearly 100 volunteers served on 12 committees for the last 9 years as part of the WELS Hymnal Project. Learn more about the hymnal at

To help introduce congregations to the new hymnal and celebrate the blessings of worship, WELS Commission on Worship is providing resources for congregations and individuals to observe National Hymnal Week, Sept. 19ā€“26:

  • A worship service for Sunday, Sept. 19.Ā This service will be based on the new lectionary readings of the day and include hymns and music fromĀ Christian Worship: Hymnal. Materials have already been sent to those who signed up for worship resources.
  • A hymn sing. A video recording of various choirs will lead members through hymns from different seasons of the church year. Some congregations are offering this during the Bible class hour on Sept. 19. The video will be available by Sept. 10 to assist with final planning. A promotional video preview was just released.
  • Presentations. Throughout WELS National Hymnal Week, WELS members can watch video presentations on new hymnal resources as well as on broader worship topics. Members can meet in small groups to view and discuss the presentations or watch them at home on their own.
  • Concert. A pre-recorded online concert featuring a childrenā€™s choir, chamber choir, college choir, and liturgical ensemble will be available for viewing beginning Saturday, Sept. 25.

Resources will be available atĀ

Congregations will make their own decisions whether or not to use the new hymnal. Itā€™s my prayer that they do. I believe that it will be a rich resource that will keep us unified in our worship and will be a blessing to all who use it.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder