CAMM August 2024 Newsletter

The Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre-Mwembezhi has a come a long way since it began in 1961, and I can indeed say this far that the Lord has brought us. The Clinic that started as a drug dispensary is today one of the Zambia missionā€™s success stories, not by human efforts but, by God alone. One of the many positive changes that has happened over the years has been the extent to which the government has recognized the Lutheran Church in Zambia through the clinic.

The recognition of the health centre is attributed to the members of staff who have put in their best effort in the delivery of the health care in the Shibuyunji District. The big motivation comes from serving Christ our Savior. The Central Africa Medical Mission, through its leadership (CAMM) and its supporters, provides the means that enable success such as salaries, medications, maintenance and everything that requires monetary help for the facility. In the past five years, the clinic has seen a face lift in many areas of the centre and uplifted the status of Lumano village. The clinic leadership appreciates the Field Directorā€™s regular visits. The article cannot be complete without mentioning our supporters who have generously given the finances, material help and for some, even coming to visit the clinic. Every donation, in all forms is appreciated, even baby blankets, hats and clothes which are given to newborns and act as a motivation for expecting mothers to come and deliver at the facility.

As the clinic nears the end of the financial year, we can say yes, this far the Lord has brought us, but one thing is so loud to my ears and that is to stay faithful, as the clinic is founded on Christ-centered love and compassion. It is very important to remember that God has sustained the clinic. He has sent people to the centre for numerous reasons, for all it is to hear about the love of God, for many it is for healing and health maintenance, and for our staff who gain expertise and experience through the variety of patients they see.

Today, the clinic has twenty-six members of staff, sixteen are on the CAMM payroll and the rest from government and non-government organizations. A lot of them are young people and sometimes this age group comes with its own pressures. These are part of our Christian battles, but the call is to remain faithful to our God despite the situations that may come our way. This far, indeed the Lord has brought us. The clinic is a reliable source of healthcare and sometimes this can cause us (the members of staff including management) to forget that God has created the facility for His own purpose and that is to demonstrate Godā€™s love to humanity. This love must first be seen in the members of staff before it can be demonstrated to others. Indeed it is particularly important to remember that the clinic is not only a source of medical expertise and medications, but is primarily a place where Christ is the centre of all our activities.

In conclusion, the Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre in Mwembezhi is a family, and by the grace of God, we continue planning as a family for the future and pray for each other. It is important to pray for our leadership at CAMM, well-wishers, and members of staff at the clinic.

Written by Alisad Banda, CAMM Clinic Administrator