Through My Bible Yr 01 – August 03

Job 15 – 17

Through My Bible – August 03

Job 15 – 17 (EHV)

See series: Through My Bible

Round Two: Eliphazā€™s Speech

Job 15

1Ā Eliphaz the Temanite responded:

2Ā Does a wise man answer with windy bluster?
Does he fill his belly with the hot east wind?
3Ā Does he support his arguments with useless talk,
with words that provide no benefit?

4Ā But you even tear down reverence.
You hinder thoughtful reflection in the presence of God.
5Ā Your guilt instructs your mouth.
You choose deceptive language.
6Ā Your own mouth condemns you, not mine.
Your own lips testify against you.
7Ā Were you the first man to be born?
Were you brought forth before the hills?
8Ā Do you listen in on the council meetings of God?
Do you lay claim to all wisdom for yourself?
9Ā What do you know that we do not know as well?
What do you understand that we do not?
10Ā The gray-haired and the aged are on our side,
men older than your father.
11Ā Are the consolations of God too small for you?
Do you think nothing of the gentle words spoken to you?
12Ā Why does your heart carry you away?
Why do your eyes flash with such anger?
13Ā Why do you turn your spirit against God?
Why do you allow such words to pour out of your mouth?

14Ā What is man, that he could be pure,
or one born of woman, that he could be declared righteous?
15Ā If God does not trust in his holy ones,
and even the heavens are not pure in his eyes,
16Ā how much less man who is repulsive and corrupt,
who drinks down injustice like water!
17Ā Let me instruct you! Listen to me!
This is what I have seen. Let me tell you about it.
18Ā This is what wise men have declared,
wise men who hid nothing of what they had received from their fathers,
19Ā     to whom alone the land was given,
        at a time when no foreigners were present in their midst.
20Ā Through all his days, a wicked man writhes in pain,
throughout the whole number of years stored up for a tyrant.
21Ā Terrifying sounds echo in his ears.
In peacetime the plunderer arrives.
22Ā The wicked man does not believe that he will return from darkness.
He is sentenced to the sword.
23Ā He wanders around looking for food and asks, ā€œWhere is it?ā€ [1]
He knows that a day of darkness is at hand.
24Ā Pressure and distress terrify him.
They overpower him, like a king ready to attack,
25Ā because he has stretched out his hand against God,
and he has been arrogant toward the Almighty.
26Ā He charges at him defiantly [2] with a thick shield.
27Ā Though now his face is covered with its fat,
and his hips bulge with lard,
28Ā he will live in ruined cities,
in abandoned houses, reduced to rubble.
29Ā He will no longer be rich.
His wealth will not last.
His possessions will no longer cover the ground.
30Ā He will not escape from darkness.
Flames will dry up his shoots.
With a breath from Godā€™s mouth, he will depart.
31Ā He should not trust in useless things.
He should not fool himself.
His only reward will be useless things.
32Ā Before his time, he will be paid in full.
His palm branches will not be green.
33Ā His grapes will be shaken from the vine before they are ripe.
He will be like an olive tree that loses its blossoms.
34Ā In the end, the community of the godless produces nothing,
and fire consumes the tents of those who take bribes.
35Ā They conceive trouble and give birth to disaster.
Their womb produces treachery.

Round Two: Jobā€™s First Speech

Job 16

1Ā Job responded:

2Ā I have heard many things just like these.
You are miserable comforters, all of you!
3Ā Is there any end to your windy words?
What provokes you to respond like this?

4Ā I also could speak just like you,
if your lives were in the same condition that my life is.
I could weave fancy words against you
and shake my head at you.
5Ā But instead, I would build you up with the words from my mouth,
and comforting words from my lips would ease your pain.
6Ā Now if I speak up, it does not lessen my pain,
and if I hold back, how much of my pain goes away?

7Ā Surely, he [3] has worn me out!
You have devastated everyone close to me.
8Ā You have made me shrivel up, [4]
and this testifies against me.
My emaciated body stands up
and is a witness against me.
9Ā His anger has torn me.
He has been hostile to me.
He has gnashed his teeth at me.
My opponent glares at me with piercing eyes.
10Ā People have opened their mouths wide against me.
They have slapped my face with contempt.
They have ganged up on me.
11Ā God hands me over to evil people. [5]
He throws me into the hands of the wicked.
12Ā When I was at ease, he shattered me. [6]
He seized me by the neck and has ripped me to pieces.
He has set me up as his target.
13Ā His archers surround me.
He pierces my kidneys and has no pity.
He pours out my bile on the earth.
14Ā He breaks down my walls in many places.
He runs against me like a warrior.
15Ā I have stitched sackcloth to my skin.
My horn [7] is stuck in the dust.
16Ā My face is red from my weeping.
There are dark circles under my eyes,
17Ā even though there is no violence in my hands,
and my prayer is pure.
18Ā O earth, do not cover my blood.
Let my cry never find a place to rest.
19Ā Even now, my witness is in heaven.
My advocate is on high.
20Ā My intercessor is my friend.
My eyes never stop weeping to God.
21Ā My intercessor pleads with God for a man,
as another human pleads for his friend.
22Ā A few more years will come.
Then I will go the way of no return.

Job 17

1Ā My spirit is broken.
My days are snuffed out.
The tomb is waiting for me.
2Ā Surely mockery closes in on me.
My eyes must live with my enemiesā€™ bitter contempt.

3Ā Please pay for me the deposit that you require from me.
Indeed, who else could guarantee this payment for me?

4Ā You have hidden understanding from their hearts.
Therefore, you will not let them win.
5Ā If someone denounces friends for a payoff,
his childrenā€™s eyes will fail.

6Ā He has made me a laughingstock among the people.
They spit in my face.
7Ā My vision is blurry from grief.
I am just a shadow of myself.
8Ā The upright are appalled at this,
and the innocent are aroused against the godless.
9Ā In spite of it all, the righteous hold tight to their ways,
and everyone with clean hands grows stronger.

10Ā All right thenā€”all of you, please come and try again,
but I will not find a wise man among you.
11Ā My days have passed.
All the things I planned to do are ripped apart,
including the deepest desires of my heart.

12Ā They turn night into day.
In the face of darkness, they claim light is near.

13Ā If I wait hopefully for the grave to become my house,
if I spread out my bed in the darkness,
14Ā if I cry out to the pit, ā€œYou are my father,ā€
and to the worm, ā€œMy motherā€ or ā€œMy sister,ā€
15Ā where then is my hope?
Who can find any hope for me?
16Ā Will it go down with me to the barred gates of the grave?
Will we rest in the dust together?


  1. Job 15:23 The translation follows the Hebrew text. The Greek reads he wanders around as food for vultures or like a vulture looking for food.
  2. Job 15:26 Literally with a neck
  3. Job 16:7 The reading he follows the Hebrew text. It refers to God. Hebrew poetry sometimes alternates between third and second person pronouns, as is the case here.
  4. Job 16:8 The meaning of this verb is uncertain.
  5. Job 16:11 The reading evil people follows the ancient versions. The Hebrew reads a boy.
  6. Job 16:12 Or tossed me about
  7. Job 16:15 A horn is a symbol of strength.

The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage VersionĀ®, EHVĀ®, Ā© 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved.