Together at the Empty Tomb

It has not been easy. Being deprived of the blessing of gathering with fellow Christians in church for worship has been a serious burden for us to carry. We hunger for the face-to-face fellowship with other Christians, and we long for the day when we can be together for worship again.

In the meantime, congregations in many places around our synod have found ways to continue the proclamation of the saving message of Jesus to their members. I commend pastors and congregational leaders for their faithful efforts to serve people with the Word.

In spite of our inability to be with each other in person, all members of the synod are joined together in a wonderful fellowship of faith. To help bring us together in spirit and to testify to that bond of faith we share, a special synodwide virtual worship service was held on Easter Sunday evening. The service, with the theme ā€œTogether at the Empty Tomb,ā€ was streamed from the chapel of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wis.

Thank you to Seminary President Rev. Earle Treptow, who delivered the sermon brimming with Easter comfort; to the Trinitas worship ensemble from Trinity, Waukesha, Wis., who provided the instrumental and vocal music; to Rev. Bryan Gerlach, director of WELS Commission on Worship, for arranging the order of service; and to Rev. Jon Hein, coordinator for WELS Congregational Services, for coordinating this effort and for hosting the live Q&A that took place after the service.

More than 20,000 people tuned in for the synodwide virtual Easter service. If you missed itā€”or if you loved it and want to see it againā€”you can watch the archived service online.

Also, due to popular demand, a video is available of the service’s Hymn of the Day, “I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” featuring WELS members from around the country singing at home. View the hymn.

The good news of a risen Savior continues to be preached and proclaimed no matter what the circumstances. Itā€™s likely an Easter celebration that we will never forget.

Serving you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder