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You can sign up for WELS subscriptions like “Together,” Today’s Devotion, Through my Bible in Three Years, An Encouraging Word, and CLS weekly e-news by visiting the online subscription form and checking all content youā€™d like to receive. You only have to enter your e-mail address; no user names and passwords required.

    1. We want to ensure we have your correct e-mail address.
    2. We want to ensure that someone hasnā€™t had his or her address submitted against his or her wishes.
    3. We donā€™t want to send unsolicited mail ā€” itā€™s abusive and time-consuming.

Once you confirm your subscription, you will receive an e-mail.

After you’ve visited the subscription form and signed up for all WELS content you’d like to receive, you’ll be able to manage your subscriptions by clicking on CHANGE EMAIL SETTINGS in the footer of any WELS electronic content you receive in your inbox.

On the footer of the electronic newsletter, select CHANGE EMAIL SETTINGS.

On the footer of the electronic newsletter, select “Unsubscribe”.

We do not recommend forwarding the e-mail, as the recipient will be able to access your subscription preferences.

We recommend sharing the e-mail by selecting either the Facebook or Tweet logo in the footer of the e-mail or by going to the content web page (e.g. Through my Bible in Three Years) and selecting one of the four options to share:

  1. Facebook
  2. Ā Twitter
  3. Google+
  4. E-mail

You will need to re-subscribe by going to: and filling out the subscription form. Remember to checkmark the box of the newsletter that you would like to receive.

You must check the box for each newsletter you would like to receive. If an item is not checked, you will not receive it.

If our system received a return message such as “I’m on vacation” (auto-replies from your recipients) it will give you five chances before deleting your e-mail from our list. If our system receives a “hard bounce,” (such as an inactive account, or undeliverable address) we remove the e-mail address from our list immediately. We automatically clean bouncebacks from our list, just as we remove un-subscribes immediately.

The recommended HTML format is best for people who view their e-mail on a computer. If you want to receive your content in mobile format, you’ll still get the full HTML version of your WELS subscription; the only difference is that it will also be compatible with your phone. This means when you check e-mail from your phone, your content will display correctly.

You receive WELS e-mails because you have subscribed to receive them or you are a WELS called worker or employee, a ministry board or committee member, or officially affiliated with a WELS congregation, school, or ministry.

These e-mails provide important information about synod operations, health and retirement benefits, nomination alerts, events, and more.

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Sign up for WELS subscriptions like ā€œTogether,ā€ Todayā€™s Devotion, Through my Bible in Three Years, An Encouraging Word, and CLS weekly e-news by visiting the online subscription form.


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