Tag Archive for: womens-devotion

A New Year

A New Year – Womenā€™s Devotion

As you come to him, the living Stoneā€”rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to himā€”you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. . . . But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Godā€™s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

1 Peter 2:4-5, 9-10Ā 

A new year means a new you, right? Out with the old. In with the new! New potential. A fresh start. A clean slate.

We love the idea of pushing the restart button and getting a ā€œdo-over.ā€ At least thatā€™s what weā€™re led to believe.

But what if we are exactly where weā€™re supposed to be? What if we are doing exactly what weā€™re supposed to be doing? What if the only change that needs to be made is to see Godā€™s design from Godā€™s perspective?

Peter knew that was exactly what the early Christians needed, so he wrote them a letter of encouragement we know as 1 Peter. Scattered throughout Asia Minor, Godā€™s people were exiles. Because of their different culture, food, work, customs, political views, and religion they were ā€œsuffering grief in all kinds of trialsā€ (1 Peter 1:6). They were treated with ridicule, suspicion, and even persecution. I donā€™t care who you are, every exile is looking for a fresh start.

We might think Peter would encourage them to ā€œblend in.ā€ ā€œCreate the new you!ā€ ā€œCaptain your ship, just donā€™t rock the boat!ā€

Instead, Peter greets them with grace and peace in Jesus. He lifts their eyes beyond the present circumstance to the future inheritance waiting for them in heaven. He reminds them their hope is ā€œlivingā€ because it was bought with the precious blood of Christ. And he encourages them to continue living as strangers by setting their minds on the grace to be revealed when Jesus comes instead of conforming to the world around them.


Because there was much more going on than these Christians could see from their limited and isolated perspective. God was building something, and they were a part of it.

Just like Jesus, who was chosen from before the creation of the world to be the cornerstone and foundation of their faith, the exiles were alsoā€”like living stones, being built into a spiritual house. This spiritual house was like the temple in Jerusalem where Godā€™s presence dwelt.

The Christians would have clearly understood Peterā€™s message to them: With Jesus as your cornerstone, you are the living stones God is using to build his house. You. Exiles God has called holy, chosen, and precious because of Jesus. You, the priesthood of believers, are uniquely placed, but lovingly set together, as the house where God will dwell. And by living Godā€™s way, as strangers in a godless world, you are showing him to the world around you!

They didnā€™t need to change anything or reinvent themselves. They were exactly where God wanted them to be for his kingdom to be built and his salvation revealed.


By repaying evil with blessing and wrongdoing with humility and compassion. By serving others. By suffering for bearing Godā€™s name. By submitting to corrupt governors because God gives authority. By working hard for unfair bosses. By offering hospitality without grumbling. By living Godly lives despite the ridicule and hardship. By not conforming to the world. By living for God.

They would be different than the world around them. But in doing so, they would point to Jesus.

We need that same encouragement today. The world we live in is as foreign to Godā€™s kingdom as it was 2,000 years ago. We suffer grief in all kinds of trials at work, from unbelieving friends and neighbors, while raising children whose friendā€™s parents have different standards, when making sacrificial priorities with time, treasures, and talents, or suffering difficulty for bearing the name of Jesus. When we do these things as Godā€™s children, we look different than most people around us.

And Peterā€™s encouragement in 1 Peter is for us as well. His message to us: Thereā€™s a bigger picture than what you can see. Because your faith is founded on the living Stoneā€”you also, like living stones are being built into a spiritual house. You are where God dwells. And when you give thanks to Jesus by the way you live, you show the world who God is.

Thatā€™s Godā€™s design for every Christian and the perspective we have as aliens and strangers in the world around us.

It was important enough for Peter to write a letter to the early Christians 2,000 years ago. And itā€™s important enough for us to give it time for thoughtful mediation todayā€”and in the new year ahead.

You donā€™t need a fresh start or to become the new you. Since you are founded on the Living Stone, you are exactly where you should be, doing exactly what you were meant to be doing. You are a living stone! You are being built into Godā€™s spiritual house. By living different than the world around you, you are thanking Jesus.

And in doing so, you are showing God to the world.

Prayer: Living Savior, as this new year begins and I reflect on the coming year, I pray that you would show me all the places I can give a clear witness of your grace and forgiveness. Give me boldness and courage to speak of the forgiveness you purchased on the cross and sealed with your resurrection. I ask for strength to bear up under challenges and trials so that you are glorified and people see your greatness. Through Word and sacrament, reinforce my grip on your truth that fills me with hope and radiant joyā€”I am a redeemed sinner living in your grace. All that I have is yours and yours alone. Amen.

Written by Dawn Schulz

I See You

I See You – Womenā€™s Devotion

A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, ā€œIf I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.ā€ Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, ā€œWho touched my clothes?ā€ ā€œYou see the people crowding against you,ā€ his disciples answered, ā€œand yet you can ask, ā€˜Who touched me?ā€™ ā€ But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, ā€œDaughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.ā€

Mark 5:24-34Ā 

They didnā€™t even get her name. She was suffering in a sea of people, and no one even noticed. Luke (chapter 8) carefully researched it and didnā€™t come up with a name either. Jairus is remembered, but not this woman. The world was ready to pass her by without comment. But not Jesus. Jesus does have important things to see toā€”like the death of a little girl. But he stops everything for this woman of no name. Because to him, she is important. She is a daughter. God had made her his own by faith, which Jesus points out because no one seemed to get it. And by calling her ā€œDaughter,ā€ Jesus brings out the Father-daughter relationship she possesses. A relationship that makes her strong and bold. So bold as to reach out and touch the garment of her Savior. ā€œIf I just touch his clothes…ā€ she thought. In that moment there was no crowd, no paralyzing self-criticisms, no other priorities, just get to Jesus. If I head this direction, I can slip through the crowd, and I should intersect his path. Heā€™ll go right by, and Iā€™ll be able to touch his clothes. I wonā€™t even bother him with a verbal query. Just a touch and Iā€™ll be healed. And it worked. Her plan worked. Jesus tells us that the success was due to her faith. Simply believing that God cared.

Suffering in life is often done alone. It is natural to draw back and lick the sore wounds. They need attention. They demand attention. But they need healing tooā€”Godā€™s healing. If you but reach out for him he is not far. He knows what has happened. And he sympathizes and even empathizes with your pain. He is ready to be your mentor, doctor, coach, trainer, and friend in tears. We got a good look at our Saviorā€™s heart while he hung on that cross. And what we saw was overwhelming to the point of incomprehensible. Oh, the depth of the wisdom and knowledge of God! He did all that for me. And I didnā€™t even think he noticed. But he does notice. The world may continue on its busy schedule, but our Father is ready to stop the world and remind us, ā€œHey, Daughter. I have a plan. It is a good plan. And I promise you, it has a great ending.ā€

Prayer: Lord, sometimes the hurt is so consuming I canā€™t even begin to tell you where it hurts. Please come and heal me. I need your gentle hand to touch my fragile heart. And just when Iā€™m ready to get up, it all comes back again. So please do not get impatient with my slow healing. I believe you care. And I am not afraid to ask my Father to heal me. So Father, my heart is in your hands. Heal your broken daughter. Amen.

Written by Rev. Alan Horn

They All Left

They All Left – Womenā€™s Devotion

Theā€ÆLordā€Æbless you and keep you. Theā€ÆLordā€Æmake his face shine on you and be gracious to you. Theā€ÆLordā€Ælook on you with favor and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26 EHV

The Great Goodbyes.

These words have tenderly flown from my heart during a farewell hug. You know about these types of goodbyes tooā€”they can be powerful moments. Some goodbyes are especially memorable because they signal a change in what will happen.Ā 

Scripture is filled with significant goodbyes. Abraham left his fatherā€™s home trusting only in Godā€™s promises. Ruth moved away from her family in Moab because she heard about Israelā€™s God. The Jews were taken from the promised land by their captors though they were the chosen nation. New Testament Christians fled from Jerusalem under the persecution of Rome.Ā Ā 

The Bible shows us how God used each of these great goodbyes.Ā 



God built Abraham into a nation. He gave Ruth a son that would be the forerunner of the Savior. God worked repentance in the hearts of the Jewish exilesā€”and when the Christians fled from Jerusalem, God sent them with the message of Christ. The truth about the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ was carried into Gentile territory to bring salvation to the lost.Ā 



In the same way, hundreds of godly women left the WELS Womenā€™s Ministry conference with great goodbyes. Nurtured by Godā€™s Word and encouraged with powerful applications of Scripture, these women said goodbye to one another equipped with Holy Spirit. Their parting was significant because they returned to their homes renewed with strength to live in Godā€™s grace. They left the conference to continue Godā€™s path of living for his glory.Ā 

Sarah returned to Louisiana where she teaches a womenā€™s Bible study. Meredith returned to Georgia to participate in community events and build relationships where she shares Christ (and picks up garbage in the parking lot so it looks nice for visitors). Naomi returned to her nursing career in Wisconsin and has been fueled in her passion for ministry to teen girls. Elise returned to Ecuador, supported by the love of hundreds of women. And as Leah traveled home to Colorado, she was able to witness to two people about Godā€™s love and forgiveness.Ā 

You also have this opportunityā€”even if you werenā€™t at the Womenā€™s Ministry Conference because God has already planned good works for you to do. He has empowered you with his Spirit to proclaim his grace in Christā€”to dig deeply into the Word and then tell others about what you know. He has equipped you to bear up under hardships and carry the cross of Christ in a dark world that needs forgiveness. He sends you out into your daily life, bearing his image, and sharing his truth.Ā 



Hear these great words of our God as you set foot on his path to tell everyone about what Jesus did on the cross to pay for sin and bring us eternal peace with God.Ā Ā 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, your work of salvation brings peace to our hearts and gives us the promise of eternal life with you. Thank you for being our Savior from sin. Thank you for covering us with your mercy and grace. Yet Lord, you have done even more! As if saving us werenā€™t enough, your great love has called us into your family and given us purpose and direction. You put us in places and relationships where we can bear your image and show the world your selfless love. Strengthen us for that responsibility, urge us to see the lost and lonely among us, then prompt us to talk about what it means to be forgiven and how you desire to help those in need. Put your Word in our hearts and your name on our breasts that we may live in grateful, joyful, thanksgiving.Ā  Remind us that your plans for us are intentional and purposefulā€”and that you will bless us according to your perfect will. We ask for these things in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Written by Naomi Schmidt

Donā€™t Forget

Donā€™t Forget – Womenā€™s Devotion

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers.
Hebrews 13:2

I need reminders.

I have plenty of lists and schedules to keep me on task and on time, but the reminder in this passage makes me think about something that falls off my radarā€”hospitality to strangers. I know itā€™s essential to invest myself in personal relationships, but when God reminds me to be hospitable to strangers . . . thatā€™s a little tricky. I feel like kindness to strangers is all I really have time for, and this passage makes me scratch my head a little. Hospitable? How do you show hospitality to people you donā€™t know? Not sure I can see how that works (and I easily forget or put off things that I donā€™t understand).

Jesus told the perfect parable to help us understandā€”and remember.

ā€œA man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ā€˜Look after him,ā€™ he said, ā€˜and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.ā€™ā€ Luke 10:30-35

For the moment, just consider how the parable of the Good Samaritan teaches and motivates you to be hospitable. The perfect love of Jesus comes to you with selfless love and the ultimate sacrifice. He picked you up off the side of the road where you were dead in sin. Jesus gave his life as the sacrifice to pay for sin so you could be forgiven and live eternally. He brings you into his family and takes care of you at his expense.

Now, Jesus reminds you to be mindful of others because he wants them to receive the love and forgiveness you receive from him. He reminds you to invest extra time when you can connect with strangers because he gave his life to draw people into relationships with him. Jesus wants you to listen to others and hear what they need because itā€™s a place you can show love. Graciously do what you can to help them and share Jesusā€™ forgiveness. It might be hard when you have to stop what youā€™re doing, share some of the physical blessings God has given you, or be inconvenienced. But when you remember Jesus and his free grace, it doesnā€™t seem so hard. When you are focused on Jesusā€”and thankful for his priceless blessingsā€”you naturally reflect his love.

Just donā€™t forget!

Remember Jesus.

Prayer: Compassionate Savior, you gave everything to give me life. I was without hope and dead in my sin, but you came and washed me clean. You brought me into your eternal family and now I live for you. Please work through me to show your love to strangers. Remind me. Open my eyes to see where I should reach out. Strengthen me with courage and wisdom to connect with others. I long to be an instrument of your grace and peace to the world to share Jesus. Amen.

Written by Naomi Schmidt

Your Name

Your Name – Womenā€™s Devotion

When was the last time you heard someone say your name? Did they need something? Were they looking for an answer or a decision? Were they hoping you could fix it? (Whatever it is.) Or did they just need a listening ear and some quality time?

From the moment our feet hit the floor until the time our head hits the pillow, days are filled with expectation and responsibility. We hear our name called and respond as needed. Most wouldnā€™t have it any other way and take great joy in what they do and how they serve others.

But if weā€™re honest, there are some days that are so blindingly busy we donā€™t know which end is up or what to do next. Those days, we dread hearing our own name said because it means ā€œone more thing.ā€

No doubt Mary Magdalene was a woman who took her responsibilities seriously. After Jesus cast out seven demons, she traveled with and cared for the needs of Jesus and his disciples (Luke 8:1-3). Despite her grief over the crucifixion, she got up before dawn to anoint Jesusā€™ body (John 20:1). When she found the tomb empty, she rushed off to inform the disciples (John 20:1-2). She even offered to go get the body if only the gardener would tell her where it was (John 20:15).

Every time we read about Mary Magdalene in the Bible she is always ā€œdoing.ā€

Does that sound like you? Always responsible? Always preparing? Always taking care of otherā€™s needs? Always willing to do whatever it takes when your name is called?

If so, consider Mary Magdaleneā€™s interaction with Jesus on Easter morning.

Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesusā€™ body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. They asked her, ā€œWoman, why are you crying?ā€

ā€œThey have taken my Lord away,ā€ she said, ā€œand I donā€™t know where they have put him.ā€ At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.

He asked her, ā€œWoman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?ā€

Thinking he was the gardener, she said, ā€œSir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.ā€

Jesus said to her, ā€œMary.ā€

She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, ā€œRabboni!ā€ (which means ā€œTeacherā€)Ā (John 20:11-16).

In the middle of Mary Magdaleneā€™s frenzied, emotional attempts to do ā€œone more thingā€ that might possibly make the nightmare of the day before better, Jesus comes to her and simply says her name. Mary. The name Jesus knew before she was born (Isaiah 49:1). The name engraved on the palms of his hands (Isaiah 49:16). The name written in the book of life (Revelation 3:5).

Without expectation or responsibility, Jesus said her name so she would stop and know there was nothing more for her to do. Her risen Lord had done it all.

Thatā€™s what Holy Week is all about.

Jesus says the same to you. From the loving words written in the Bible to the highest heavens that declare his glory, Jesus is saying you donā€™t have to do ā€œone more thing.ā€ Jesus knew your name before you were born. He engraved your name on the palms of his hands. And because of what Jesus did the first Holy Week, your name is written in the book of life. When Jesus says your name itā€™s not with expectation or responsibility, but so you know you can stop your ā€œdoing.ā€ There is nothing more for you to do. Your risen Lord has done it all.

Written by Dawn Schulz


Respect – Womenā€™s Devotion

If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interest, but each of you to the interests of the others.ā€
Philippians 2:1-4 EHV

In this passage, Paul was talking to the church in Philippi; he wanted the church to be unified in their devotion to the Lord and not fighting all the time. Yet these concepts are applicable to marriage relationships as well, particularly regarding respectā€”respect for oneā€™s spouse and respect for the marriage bond.

Christian marriages unite two people in Christ and make them ā€œone in spiritā€ even if they donā€™t always feel in sync. Their unified purpose is to bring glory to God in a loving and successful marriage. Christian spouses will be like-minded in serving the Lord with all their actions, but the way they treat one another should be of utmost importance. Respect for oneā€™s spouse shows respect for God and his blessing of marriage.

Even if a husband is not a believer or is a believer with a weak faith, the two can still be of the same mind in their marriage, with the goal of creating a loving and successful relationship. If they are like-minded in putting their partnership ahead of their individual desires, they will respect one another and act in the best interest of the marriage. The purpose of the believing spouse remains the same: to bring God glory and to strive for a compassionate marriage.

In both cases, respect for one another is key to achieving the shared purpose. A woman who shows admiration for her husband, even when he makes mistakes, is bringing joy to the Lord of blessings and unity to the marriage. ā€œSelfish ambition and vain conceitā€ would tell us to make demands of our husbands and to belittle them so we ourselves look better. To combat this sinful tendency, it is important to stop and think before we speak and act. Is what I am about to do or say in his best interest or in the best interest of our marriage? Is making fun of my husband in public, going behind his back to make important decisions, or criticizing his actions going to bring glory to God? Am I being humble, recognizing my own sins and weaknesses, before pointing out his? Am I building him up or tearing him down?

Marriage is difficult. It is only through the encouragement of being united with Christ that we can show love, compassion, and respect, considering our spouses above ourselves. With the gift of a marriage partnership, God gives us the responsibility of a shared purpose and the privilege of a shared joy.

Thank you, God, for the gift of marriage and the unity we have in Christ. Enable me to bring you glory as I respect my husband and show him love and compassion. Amen.

Written by DeLyn Wagenknecht

For Such a Time as This

For Such a Time as This – Womenā€™s Devotion

And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?
Esther 4:14

Esther, a Jew in the foreign land of Babylon, was raised to royal position not by birth or talent, but by her beauty and the will of God. Through her lovely form and beauty, her humble actions, and her intuition, God allowed her to successfully gain the attention and respect of one of the most ruthless kings the world had ever seen in order to save her peopleā€”Godā€™s peopleā€”from destruction. Queen Estherā€™s actions preserved the line of the promised Savior and advanced Godā€™s plan for the salvation of you and me.

Chances are, youā€™ve not come to a ā€œroyal position.ā€ Your life may not have beauty treatments, political intrigue, or high stakes drama. However, like Queen Esther, you have come to your unique position in life ā€œfor such a time as this.ā€

The all-knowing God placed you where you are, at this time in history, in your geographic location, in your family, at your workplace, as a part of your congregation ā€œfor such a time as this.ā€ Like he did with Queen Esther, he is working through you to accomplish important work in his kingdom. Through your conversations and actions, you pass along the saving message of Jesus.

Have you come to be a wife? God brought you to your husband because he knew you would meet his emotional, physical, and spiritual needs by pointing him to Jesus.

Are you a mom? God knew your particular child would thrive under your biblical care and guidance in a way that no one else could provide.

Maybe you have come to a ā€œsponsorā€ position. Can you pray for a child when no one else is doing so?

Maybe youā€™re a ā€œkind-stranger-on-the-streetā€ with a ready smile for someone barely making it through the day. Can you be the hands and feet of Jesus?

Are you a colleague? Do you see the toll office politics take on the person next to you? Have you come to this workplace for ā€œsuch a time as thisā€ to give godly answers to everyday questions?

You might be a daughter, sister, aunt, or co-worker. You may be all of the above.

The truth is, God has us come to many ā€œpositionsā€ or roles during our lifetime. Often, the plans and purposes he has for us may never be fully realized this side of heaven. ā€œWho knows why things are as they are?ā€ we say. The story of Esther shows us that God knows. Heā€™s given you what you need and brought you to the place you are to advance his plan of salvation. Incredibly, our seemingly ordinary positions will likely stretch beyond our lifetime and into generations yet unborn! You have come to your position for such a time as this.

God of all wisdom, you alone have placed us in our unique positions. Through them, help us to seek opportunities to glorify you. Forgive us for the times we fail to share your gospel of grace and mercy with those you have given us to care for, and open our hearts to seek the purposes for which you have placed us. In Jesusā€™ name. Amen.

Written by Holly Schwefel

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks – Womenā€™s Devotion

When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God.
Deuteronomy 8:10

Godā€™s command to praise him for his blessings can be fulfilled in countless ways. But as you gather for a Thanksgiving meal this week, you may find yourself praying these familiar words,

Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest
and let these gifts to us be blessed.

As a little girl, I remember the taunting aroma of the food while we said the common table prayer. My Grandma made wonderful Greek food at Thanksgiving. Spinach pie. Orange bread. Salad with feta cheese that made my tongue tingle. I remember praying rather casually, thinking mostly about how good the food would be.

Now Iā€™m the Grandma, and Iā€™ve grown up a little.

It delights me to fill my table with amazing dishes, but when we join in the common table prayer, Iā€™m not distracted by the food. Iā€™m thankful for the gift of food but Iā€™m mostly praying for the people in the seats. They are the priceless gifts that I want to be blessed by God. As my family gathers, Iā€™m overcome with the joy of knowing that Jesus is our guest. His grace, planted in our hearts through baptism, continues to be nurtured by the Word of God.

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good.
His mercy endures forever.

Godā€™s mercy has endured, giving salvation to families for generations. As your loved ones gather this Thanksgiving, Jesus will be with you. May you be blessed with love for one another and love for Jesus.

But if there are troubled or wandering souls at your table, you can still give thanksā€”because God is good, and his mercy endures forever. He longs to save the lost and is working to draw people to himself, even as they sit at your table. Jesus is the gracious guest who comes to extend his love foreverā€”and he shows his love to others through you.

Table prayers are a clear reminder of Godā€™s presence, provision, and gift of mercy. May those who join you for the holidays hear the beautiful testimony and humble plea for Godā€™s enduring mercy.

Lord God, as we gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, we praise you for your countless blessings. As we sit with our loved ones or treasure them in our hearts, we rejoice in the salvation that joins us together. But where there are those who have stumbled, lost their way, or do not know your grace, we pray for opportunities to open our homes and show others your enduring mercy. Let our lives reflect your desire to come as our Savior from sin and bring the gift of eternal life. Amen.

Written by Naomi Schmidt


Prepare – Womenā€™s Devotion

Weā€™ve all heard the common phrase, ā€œHindsight is 20/20.ā€ That ability to look back with clarity on a situation is priceless. We often recall the past day or week and say, ā€œI wish I would have done this,ā€ or ā€œI wish I would have done that.ā€ Hindsight is well, hindsight. Itā€™s over with, itā€™s done. How much better to be present, or plan for the future and act correctly? Here’s our chance for ā€œ20/20 Foresight!ā€ In these verses, Jesus tells us exactly what to do.

ā€œThen the King will say to those on his right, ā€˜Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.ā€™

ā€œThen the righteous will answer him, ā€˜Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?ā€™

ā€œThe King will reply, ā€˜Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.ā€™

ā€œThen he will say to those on his left, ā€˜Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.ā€™

ā€œThey also will answer, ā€˜Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?ā€™
ā€œHe will reply, ā€˜Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.ā€™

ā€œThen they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.ā€
Matthew 25:34-46

Hospitality . . . are you hospitable?

We are all capable of simple acts of kindness. We just need to have a ready and willing heart. Godā€™s expectation is clear in these verses from Matthew and is repeated throughout Scripture. Romans 12:13 states, ā€œPractice hospitalityā€ and Jesus clarifies that we should be hospitable to allā€”friend, foe, stranger, healthy, sick, imprisoned, and more. It makes no difference in God’s sight, we are his children therefore we should be hospitable. In fact, hospitality is a fruit of our faith and a wonderful way for us to show God’s love.

Hospitality . . . are you not hospitable?

Admittedly being hospitable takes time, may cost money, and can interrupt plans. But are these any reasons not to be hospitable? Jesus simply says, ā€œWhatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.ā€ No exceptions. When we fail to do what God commands, we are committing a sin of omission. James 4: 17 says, ā€œIf anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesnā€™t do it, it is sin for them.ā€ God wants us to obey his law. If we have an opportunity to obey, and donā€™t do it, we have committed a sin of omission. Therefore, letā€™s be prepared to obey!

Hospitality . . . what does it look like?

Hospitality is always in season, but perhaps as this time of year rolls around there is even more opportunity, or we simply become more keenly aware of othersā€™ needs. Ultimately, your hospitality is an overflow of your faith and a willingness to share Godā€™s love and good news with others. So, what does hospitality look like? That’s up to you and the unique situation God has blessed you with, however, here are a few thoughts to get you started.

  • Bake a pie or a plate of cookies to share with family, friends, or others in your community.
  • Invite people from your neighborhood to church.
  • Serve at a homeless shelter or food pantry.
  • Hold the door for someone going in or out.
  • Cut lawn/shovel snow for a neighbor or shut-in.
  • Smile.
  • Host a Bible study or hymn sing.
  • Invite fellow church members to share the holidays with you, especially if they may be alone this season.

We can serve others with hospitality in so many ways with actions that are small, medium, or large. Let God guide your hospitable acts as expressions of faith.

Hospitality . . . is it worth it?

Hospitality is a blessing for all involved, the receiver and the giver. When you are hospitable, your faith is evident, your relationships are strengthened, and your light shines. Even as you serve others, you will find joy and encouragement to continue acts of kindness. A busier season of the year will soon be upon us. Take time now to use the ā€œ20/20 Foresightā€ you are given in this section of Matthewā€”make your hospitality plan for this season and the year ahead. How grand it will be to hear Jesus direct these words to you one day, ā€œTruly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.ā€

Written by Trish Plichta

Missional Living

Missional Living – Womenā€™s Devotion

Missional living is a mindset that adapts the daily actions, thinking, and practices of a missionary to share the gospel message with others.

Jesus says, ā€œYou will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earthā€ (Acts 1:8). Roughly paraphrased, that means ā€œin your home, community, beyond your community and into all the world.ā€ This is missional living. The idea is simply a Christ-centered mindset that sees our daily lives as a mission field where we can share Godā€™s grace and love with others.

The concept of living as a missionary can be hard to grasp, but the pressure isnā€™t on us to make it work. We know the Holy Spirit is working to draw people to God. So, when you look at someone, you can ask yourself, ā€œIs God working to reach this person with his love and grace? Does this person need forgiveness and hope?ā€ The answer will be yes. It will always be yes. Jesus said, ā€œI tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvestā€ (John 4:35). We live with our eyes open, trusting that God has planted fields and created us as workers to watch and care for the fruit as it ripens.

Imagine your life as a gigantic apple orchard with paths that lead you to work, the gym, grocery stores, coffee shops, and home again. There is a path to your school, a local park, and places where you enjoy recreation. Walk that path with more purpose than reaching your destination. Open your eyes and look around you! You are surrounded by fruited trees that may be weak or dying. Ask, ā€œWhere can I love, encourage, or nurture faith? Can I befriend someone God is trying to reach?ā€ The concept of missional living sees that daily life is full of opportunities because God is tilling, planting, and nurturing faith all around us. He is doing the work, and he will open your eyes to see it. Grace moves your heart to respond and join in his work.

What does that sound like?
ā€œHi, I think Iā€™ve seen you when Iā€™ve been at school events with my kids. Do you have kids here?ā€ Have a casual conversation. Listen. Be a friend. Think, ā€œJesus wants this parent to know about his grace and love. I wonder how I could share that with him?ā€

People are thirsting for caring relationships. People need hope and love. People ache to be free of the guilt and shame they hide. We have been in the same placeā€”separated from God by sin and in desperate need of a Savior. Now, with grace-filled hearts, we are moved to point others to his boundless mercy. The Spirit is working to save the lost and wants you to look at the fields and live in a way that seeks to love Godā€™s harvest. His field. His work. Your opportunity to join him.

Written by Naomi Schmidt

Community in church

Community in church – Womenā€™s Devotion

In spring 2023, the US surgeon general released a report about social connection, sharing that the country is in an epidemic of loneliness and isolation. Even before the pandemic, with its subsequent isolation, about half of U.S. adults reported experiencing loneliness. From the surgeon generalā€™s point of view, thatā€™s a health risk because the physical consequences include a 29% increased risk of heart disease, a 32% increased risk of stroke, and a 50% increased risk of developing dementia.

For those of us who are Christians, how can we make a difference? Well, we obey the encouragement in Galatians 6:10: ā€œTherefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.ā€

We do good to people with different political, social, and religious beliefs; to our coworkers, boss, or employees; to grouchy neighbors, people at the gym, and members of the book club.
But letā€™s not overlook the part that tells us to do good ā€œespecially to those who belong to the family of believers.ā€ See, while loneliness may have physical dangers, loneliness in the church can present spiritual dangers. If people donā€™t feel loved in the family of believers, they might get bitter, stop coming to church, grow distant from people who can keep them connected to God.

As Christians, we are in a unique position to give people community, because we have the best community ever. Itā€™s a family that loves each other now and lives together with God eternally. So, for now, with the Holy Spirit living in us, we have the gift of being the ones who make human connection. We use the specific gifts God has given us to bless the family. We listen to each othersā€™ hurts, celebrate each othersā€™ joys. We practice hospitality, encourage each other, and hold each other accountable, which is the hard part of friendship. We pray with and for each other. Ultimately, we ā€œone anotherā€ each other.

Written by Linda Buxa

God’s Plan for Relationships

Godā€™s Plan for Relationships – Womenā€™s Devotion

Therefore, as Godā€™s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Colossians 3:12

I had just found out another school mom was going through some very tough stuff. And, for her, this resulted in

  • a hurting heart,
  • a mind that couldnā€™t be quieted, and
  • pain that kept her from showing up like a ā€œgoodā€ mom would.

For me, I found myself asking questions.

  • Why didnā€™t I talk to her sooner?
  • Why didnā€™t I open up about my own situation?
  • Why hadnā€™t I asked if she wanted to meet for coffee?

And now our family was days away from moving. Not just a few minutes, but seven hours and four states away.

Why hadnā€™t I reached out to her? Maybe I was scaredā€”scared to connect with the other moms and teachers at school. Maybe I was afraid to be vulnerable because I might be laughed at or alienated. Maybe I would open up to someone who couldnā€™t possibly understand what I was dealing with. So sometimes we hide. We stay home from cross country meets or basketball games. We donā€™t go to the momsā€™ Bible study and shy away from school volunteer opportunities all because we are uneasy.

How can we overcome this unease and the fears to reach out?

Our Father calls us to ā€œclothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patienceā€ (Colossians 3:12). As we mimic his grace (no matter how apprehensive we may be) we will seek out those who need a hug or need someone to listen. We are a smiling face that invites someone to grab a cup of coffeeā€”or, if Iā€™m being honest, a glass of wine! This can be the start of an amazing friendship. You can comfort a mom who needs to be reminded of Jesusā€™ love. Or start a relationship with a teacher who might not even know Jesus yet. But people can feel his love as he shines through you.

And, even ifā€”even if it doesnā€™t go the way you hoped, what does our Father tell us? ā€œAs Godā€™s chosen people, holy and dearly lovedā€¦ā€ (Colossians 3:12). We are chosen! We should have been rejected but instead, our God specifically selected you and me to be his daughters. We are chosen to walk in the beauty and perfection of heaven someday. We are holy and dearly loved by a God who is our Father. Our Dad. He will wrap you in his arms and remind you of his many promises.

Step out of your comfort zone and reach out to the school mom struggling with her kiddo or your childā€™s teacher who looks a bit frazzled this week. Even a smile or a kind word can change their life and yours.

Hundreds of miles. Seven hours. Four states. But all were spanned by Godā€™s grace. We are still connected, concerned for one another and able to celebrate Godā€™s good news.

Written by Rachel Learman

No Shame in the Mundane

No Shame in the Mundane – Womenā€™s Devotion

With every child, I have had to pare down my life a little more. Now with six kids, an average day is personal time with Jesus, being a wife and mother, homeschooling, cooking, and cleaning. Itā€™s hard not to think how mundane my life is right now.

One constant pressure parents face is to be relentlessly busy, having a calendar filled with ā€œimportantā€ things. The temptation is real. I feel it myself. And when someone asks me what Iā€™ve been up to and all I can think of is cooking, cleaning, and refereeing, I can almost feel a sense of shame or the instant need to try to come up with something that sounds more worthy. Why is there such embarrassment in a simple life filled with ordinary things?

But as God draws me nearer to him in his Word, Iā€™m reminded that heā€™s not at all worried about what looks great to the world. He sees victory, success, and a life well-lived through a very different lens. In fact, the One worthy of all honor, glory and the Name that is above every other name, took on the nature of an obedient servant to win our salvation.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to deathā€”
even death on a cross! ā€“ Philippians 2:5-8

Jesus set aside his glory.
Jesus came not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Jesus spent three years making 12 disciples who would be his witnesses.
Jesus willingly suffered, bled, and died to redeem unworthy sinners like me.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4

Jesus didnā€™t send us into the world to make a name for ourselves. He didnā€™t ask us to conform to the patterns of the world. Instead, he commanded us to go make disciples. And the mundane life where Iā€™m present for my kids and my family is where God has called me to do that work. Motherhood may be a humble calling, but when we lay aside our ideas of what we should be doing, we get to be a part of what God is doing, and that is always so much better. Helping my kids fall in love with reading the Bible; teaching them to cook, clean, serve and become people with character and strength; modeling a life where we strive to rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances; these are the hidden seeds that Iā€™m tending in the seemingly ordinary life that God has me in for this season. So next time you ask me what Iā€™ve been up to I may just keep it simple. Iā€™m making disciples. How about you?

Written by Katy Goede

To Someā€¦, But to Meā€¦

To Someā€¦, But to Meā€¦ – Womenā€™s Devotion

Another severe thunderstorm was raging over the Connecticut parsonage, and the pastorā€™s daughter was scared. Mom tried to reassure her with the story of Jesus calming the storm, but little Ann was not feeling it. Ann looked across the yard toward the church office where her father was working. ā€œYou stay here with Jesus,ā€ Ann said, ā€œIā€™m going to get Daddy.ā€

Several years later, now in the Midwest, the father laid his hand on the permed head of this same, eldest daughter. He surprised her with the same passage he himself had received at confirmation, ā€œGod is our refuge and strength, a very present help in troubleā€ (Psalm 46:1). Perhaps he was thinking of that Connecticut lightning storm and reminding her, ā€œAnn, no matter what physical or metaphysical storms may trouble you, God will be with you.ā€

Thatā€™s my dad.

About ten years later, our family was camped on Maineā€™s coast. My dad was facing a change in his ministryā€”from charge of one congregation to a synod. Perched on the cliffs overlooking the Atlantic, the sound of crashing waves in our ears, he led us in a devotion about a rock-solid, unchanging, loving God who upholds and saves us. ā€œGod is our refuge and strengthā€¦ā€

Memories of my dad arenā€™t all devotions and sermons. I remember helping him relive his prep and college football careers as my sister and I retrieved high kicks over the backyard maple. We screamed in mock terror at his lion imitations. With strong arms, he pulled my siblings and me to and from the skating pond in a red plastic sled. He shared his love of ice cream, popcorn, and beloved childhood stories from Caledonia. He brought surprise gifts for the family, which often surprised our mother, too. His love of classical music endures (I was instructed to only play ā€œgoodā€ music on my birthday clock radio). And he has a famous kangaroo joke.

Threading through all of these memories is my dadā€™s love for the Lord and his people, a joy in ministry, especially clear when company surrounded the table and stories like ā€œThe Wrong Mrs. Weberā€ entertained and inspired. He was devoted to our family, but also to the larger family of God, pausing for dinner and devotions, but then back to his sermon or a meeting. My parents traveled all over the world to see and do Godā€™s work, and in his later years, when some might settle down, his ministry took my mom and him farther afieldā€”to retirement calls in Texas and twice to Hong Kong. He encouraged me to follow this course to ministry and family with Psalm 46 strength. My own children saw him as the ā€œfaraway Grandpa,ā€ but also as a faithful servant, and my first graders still come to class with surprising stories like, ā€œYour dad gave birth to my mom.ā€ (Translation: My mom was baptized by your father.)

These recollections also include those very present times of trouble, frustration, or anger. My dad would be the first to admit that he is a sinner; so am I. Many days, our matching temperaments got the best of us. Forgiveness was asked for, given and received; a necessary and treasured gift. My father was not perfect, but he made God the Fatherā€™s grace through Jesus perfectly clear.

Long ago on Fatherā€™s Day, I carefully and colorfully stitched these words on a piece of white cotton: ā€œTo some people, you are a rev. or a pastor, but to me, you are the best person in the world, you are my dad.ā€ These words are still true today. I thank God for a loving father who exemplified our heavenly Father and faithfully pointed to the only refuge, strength, and salvation. Happy Fatherā€™s Day!

Oh, blest the house, whateā€™er befall,
where Jesus Christ is all in all!
A home that is not wholly hisā€”
how sad and poor and dark it is!

Oh, blest that house where faith is found
and all in hope and love abound;
they trust their God and serve him still
and do in all his holy will.

Blest such a house, it prospers well;
in peace and joy the parents dwell,
and in their childrenā€™s lives is shown
how richly God can bless his own.

Then here will I and mine today
a solemn promise make and say:
though all the world forsake his Word,
I and my house will serve the Lord!
(Christian Worship 760:1,2,4,5)

Written by Ann Ponath

The beast (a devotion on depression)

The beast (a devotion on depression) – Womenā€™s Devotion

ā€œWhen was the last time you felt deep, complete joy?ā€ she asked. ā€œYou know, when you feel like everything is just about perfect in your world at that moment.ā€

Iā€™d already had several sessions with this therapist, and she knew a lot of the details of my life by now. She knew that things were generally pretty good. Iā€™d had a solid upbringing, a happy childhood. I was married to a man I loved and who loved me, and our healthy, happy son was just over a year old. We had everything we needed. And yet, in five years, I could not remember a time when Iā€™d felt deep joy.

I gazed at the floor, trying to come up with something. ā€œDefinitely on my wedding day,ā€ I said. ā€œBut that was over five years ago.ā€ I stared out the window, as if something out there would bring back a memory. ā€œThere must be something since then. Surely something when my son was bornā€¦ā€ Nothing on the ceiling jogged my memory either.

ā€œYouā€™re thinking way too long about this,ā€ the therapist said. ā€œIt shouldnā€™t be that hard.ā€

* * *

It wasnā€™t just that I lacked joy. As our fifth wedding anniversary came around, the picture was more grim than that. Too often anger and frustration with this circumstance or that offense made me rage inside. Sometimes I couldnā€™t keep it inside, and I was downright ugly to be around. My husband bore the brunt of my foul mood. A few times I yelled at my son, but even when I held it inside I feared that he would sense my grumpiness and pent up rage and it would somehow scar him.

I wish I could say that I prayed fervently that God would help me find joy. But when I was seething with rage, I didnā€™t pray and I didnā€™t want to look to Scripture at those moments. My default nature, opposed to God, was firmly in control. I just wanted to be angry. Looking back I can honestly confess with Asaph the Psalmist, ā€œWhen my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.ā€ (Psalm 73:21-22) The only prayer my troubled spirit was capable of was a feeble ā€œLord, help meā€¦help usā€¦ā€ breathed into my tear-stained pillow from time to time.

Only God knows how long I might have let this go onā€”and how bad it might have gotten. But he had a plan to turn things around for our little family. We were preparing for my husbandā€™s first deployment to the Middle East with the United States Air Force. I feared that our marriage would not make it through four months of physical separation. I feared that my mental state would prove harmful to my sonā€™s emotional well-being. And so I sought the help of a therapist.

The diagnosis was dysthymiaā€”mild, long-term depression. I continued my sessions with the therapist. She coached me in coping strategies. I made sure I was getting sufficient sleep. I exercised regularly. I was faithful in my daily Bible study time. I read books about nurturing our marriage relationship and worked to apply what I learned. I ate nutritious meals. I allowed myself to relax and be unproductive once in a while. And yet, the brute beast was always there, ready to rage if provoked.

Then one day the therapist suggested medication. I balked, thinking surely if I really trusted Godā€”if I really had faithā€”shouldnā€™t the certain hope of salvation bring me joy? My Savior loved me enough to take the punishment for my sins upon himself. Shouldnā€™t that be enough to make me happy? Would I be relying on pills to solve my problems, and would that be a sin?

I talked with my husband about it. We agreed that if I did indeed have a mental disorder, it was okay to try some medicine. Besides, the time for him to deploy was approaching like a freight train, and if pills might help, we needed to give it a shot.

* * *

That was almost nine years ago. I have been on antidepressants ever since, with the exception of my pregnancy with my second son. God has allowed me to experience joy againā€”the deep, complete kind. There are still problems in my life, and I still struggle. As a doctor once told me, ā€œMedication can only make you normal. It canā€™t make you happy all the time.ā€

I have also found that medication on its own doesnā€™t do the trick. Regular exercise helps a great deal, and I need daily time in Godā€™s Word. I may end up taking those pills for the rest of my life. Iā€™m okay with that. But I donā€™t rely on the pills to solve the problems in my life. I rely on the Lord, who led me to the relief that the medication provided.

God told his people through the prophet Nehemiah, ā€œDo not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.ā€ (Nehemiah 8:10) I have come to know that the joy of the Lord is my strength, even when I donā€™t feel joyful, even when my emotions donā€™t express what my soul knows. And now, by Godā€™s grace, I am often able to feel the joy he gives through faith in his Word.

Psalm 73, the one that talks about the ā€œbrute beast,ā€ ends like this:

Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.

God did not abandon me when my sinful nature was in control and anger and frustration made me rage inside. And thanks be to God that my husband loved me ā€œas Christ loved the church,ā€ (Ephesians 5:25) because he didnā€™t abandon me either.

God waited until my spirit was quieted, and then in that still, small voice, he spoke to me gently through his Word. He showed me that his love is constant. Even when I am raging, his love is calm and steadfast. When I am a brute beast, he looks at me and loves me. And then he gently rescues me.

Prayer Suggestions:

  • Praise God for his gentle mercy toward beast-like sinners opposed to him by nature.
  • Confess times when you have allowed your inner beast to take over, or you have taken your anger and frustration out on others.
  • Thank God for the moments of joy he gives. Thank him for providing solutions to our problems in all the various methods he uses to help us. Thank him for solving our deepest problem of sin and the punishment we earned for it.
  • If there are people you know who struggle with symptoms of depression, ask God to soften their hearts to his gentle mercy. Ask that he shield those around your struggling loved ones from any negative effects of their condition. Ask that he make a way to alleviate their symptoms, by whatever means he sees fit.

Written by Tracy Siegler

A Messy Blessing!

A Messy Blessing! – Womenā€™s Devotion

The very first thing God instituted, even before the church, was family. Family is part of Godā€™s design for how we learn about him. Through family we learn how to get along with others and how to reconcile when we do not. We learn what it means to love unconditionally and to practice forgiveness and grace.
What a messy blessing!

You could have been born at any time in history, on any continent, in any civilization. Out of all the families in the history of time, God put you in the family he put you in.
What a messy blessing!

We come into the world completely dependent on another human being. We are unable to feed ourselves, dress ourselves, or protect ourselves. Family does that for us. And, if we live long enough, we will probably leave this life unable to do many of those same things for ourselves. What a privilege to be able to care for our elderly parents who once cared for us in this way.
What a messy blessing!

What a blessing and a challenge to meet them wherever they are mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and to walk with them during the final season of their earthly journey. Our aging parents face tremendous challenges as their bodies and minds begin to fail. Frustration, anger, loneliness, and physical pain can all be crippling. We can assure them they are not alone. We can remind them that God loves them and provides for them. Many times, God is using us, their family members, as the means for providing for them.
What a messy blessing!

It is difficult work that requires intentional grace. Mistakes will be made; feelings will be hurt. It requires patience, love, and forgivenessā€”all those lessons that they taught us as they cared for us when we were younger. There are times when they are not grateful for our sacrifice, there are times when they want more of our time and attention than we are able to give, and there may be other times when they want less of our attention and involvement in their affairs. And there are gut-wrenching times when there simply are no good answers to the problems they are facing. Suffering through diminishing health and abilities isā€¦ suffering. The root meaning of the word compassion means ā€œto suffer with.ā€ One of the greatest gifts we can give to someone who is suffering is simply to be with them. Although we cannot fix what they are going through, we can assure them they do not have to be alone as they go through it, we can suffer with them.
What a messy blessing!

Jesus modeled this for us on the cross. As he looked down on his mother who had taught him about his heavenly Father, he was concerned about her and did not want her to suffer alone. He had compassion on her as he asked his best friend John to care for her now, ā€œWhen Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, ā€˜Woman, behold, your son!ā€™ Then he said to the disciple, ā€˜Behold, your mother!ā€™ And from that hour the disciple took her to his own homeā€ (John 19: 26-27).

I was blessed to have my aging mother live with me in my home for sixteen years after my father passed away. Together we suffered through her breast cancer, heart issues, diabetes, over a dozen surgeries on her legs, and finally a drug resistant infection that God used to take her home to heaven. There was no way to keep track of the number of doctor visits, ER visits, surgeries, hospital stays, rehabilitation centers, pain, frustration, and tears. There is also no way to count or measure the depth that our love and respect for each other grew as we suffered together. She was an excellent mother who taught me about Jesus, unconditional love, grace, forgiveness, and having a zest for life. In the end, I was able to remind her of those same lessons.
What a messy blessing!

To be used by God to care for an aging parent is both an extremely challenging and significantly meaningful opportunity. It is God who gives us the strength and compassion as we are motivated by the love he shows to us. ā€œA new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one anotherā€ (John 13:34-34).

What a messy blessing!

Written by Rhoda Wolle

Not Here

Not Here – Womenā€™s Devotion

You might know how it feels. Anyone who has experienced the turn of events during a sudden death of a loved one can identify with the accompanying experience. Life screeches to a halt. Minds go numb. Hearts shrink, shell-shocked. Our loved one is no longer here.

Ever been there? Take heart, dear one, you are not alone. Easter morning, the women were most certainly in this state of mind. As Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and Salome trudged to the tomb, the spices they toted were not nearly as heavy as their thoughts and hearts. The last few days had been a living nightmare.

Their dear master? Gone. Marred beyond recognition. Crucified. Pierced through. Sealed inside a tomb. Gentle Jesusā€”dead. The mighty One who had fed the five thousand, walked on water, healed the masses, and proved his right to be called the Son of God, was cruelly betrayedā€”by one of their own! Their male companions witnessed the arrest and were stunned at the outcome.

Heads covered, arms full, and hearts broken, the women arrive to find the surreal scene, unexpectedly odd. The seal is broken. The stone is rolled away.

Going inside, they look, seeing only the grave clothes. How could this be? Next, two men in brilliant garments stand near them, illuminating the emptiness where Jesusā€™ body was laid.

Frightened, they bow low. I imagine them missing the obvious joy of the angels, who said:

ā€œWhy do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!ā€

Note the exclamation pointā€”risen! The angels are joyous. Next, words of reassurance:

ā€œRemember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ā€˜The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.ā€™ā€

The dawn grows brighter as the dazzling truth begins to sink in.

Luke pens their response. ā€œThen they remembered his wordsā€ (Luke 24:5-8).

Could it be true? Yes, today was the ā€œthird dayā€!

He had risen!

Though society saw them as less, Jesus saw them all throughout his ministry. He arranges this glorious morning to be filled with firsts: first at the empty tomb, first to hear the resurrection news, first appearance to Mary, and entrusted by Jesus with the first resurrection report to the disciples.

Does your heart burst with Easter joy for these sorrowing women? With fresh eyes of faith, their grief beyond belief turned to wonder, and their wonder turned to praise. Can you see them excitedly rushing back to Jerusalem, daring to believe?

Daughters of the King, rejoice with these sisters, for their story is ours! We, too, have seen the risen Lord in Godā€™s Word and believe. Jesus lives! Together, we can share this epic news.

ā€œHe is not here. He is risen, just as he said!ā€ Hallelujah!

Happy Easter!

Written by Marilyn Sievert

Make me see

Make me see – Womenā€™s Devotion

Make me see your great distress, anguish, and affliction,
bonds and stripes and wretchedness and your crucifixion;
make me see how scourge and rod, spear and nails did wound you,
how for them you died, O God, who with thorns had crowned you.
Christian Worship 402:2

I love beautiful paintings of Jesus loving little children, smiling, and blessing them. I love images that reflect his warming love and peaceful grace; the comforting reminders that I am his child.

But that is not the picture here. We sing, ā€œMake me see your great distressā€ā€”and not just a general viewā€”this haunting melody drives us to remember the anguish that must have distorted his face and body; the affliction as he suffered the punishment of hell. Bonds and stripes, wretchednessā€”this is not a pleasant image, but the hymn writer knows we need to dwell here. MAKE ME see how scourge and rod, spear and nails did wound you! My tender heart says, ā€œNo! Donā€™t make me look!ā€ but my spirit cries out to see his incomparable sufferingā€”to lookā€”and to remember. Because what I see in that wretched image is the payment for sin. ā€œHow for them you died, O God, who with thorns had crowned you.ā€ This is how it had to happen; how God would accomplish it! The death of Christ paid for the sins of those who whipped stripes into his body without mercy. It bought forgiveness for those who mockingly crowned him with thorns. His bloody sacrifice was poured out for those who hatefully crucified him.

And then as I look, I see it. I see the payment for my sins. I see that all my failures and shortcomings drove the whips and nails into his body. It was my guilt that caused him the torment of hell. As much as it grieves me to look, and as uncomfortable as I am with the imageā€”it is what I need to see. I must look to remember the price of sin and the depth of his love. I must look so I never become casual about Christ, never lukewarm or ungrateful. I will look because the darkness of hell and ugliness of sin make the gospel that much sweeter and oh, so needed. What a blessing to lookā€”to be driven to embrace his forgiveness.

Make yourself lookā€”youā€™ll never take grace for granted again.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, as I meditate on your passion, burn on my heart the image of your suffering that I always remember how desperately I need you. Remind me that without your payment for sin, I would suffer in hell for eternity. I know my sins caused your suffering, and I repent of them Lord and pray for your forgiveness. Give me the assurance that because you suffered, died, and rose my salvation is secure. You are my Savior. Let me never take that for granted, but let it instill in me a desire to love you and seek you in your Word. Thank you, Jesus, for all you have done to make me yours. In your holy name I pray. Amen.

Written by Naomi Schmidt

Closed Doors

Closed Doors – Womenā€™s Devotion

ā€œWhen God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.ā€ If you have watched The Sound of Music as many times as I have, you will recognize that as a line spoken by the Reverend Mother to Maria. Even if you havenā€™t seen the movie (gasp!), you have probably heard a similar statement. Itā€™s not from the Bible, though the intent behind the quote could be considered biblical. Basically, itā€™s a reminder that God is working everything out for our good and that his path may be different from ours. Itā€™s a comforting thought, but I heard a pastor speak a few days ago who made me think about that quote in a very different way.

He challenged the idea of open doors and windows, and suggested that God doesnā€™t always work that way. He referenced John 20, when the disciples were hiding together with the ā€œdoors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders.ā€ Thomas wasnā€™t there the first time, and was still doubtful that Godā€™s plan was in place and that Jesus was even alive. It was not until Thomas was locked in that room with nowhere to go that he actually saw the truth. It was only there that he was in a place to reach out and touch his Savior.

Sometimes God uses closed doors and windows. I love the joy that comes with being a Christian. When Iā€™m going through a difficulty, I always try to look for the good, for a way out, for where God might be leading me. But sometimes thatā€™s not clear. Sometimes there doesnā€™t seem to be any good at all. Sometimes there is no way out and no clear path, and it seems like all the doors and windows are shut. Christians suffer sometimes, with no earthly resolution in sight. Some of our Christian brothers and sisters in other parts of the world are suffering horrifically right now. And you donā€™t even have to go that far. Christians are suffering here tooā€”in this country, in this state, in your church, maybe in your home.

Have you ever felt locked in a room of suffering with no doors or windows to escape? Do you feel that way right now? If you do, I wonā€™t presume to tell you exactly why God has you there. I donā€™t know when or if heā€™ll ease your earthly suffering by opening up a window or a door. But I know this: Jesus is in the room with you. He meets us in locked roomsā€”where the only place to go is into his arms. He stands face to face with us as we cry to him in despair and as we listen to his words of truth. Paul knew that suffering can bring us closer to our Savior.

ā€œI want to know Christā€”yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the deadā€ (Philippians 3:10).

Jesus suffered and even asked for a way outā€”a different door to walk through. But God didnā€™t give him one. Our suffering gives us a glimpse into his, and into the intense love that led him to go through so much for us. The One who loved us enough to die for us will be with us in our trials. Closed doors and windows donā€™t matter in the end, because Jesus himself is the Doorā€”to peace during suffering now, and to the end of all suffering in heaven.

ā€œMost assuredly, I say to you, I am the doorā€¦. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pastureā€ (John 10:7,9 NKJV)

Written by Sarah Reik


Renewal – Womenā€™s Devotion

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

January freshness. New calendars. Fun Day-Timers. Blank squares.

We love the feeling of starting again, and the New Year brings many reminders of what we hope will be different. But before you enjoy the beautiful new things that are coming, look at what has been thrown away. A scribbled, grimy calendar in the kitchen. A tattered Day-Timer with loose pages and messy sticky notes. Lists and reminders that never let us rest. Toss them in the garbage and start over!

The words of Psalm 51:10 bring us encouragement and hope for spiritual newness. Godā€™s grace and the washing of rebirth is so much more than a new calendar. Its fresh hope brings a daily treasure we need more than a Day-Timer. Forgiveness in Christ. Eternal life. Joy. But the words that precede this verse tell us about what is thrown out in our spiritual lives. Worse than grimy, tattered calendars, our sin is filthy baggage that needs to be taken out. ā€œAgainst you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judgeā€ (Psalm 51:4).

Jesus does that for you. He comes and takes everything dirty, hopeless, and ugly and destroys it with his death on the cross. Every new day he wakes you with the promise of new life purchased for you by the blood of Jesus. Each moment you are covered with his love. Everything is pure and renewed because of him.

Written by Naomi Schmidt

Thankful on Repeat

Thankful on Repeat – Womenā€™s Devotion

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Psalm 118:29

Has anyone ever said to you, ā€œI canā€™t thank you enough!ā€? Usually that phrase means the person is so grateful to you that they donā€™t feel they could even convey the extent of their gratitude. You have blessed them greatly and they are truly appreciative. They may even say, ā€œThank you! Thank you! Thank you!ā€

David proclaims his thankfulness to God. He thanks him for his goodness, mercy, and love. He states that that the Lord is with him, and that he will not be afraid. He declares that he almost fell, but that the Lord helped him. He joyfully expresses that the ā€œgates of righteousness are open for him, and he will enter and give thanks to the Lord.ā€

Friends, we have what David is thankful for! We can be thankful for the exact same promises because they are ours through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. We can wake up every single day and recite the praise of verse 24, ā€œThis is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.ā€ God keeps his promise to be with us always. He never leaves us or forsake us. He has our times in his hands, and he has plans for our future.

We canā€™t thank God enough for his everlasting love and blessings that he graciously showers over our lives. Our blessings abound, yes in our earthly lives, but most importantly in the promise of an eternal life with him in heaven. Undeservedly, we have inherited the blessing of heaven. Praise God!

Put your thanksgiving to the Lord on repeat. Let it never be something that wanes in the background of your life. ā€œGive thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures foreverā€ Psalm 118:29.

Written by Jennifer Mueller

Autumnā€™s Reminder

Autumnā€™s Reminder – Womenā€™s Devotion

If you live in a climate where the leaves are turning, you know how beautiful the season of autumn can be. Lush green landscapes transform into brilliant layers of red, orange, yellow, and gold. Breezes carry the whisper of impending change as those leaves hang on, summerā€™s swan song, portraying Godā€™s beautiful creation with colorful splendor.

Yes, creation has a way of preaching beautiful truths about our Creator God. ā€œThe heavens declare the glory of Godā€ (Psalm 19:1). The autumn leaves can prompt us to think about our Creator God who is also our Savior God. Those lovely leaves are about to let go and fall to the ground, their work complete. And thatā€™s a beautiful picture of what Jesus did for us.

The whole storyā€”the words those lovely leaves cannot speakā€”is found on the pages of Scripture. In Godā€™s Word we learn that true loveliness is more than meets the eye. ā€œThis is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for usā€ (1 John 3:16). When Jesusā€™ work was fully complete, he let go of his life. His brilliant, perfect season on earth inspired and amazed many people, and it had to come to an end in order to usher in a new seasonā€”one in which the worldā€™s sins are paid in full.

Fallen leaves have no life in them. They wither and are trampled and buried. Likewise, our sinful selves died with Christ. That old version was crucified and buried with him, as the apostle Paul describes in Romans 6. But God did not leave us to blow in the wind or wither on the ground. Paul continues: ā€œNow if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with himā€ (Romans 6:8). Thatā€™s a promise of eternal life, and itā€™s also a promise for this life: Each day we repentant sinners are empowered to lead more love-filled and lovely lives because we are alive in Christ.

The falling leaves serve as a reminder to repent regularlyā€”to let go of the previous season and confidently arise to a new and glorious season in Christ. ā€œIf anyone is in Christ… The old has gone, the new is here!ā€ (Ephesians 5:17).

Written by Angie Molkentin

The Light of Christ in the Family

The Light of Christ in the Family – Womenā€™s Devotion

Light changes things. The discovery of a light switch brings relief to fingers fumbling along a dark wall and makes the space visible. A steady beam from a flashlight makes a dark path take shape during a late-night walk on a camping trip. Light makes the invisible visible and the dangerous more secure. As Christians, we too are changed by the Light. As Saul walked along the path to Damascus on his way to arrest believers, a Light stopped him in his tracks. Jesus called Saul from that blinding light and converted him from a life of sin to a life of service. Now, Saul changed to Paul, but not in name alone. He was changed from an enemy of Christ and a persecutor of the Way to one of the greatest missionaries of all time proclaiming the grace of Jesus to the ends of the Roman Empire.

We too have been changed by the Light. The details of our conversion are different, but in the same way Jesus, the Light of the world, called us to himself and made us his children when we were baptized. Through the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word, we were changed from sinner to saint, from enemy to dear child and from dead to alive. That Light shifted our trajectory from a life of self service to one of Christ service. The apostle Paul reiterated that point in his letter to the Ephesians, ā€œFor you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord.ā€ (5:8) What we once were, we can no longer remain.

The light of Jesus not only changes who we are, but it changes how we live. Because of the grace of Jesus, we want to serve him in every facet of our life and reflect his love and light into the lives of others. Paulā€™s instructions to ā€œsubmit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21) become our mantra as we work to serve others in humility out of love for our Savior Jesus. As we reflect the light of Christ in our homes, we pray that the Lord would use that light. We pray that in a sinful world characterized by strife and brokenness, our Christian homes might become a beacon of light in the darkness. A light that draws others to learn of the peace of forgiveness of sins and eternal life that is found in Christ Jesus alone.

Written by Katie Martin

Impress Them

Impress Them – Womenā€™s Devotion

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9

That first day. Iā€™ve dropped off our sons at kindergarten, taken them to college. Iā€™ve sat by the phone waiting to hear how my grandchildā€™s first day went. Exciting days and if weā€™re honest, days that have a little bit of anxiousness.

We adults can experience some anxiousness as the new school year begins whether our child is starting kindergarten or college. As a mom, grandmother, aunt, or dear friend of a child, you may be wondering about this year for the child you care for so much. ā€œHave I done enough to get him ready? Now that she is in school, what is my role, my job in preparing her for life in this world?ā€

What a gift and what a responsibility it is when the Lord blesses us with a child in our lives. We teach them about crossing the street, kindness toward others, and even how to drive a car. In Deuteronomy, the Lord reminds us of the most important lessons we share with our childrenā€”telling them about him. These verses provide a great picture of how and when we do this.

ā€œImpress them.ā€ These are not light words. When you teach a child to cross the street, you are emphatic about their safety. How much more so when we teach our children about their Savior. ā€œThis is a big dealā€”the most important thing to know!ā€ you remind them.

ā€œTalk about them when youā€¦ā€ We arenā€™t to limit our talk about faith to reading a Bible story, mealtime prayers, family devotions. Itā€™s woven into everything we do. Through our conversations and modeling, we are impressing on our children Godā€™s love, forgiveness and mercy.

So, what does this look like? First, pray for and pray with your child every day. Consider a simple prayer or blessing as they leave the house each morning. Recommit to daily family devotions. Encourage your child to lead a prayer in their own words. Ask them to share one blessing and one challenge they had and how God could guide them. Remind them often how they were lovingly and uniquely created by God with their own characteristics and gifts. Tell them again and again about Jesus who loves them, forgives them, and is with them at all times.

As our oldest son drove off for the first time, a dear friend reminded me that the Lord loves him more than I can imagine and will be with him. God loves your child dearly. As you start your day, head off to work, shuttle your children here and there, know that God is with you and with them, with his grace and mercy each and every day. May the Lord bless you and them as you grow in faith in Jesus.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your love for this child that is so dear to me. Be with them, Lord. Protect them and remind them of your grace for them. Help me to be an encourager for them as they grow in faith in you. In your name I pray. Amen.

Written by Cindi Holman

Gospel Gems of Ephesians

Gospel Gems of Ephesians – Womenā€™s Devotion

When you were younger, you may have been told to open the card or read the tag before you unwrapped a gift. You know gifts are wonderfulā€”but knowing who gave you the gift and recognizing the love and kindness that has been expressed is truly priceless.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

Godā€™s gift of grace brings forgiveness, love, gifts, and a purpose for this life. But it also brings you into relationships with other believers because the single message of faith in Christ binds us together.

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation (Ephesians 1:13).

God joins us in Christ for his glory and strengthens us to share his love and spread his gospel. He guides believers, fills them with his Spirit, and leads them in righteousness.

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord (Ephesians 2:21).

But even as this holy temple rises with truth and holiness, it will face struggles. It will grieve in hardship and long for Scriptureā€™s wisdom when it faces division.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).

God equips us for every struggle. His Spirit, sacraments, and Word give believers everything they need to follow his will and obey his commands. His armor provides our greatest defense against the devil, the world, and our flesh. His weaponry is the Spirit-filled truth of Scripture and its glorious Savior, Jesus Christ.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devilā€™s schemes (Ephesians 6:10-11).

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you have chosen us to be your daughters, washed us clean, and given us a holy purpose. We pray that in this life we would be vessels of truth and witnesses of your love. Bind us together in faith as we strive to love one another and work as one body. Keep us united in your Word and encourage us as we stand side by side in your name. Strengthen us with every perfect truth of Scripture as we live in your victory and righteousness. Amen.

Written by Naomi Schmidt
Reviewed by Rev. Donn Dobberstein

Citizens of God’s Holy Nation

Citizens of Godā€™s Holy Nation – Womenā€™s Devotion

ā€œBut you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.ā€
1 Peter 2:9

Before God gave me the blessing of being a stay-at-home mom, he provided for me through a career working with immigrants. Many had escaped oppressive and corrupt governments. They eagerly anticipated the day they would become naturalized citizens of the United States. This lengthy process includes waiting a required number of years, learning English and civics, passing a citizenship test, and, finally, pledging loyalty to the United States in an emotional naturalization ceremony.

Those of us who were born in the United States became citizens automatically. We did not need to go through a naturalization process. Yet, spiritually, all of us who follow Jesus Christ are naturalized citizens of Godā€™s holy nation.

We did not automatically become citizens of Godā€™s nation by our births. The reality is that we were born into a kingdom darker and more evil than even the worst earthly government. We were born under a ruler more cruel and tyrannical than even the most terrible earthly despot. What is more, we had no hope of ever being able to escape that dark kingdom and live as free men and women. The Bible tells us that we were slaves to sin (Romans 6:6), living under Satanā€™s control (1 John 5:19), and powerless to do anything about it (Romans 5:6).

We needed someone to break the devilā€™s power and rescue us from sin. We needed a way to escape from Satanā€™s evil kingdom and gain entrance into Godā€™s holy nation. For that reason, God sent Jesus to earth. He came to destroy the devilā€™s work (1 John 3:8) and set the oppressed free (Luke 4:18). He accomplished his mission by living a perfect, sinless life in our place, and dying to pay the penalty for our sins. His resurrection from the dead then proved that he had crushed Satanā€™s power. The Holy Spirit has called each of us personally out of slavery in Satanā€™s kingdom of darkness. In our baptisms, God has given us a new status as full-fledged citizens of his own kingdom of perfect light.

This holy nation is comprised of you and me and all other believers from every corner of the globe. We are all holy because Jesusā€™ blood has cleansed us of sin, and the perfection of his life of obedience has been credited to us. We are all holy because God has set us apart from the rest of the world to serve him alone.

The naturalized U.S. citizens I came to know through my work simply bubbled over with gratitude. They were eager to tell me what this country had given them and why it was the greatest nation on earth. Their love for the U.S. shone not only in their words, but also in their work, their friendships, in short, in every aspect of their lives.

Our new lives as citizens of Godā€™s holy nation are filled with opportunities to declare his praises. The Greek word translated ā€œpraisesā€ in 1 Peter 2:9 literally means ā€œexcellent virtuesā€ or ā€œexcellent works.ā€ Witnessing with our words is one important way that we declare Godā€™s excellent works and virtues. But we also declare his praises in everything we do. First Corinthians 10:31 says that our eating, our drinking, and whatever we do may be done to Godā€™s glory. We declare his praises when we ā€œtell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,ā€ (Psalm 78:4) by having home devotions or by inviting neighborhood families to Vacation Bible School. We declare his praises when we show patience with our cranky children. We declare his praises when we show respect for a difficult boss. Every circumstance becomes an opportunity to give evidence of Godā€™s excellent virtues and works.

Naturalized citizens of the United States know that a great privilege has been conferred upon them. We as naturalized citizens of a much greater nation recognize the tremendous gift that God has conferred upon us. He rescued us from slavery in Satanā€™s evil kingdom. He cleansed us of sin through Jesusā€™ blood. He made us full-fledged citizens of his holy nation. He gives us opportunities to serve him, not as slaves, but as free women and men. In every role, every relationship, and every situation, let us declare the praises of our amazing God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the wonderful privilege and honor of belonging to your holy nation of believers. Forgive me for the times I have failed to appreciate this gift. Enable me to take full advantage of all the opportunities you give me to declare your praises. In the name of my Savior, Jesus, Amen.

Written by Mollie Schairer
Reviewed by Professor Lyle Lange

Thanking God for Dads – Women’s Devotion

Thanking God for Dads – Womenā€™s Devotion

Dads, we thank God for you. We celebrate your godly leadership. We acknowledge the weighty responsibility you carry. We bring our petitions to the Lord on your behalf. We support you, we respect you, and we cherish you.

We thank God that you keep fighting. You realize that this is not peacetime, and the battle is fierce. In a world that seeks to destroy not only godly fatherhood, but even the very concept of manhood, you stand up as the man God made you to be. You strive to fulfill your calling as head of the household. Daily you resist the pressures of our culture and the temptations of the Devil. Rather than chase after every ā€œopportunityā€ for yourself and your children, you spend time in Godā€™s Word and with fellow believers. Rather than use Godā€™s loaned resources on earthly treasures, you store up heavenly riches for your family. Rather than conform to societyā€™s norms, you teach your children Godā€™s code of conduct, and guide them in following it no matter the consequences. You do battle each day, under the leadership and protection of your own Head, the ultimate Warrior, Jesus Christ.

We thank God that you keep loving. You understand the need to show mercy and to sacrifice yourself. You convey your love through the words you speak to your children, and the time you spend with them. You communicate to your family, ā€œYou are valuable to me.ā€ Your children know tenderness. They know what it means to be forgiven. As you live out your calling, you remember the mercy that God has shown you. Your self-sacrifice is modeled after Jesusā€™ ultimate sacrifice of a life lived perfectly in your place, and laid down at the cross for you. His sacrifice frees you from a guilty conscience over failures as a father. Your Heavenly Father has no memory of them, and He treats you accordingly. You embrace as your example His merciful love toward you, as you teach your family that they, too, have received mercy through Jesus.

Dads, we rejoice that God has called you to fatherhood. We praise God that you are carrying out this calling by His power. Whether you are our own fathers, our godly grandpas, our sons now raising the next generation, or brothers not by blood but by the Holy Spirit, we thank God for you.

Written by Mollie Schweppe

When Mother’s Day Hurts – Women’s Devotion

When Motherā€™s Day Hurts – Womenā€™s Devotion

For many Christian women, Mother’s Day is wonderful. It sparkles with expressions of love and appreciation; it highlights Scriptureā€™s praise of motherhood. There is thankfulness and joy, food, and celebrations. And we rejoice with those who rejoice.

But we also mourn with those who mourn, because for many women, Mother’s Day is not wonderful. There are empty wombs, empty cribs, and empty arms. The hearts of some are not just empty but shattered. Scripture describes the days and nights of one in sorrow: a couch drenched in tears and a bed flooded with weeping. There is silencing grief over the loss of a child or an indescribable aching over that which has not been given. The depth of these pains cannot be expressed with words.

Your sisters in Christ ache with you. We love you and pray for you, longing to comfort you with the hope of Christ. We point you to the Psalms where God himself promises to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. He says he is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

God’s comfort and hope is Christ. He comes to you this day as always and stands by your side, so you are never alone. He understands everything you are going through because he knows everything about you and he loves you. He loves you.

Rest in the palm of his hand and find your refuge in His mighty fortress. Trust him in the stillness of your soul and pour out your heart to him. You are loved dear sister, and we entrust you to the arms of your Savior.

Scripture referenced above: Psalm 6:6, Psalm 147:3, Psalm 34:18, Hebrews 4:15, Psalm 139, Jeremiah 31:3, Isaiah 49:16, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 62:5-6, Psalm 46:10, Psalm 62:8.

Written by Naomi Schmidt

Make It Last – Women’s Devotion

Make It Last – Womenā€™s Devotion

Have you ever noticed that the Gospels share the story of the resurrection in just four chapters? While the epistles often reference the significance of the resurrection, the resurrection story itself is told in just over 100 verses. Itā€™s over so quickly!

And in those accounts women are hurrying, disciples are running, guards are reporting, and chief priests are devising. Thereā€™s just so much busyness.

In some ways, the same could be said about Easter celebrations. You get up early to greet others with, ā€œHe is risen! Indeed!ā€ But all too quickly the sun is setting. A new week begins. And you have to wait an entire year to celebrate the best thing that ever happened to you.

So, in a fast-paced, over-too-quickly, busyness-filled world this week after Easter, itā€™s appropriate to pause, ponder, and consider Easterā€™s meaning for your today.

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, ā€œDo not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ā€˜He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.ā€™ Now I have told you.ā€

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. ā€œGreetings,ā€ he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, ā€œDo not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see meā€ (Matthew 28-1-10).

These women were the first to meet the risen Lord. Their encounter simply and beautifully shows how Jesus makes what happened the first Easter last longer than a one-day celebration.

Jesus Comes to You

Just as the women were met and greeted by Jesus, he will always come to you. You donā€™t have to find him, prove yourself, get cleaned up, figure it out, or have all the answers for Jesus to meet you right where you are. And there, his Word greets you daily with love, forgiveness, encouragement, and direction.

Thatā€™s Jesus. He meets you on the way to whatever you are intent on to give you himself. Jesus comes to you!

Jesus Comforts You

The Bible says the women were ā€œafraid yet filled with joyā€ while at the same time hurrying and running. Today weā€™d call that ā€œa mess.ā€ Can you imagine?

Better question: Can you relate?

If most days feel like an emotional, mental, and physical discombobulation, Jesus’ words are spoken to you as well. ā€œDo not be afraid!ā€

He knows what youā€™re dealing with, how youā€™re not coping, and why you donā€™t understand. But more importantly, He knows that he lived your life, died your death, and came alive on Easter so you will too. And because of that, your mess no longer matters. Instead, with his Word, Jesus comforts you!

Jesus Commissions You

Of all the people in Jerusalem, the fearful, confused, and grieving disciples needed to see Jesus the most. And so, Jesus told the women to, ā€œGo and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.ā€

Do you know someone like that? Grieving, fearful, confused, hiding away? Jesus knows them too. As he did with the women, Jesus asks you to go to them. To share the good news that comforts you found in his Word. And to tell them they will see Jesus there. Jesus commissions you!

Though the Easter celebration ends too quickly, the events of that day continue into eternity. Through the Word, Jesus still comes to you, comforts you, and commissions you to share the Easter message with those who need it most.

Easter Blessings!

Written by Dawn Schulz

When Being Right Rots the Relationship – Women’s Devotion

When Being Right Rots the Relationship – Womenā€™s Devotion

I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORDā€™s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ā€˜The LORD is my portion: therefore I will wait for him.
Lamentations 3:19-24

I collapsed onto the couch thinking, ā€œWhat just happened?ā€ Yesterday my husband and I were laughing together, our relationship light and fun. But tonight had spiraled into an ugly tennis match, with one petty exchange after another lobbed across the nets of driving skills, work schedules, and housekeeping responsibilities. How had we gone from snuggling on the sofa one day to hunkering in opposite corners of the house the next? After 32 years of marriage shouldnā€™t we have figured this out? Yet we still fall into our sinful, reflexive responses. And each time the pain is fresh, raw, and dividing.

And I begin to ruminate. I turn comments over in my mind, re-think verbal exchanges, and over-analyze situations. I lay blame and nurse my wounds, stubbornly crafting a convincing mental list of why Iā€™m right . . . and why heā€™s wrong.

Jeremiah, the traditional author of Lamentations, understood pain, separation, and relational discord. His calls for repentance were roundly ignored. He was mocked, beaten, imprisoned, and rejected by neighbors and family for prophesying Jerusalemā€™s destruction. If anybody had the right to compile a list of why he was right and others were seriously wrong, it was Jeremiah!

Yet Jeremiah knew he had a choice. When he chose to remember his ā€œaffliction and [his] wandering, the bitterness and the gall,ā€ his soul became ā€œdowncast within [him].ā€ Focusing on his troubles didnā€™t bring him peace. Ruminating injustice became a weight dragging his soul into depression.

ā€œYet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope . . . . I say to myself . . . . ā€

Did you catch it? Jeremiah shows us thereā€™s a way to break the cycle of negative thinking, this cycle that pulls us down and away from love, restoration and hope. The first thing to do any time thereā€™s trouble in a relationship is to ā€œcall to mindā€ God and remember his goodness: ā€œThe LORD is my portion: therefore I will wait for him.ā€ List out the ways God loves you, from the unfathomable gift of forgiveness in Jesus right down to the extra pairs of underwear in your dresser drawer!

By doing that youā€™ll stop the cycle of negative rumination. Then itā€™s time to turn your thoughts to Godā€™s goodness in your marriage. ā€œCall to mindā€ whatā€™s strong in your spouse instead of whatā€™s wrong. Is he a faithful provider? Does he play with the kids? Is he handy around the house? Can he change a diaper? Does he help the neighbors? Has he made you laugh? Does he worship with you? Focusing on your husbandā€™s strengths can help soften a defensive heart.

Initially, I sat on the couch that evening choosing to ā€œrememberā€ aspects of my husbandā€™s character that I thought needed rehabbing . . . a choice that pulled me farther from him and his love. Worse still, it led me away from Godā€™s love and his will for my marriage. But the Holy Spirit nudged me to a better choice. He turned my heart upward in prayer, peeling my fingers from my selfish need to be right, and focusing instead on how blessed I am by my husband.

We sat down the next day, apologizing and working through the issues of the night before. It wonā€™t be the last time we mess up and have to do this dance again. But God is working in our hearts and our marriage, helping us remember his blessings, call to mind his compassion, and move us to sacrificially offer that compassion to each other . . . new every morning.

Prayer: Gracious God, you desire marriage to be a mirror of our relationship with you. Help me see you when I look at my husband, to remember he also has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. You desire us to care for others as you care for us. Help me focus on whatā€™s strong instead of whatā€™s wrong in all my relationships, living out the sacrificial love of my Savior with everyone in my life. Your faithfulness is great. I trust you to crush my selfish heart and renew my mind. In Christā€™s saving name I pray. Amen.

To Do: Right now, make a list of the qualities you love about your spouse. Why did I marry him? How does he support me? What is he good at? How does he serve others? Ask yourself regularly, ā€œDo I want to be right, or do I want to be in a relationship with my husband?ā€

Pay Attention: What triggers your emotional responses? Take time to write out what is on your heart, praying God will reveal the backstory to your gut reactions. Ask the Holy Spirit for his peace and insight. Seek counsel from a trusted friend, your pastor, or a professional therapist. STOP the cycle of reaction, retreat, rumination, and retaliation.

Pray: Set a reminder on your phone to pray regularly for your husband. Consider using the WELS Womenā€™s Ministry resource ā€œPrayers to Bless Your Husbandā€. Ask a trusted friend to pray for you and your spouse. Seek Christian marriage counseling if needed.

Written by Gina Grove
Reviewed by Pastor David Valleskey