Tag Archive for: Pacific Northwest District

Right place, right time

ā€œMissional Livingā€ is a lifestyle in our mission church. Itā€™s a constant reminder for the members of our congregation to live every day of their life as if itā€™s a mission trip and recognize where Jesus is already at work in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools. Our goal is to just wake up each morning and say, ā€œLord, what kind of mission trip are you going to take me on today to reach one more person for Jesus?ā€

One example of missional living happened recently in my dentistā€™s chair. I know, thatā€™s not the place where you would normally think of ā€œmissional living,ā€ but it was on this day.

I went in for a regular teeth cleaning and check-up. While I was getting settled into the chair, I asked the dental hygienist how things had been going in her life lately. She told me that although she had just got engaged, she was struggling with some incompatibility issues with her fiancƩ. I listened attentively to her while she worked on my teeth.

When there was a ā€œbreak in the actionā€ (in between rinses), I asked her how compatible she and her fiancĆ© were spiritually. That question opened the floodgates, and she began telling me all about her past religious experiences and struggles with God and the Bible. I listened to talk about her struggles while she continued to work on my teeth and tried my best to answer her questions (again, in between rinses). I didnā€™t want to say anything that might upset her, since she was holding a sharp object in her hand. So, I did much more listening than talking.

After she was finished cleaning my teeth, I said, ā€œYou know, Iā€™m a pastor, and I would be happy to meet with you sometime for coffee and help you with some of these problems that you and your fiancĆ© are struggling with.ā€ She replied, ā€œI would like that. In fact, Iā€™ve got a lot of other questions about God and religion that Iā€™d like to ask you too.ā€ I smiled and agreed.

As I was leaving, she said, ā€œThank you for listening to me and answering my questions. Iā€™d like to come and visit your church sometime. Would that be ok?ā€ I joyfully replied, ā€œAbsolutely! I think you will be blessed by it.ā€

God was certainly up to something in this young womanā€™s life that day, and I was exactly where he wanted me to be to join him on his mission. What a privilege it is to be used by God to accomplish his purpose in the lives of others. On that day, at that time, his purpose for me was to be in that dentist chair and make a connection with that young woman at a time when she needed it most. Let us continue to make those connections and remain in a mindset of ā€œmissional living.ā€

Written by Pastor Kevin Schultz, Home Missionary at The Vine Lutheran Church in Hayden, Idaho

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True love, God’s love

As couples prepared to buy chocolate, candies, teddy bears, cards, and roses for each other on Valentineā€™s Day to express their love for each other, Faith Hmong in Alaska uses this time of the year to gather couples for an evening of food, relaxation, photos, and Godā€™s Word on the message of true LOVE.

“This is real loveā€”not that we loved God, but that he loved us.” – 1 John 4:10a

The message that evening focused on Genesis 2:17, ā€œThey become one flesh.ā€ This reminded couples that marriage doesnā€™t stop after the wedding ceremony, having their first child, or being able to accomplish some of their goals. Couples must be intentional with their marriage. They canā€™t just show love or affection towards each other once a year on Valentineā€™s Day; they must show love for each other and serve each other every day to continue to strengthen a marriage, which is built on the foundation of Christ. It was great opportunity for couples to gather together and experience an evening filled with Godā€™s Word, great conversations, and time to reflect on each other.

Faith Hmong in Alaska uses this kind of event as an outreach opportunity to invite friends, family, and neighbors to the Faith Hmong community. We also have events for kids and parents to spend time together, such as a family paint night, which is planned for next month. Coming to worship services can be a little intimidating for some, but with events like these, believers and friends can come and relax and hear about their Lord. Itā€™s a fun way for the church members to do outreach in the community.

We have been serving the Hmong community of Anchorage since 2009 and have established a beautiful relationship with our Anglo brothers and sisters at Faith Lutheran Church. Every Sunday, our doors are open early in the morning for an English service, followed by a Hispanic service preached by Pastor Chris Ewings and Pastor Nathan Wagenknecht. Then, we end our Sunday with a Hmong service starting at 3:00 p.m., followed by Hmong Sunday School. We designate the first Sunday of each month as a fellowship Sunday for the opportunity to invite friends, families, and neighbors to attend and enjoy some snacks and conversations.

Faith Hmong continues to focus its ministry on the Hmong community in Anchorage, and God continues to bless us. We look for opportunities to share what so many people in the world are still seeking ā€“ LOVE. A love the world cannot give, but rather true love that comes only from our Savior, Jesus.

Learn more about our ministry at faithhmongalaska.org.

Written by Pastor Pao Moua, Home Missionary at at Faith Hmong Lutheran Church in Anchorage, Alaska

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Faces of Faith ā€“ Travis

My life changed in a tiny room in the back of a music store. I was at one of the lowest moments of my life, playing my hurt into one of the storeā€™s guitars. Ten minutes earlier I had called out angrily to God, saying that I was tired of living with my trauma and that if he was going to do something, he should do it now. God responded by sending Pastor Paul Bourman. He walked up and asked if he could help me in any way. I responded under breath, ā€œYou sent me a pastor? Youā€™ve gotta be kidding me.ā€ The tears flowed down my cheeks. Embarrassed, I tried to hide my tears, but God had plans to wipe them away.

I didnā€™t think that it was possible to truly heal from my trauma. I had anger in my heart that was eating away at me. I was convinced that I had no chance at having any real relationship with anyone ever again. When I learned about Jesus, I learned what forgiveness truly is. And now, that forgiveness overflows in my life. I can even forgive those who hurt me. By grace alone, in all my hurt, Christ has become my salvation. I became a member at Hope Lutheran Church in Tigard, Ore., this past fall. I proposed to my now fiancĆ©, Frankie, after a worship service this winter, and my son is coming to believe that Jesus died for his sins. It is by grace I have been saved!

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Faces of Faith ā€“ Ivan and Gina

It had been a year since Ivan and Gina first received an invitation to Cross of Christ. When they first came to a service, a year later, they came by themselves. Gina said, ā€œTo be honest, we were terrified to go to a church. Really just scared of being judged or not fitting in. But we finally decided we needed to have God in our lives and didnā€™t know where to turn. We remembered you guys and saw that you meet at a restaurant. We came and everyone was so welcoming. The whole serviceā€”it was just what we needed. It felt like home.ā€

When Ivan and Gina started going through our basic Christian instruction class and we started talking about grace, they said, ā€œWeā€™ve never heard it quite like that before. God will just forgive us because of Jesus? We donā€™t have to try to be good enough first?ā€ Grace is always a beautiful surprise.

Since then, Ivan and Gina have been bringing their four children with them to church. They finished instruction and joined as members at Cross of Christ. They have found a place they can call home and a community thatā€™s like family. Gina said, ā€œThis church is everything I asked for and more.ā€

From Kurt Wetzel, home missionary at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church in North Nampa, Ida.

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