Semper reformanda

Andrew C. SchroerĀ 

Let me tell you a little parable:Ā 

An elderly man sat as his kitchen table with his pastor.Ā He had invited his pastor to celebrate with him.Ā 

ā€œRaise a glass with me,ā€ the elderly man,Ā who wasĀ obviously inebriated,Ā said to his pastor.Ā He had been an alcoholicĀ forĀ as long as the pastor had known him.Ā 

ā€œIā€™m celebrating,ā€ the old man continued. ā€œFifty yearsĀ agoĀ today, I gave up alcohol completely. I was sober for over 25 years of my life. Thatā€™s something to celebrate!ā€ he exclaimed,Ā as he sloppily sipped his beer.Ā He did not mention the other 25 years he was not so sober.Ā 

Right now, Lutheran and Reformed churches around the world are raising their glasses to celebrate. They are singing ā€œA Mighty Fortress is Our God.ā€ They are remembering Martin Luther.Ā Some are traveling to Germany to see the Reformation sites.Ā Ā 

Five hundred years ago, a German monk named Martin Luther nailed theĀ Ninety-fiveĀ Theses to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany, in an attempt to reform theĀ church.Ā 

The Christian church had strayed from the truth of Godā€™s Word. Corruption and error abounded. The good news of forgiveness and heavenĀ thatĀ Jesus won for all people had been muddied by rules, rites, and regulations that were supposed to earn the gifts God freely gave.Ā 

Martin Luther and otherĀ reformers sought to bring the church back to Godā€™s Word, back to the gospel, back to Jesus.Ā Ā 

We are also celebrating the Reformation. We are raising our glasses and celebrating our heritage as Lutherans. But we need to be careful. Many of those who are celebrating theĀ 500thĀ anniversary of the ReformationĀ areĀ like the elderly alcoholic celebrating his past sobriety with slurred speech and unsteady legs. A number of Lutheran and Reformed churches today are mired in the false teaching and legalismĀ thatĀ Luther and the otherĀ reformers so strongly opposed. Already in the generation directly following Lutherā€™s death, some of the great reformers began to stray from Godā€™s Word.Ā 

Throughout the history of the Lutheran churchā€”and really the Christian church as a wholeā€”there has been a constant need of reform. False teaching and legalism continually rear their ugly heads.Ā 

Reformed churches today love to use the Latin phraseĀ ā€œEcclesia semperĀ reformandaĀ estā€Ā (ā€œthe church is always being reformedā€). What they mean is that the Christian church is in constant need of reformation.Ā 

Some misuse that phrase to say that the church constantly needs to change its teaching to be relevant to its times. As heirs of the Reformation, we reject that idea and stand firmly on Godā€™s never-changing Word and its eternal truths.Ā 

Yet, we can understand the phrase correctly. The church is in constant need of reformation lest it falls back into the addiction Luther opposed. As sinful human beings, we need to continually repent of our sins and reform our sinful ways.Ā 

In the same way, as a church body, we need to be humble and vigilant. Just because our ancestors were sober 500 years ago, donā€™t think that false teaching and legalism canā€™tĀ wormĀ their way into our churches and pulpits.Ā 

Go ahead and raise your glass to celebrate. Thank God for our great heritage. But then stay vigilant. Stay humble. Go back to Godā€™s Word. Keep the focus on Jesus. Give God the glory.Ā 

Thatā€™s whatĀ reformation is all about.Ā 

Contributing editorĀ Andrew SchroerĀ isĀ pastorĀ at Redeemer,Ā Edna, Texas.Ā Ā 


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Author: Andrew C. Schroer
Volume 104, Number 10
Issue: October 2017

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