North Mankato, Minnesota Flooding

Dear friends in Christ,

In recent days the Midwest has been very busy weatherwise: thunderstorms, wind, flooding, tornadoes. We are keeping our eyes on all these situations. One development that we are watching very carefully is the potential collapse of a dam in Mankato, Minnesota, where there are a number of WELS and ELS churches and schools. We are in touch with district leadership in all impacted areas and will post updates as needed.

In the meantime, please join us in prayer: Merciful Father, you are the ruler of weather, wind, and wave. The skies open at your command and the gales blow only where you tell them to. Use your almighty power to protect those who are in the path of storms and floods. Watch over both lives and property. According to your will, minimize damage and loss. Move the hearts of many to help those who are hurting. And protect all first responders who are in harm’s way. We leave all this in your gracious and mighty hands, trusting that your decisions will be for the good of those who love you. Amen.

RECENT UPDATE ā€“ 6/27/2024:

Pastor Marques Nelson of St. Paul’s in North Mankato, Minn.: “Thank you all for your prayers! God has certainly been hearing and answering them. We were quite concerned on Monday morning when we heard that the dam was beginning to fail. We are in lower North Mankato, in the Minnesota River Valley. We have a large early childcare ministry, and I was imagining having to go up into the upstairs Sunday School rooms in the church if lower North started to flood. (We have pictures on the walls downstairs of people canoeing through town 70 years ago). Thankfully, the dam didn’t collapse, and the water pressure has been relieved as it goes around the dam. We still had parents come pick up their children early on Monday to be safe! We are so thankful for the careful emergency planning of our city leaders. They worked quickly to create an earthen levee on the lowest spots near the river. We also have high flood walls in town. So far, our church and schools are fine, and we think we have seen the worst of it, but please keep everyone around here in your prayers. The water continues to rise downstream of us in places like St. Peter which also has a church and school. There are still a lot of families farms and businesses dealing with loss of property and certainly wet basements in the area. Keep them in your prayers.”

In Jesus, our compassionate Savior,
Pastor Dan Sims
Director, WELS Christian Aid and Relief