Mission and Ministry held at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary

From Feb. 2-4, 2021, students at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., participated in Mission and Ministry, an annual three-day event organized by the students during which they learn about missions and ministry groups of WELS.

Under the theme ā€œShare Christā€™s Comfort,ā€ this event highlighted the worldwide work of WELSā€”and how WELS is blessed that God gives us the message of comfort to share with those in churches, in communities, and throughout the world.

Each day featured a worship service, keynote address, and an update from WELS administration. In addition, to give these future pastors a cross-section of experiences they may face in ministry, 23 breakout sessions were offered on specific topics.

Daily breakout topics included updates from world mission fields, COVID adjustments in WELS world mission work, gospel outreach to immigrants in local communities, multi-site ministries, campus ministry, marriage enrichment, and family ministry.

Committee member Philip Schroeder, who was involved in planning the world mission day, shared, ā€œI was able to be in contact with many of our world missionaries while planning. I have grown to appreciate the amazing work they are doing around the world. It encourages me to keep them in my prayers. I am so thankful to have people in our synod who are not afraid to go around the world. They bring the pure gospel to people who desperately need it.ā€

In the past, WELS organizations have also set up displays to share information about their work in Godā€™s kingdom. To follow social distancing guidelines this year, WELS areas of ministry were instead invited to send information about synodical resources available to these future pastors.

ā€œIt helps me see all the resources and materials that are at my disposal to assist me in whatever situation the Lord plans to put me into,ā€ says committee member Caleb Schaewe.

For photos of the event, visit the seminaryā€™s Facebook page.