Pets in Heaven
My understanding is that animals don't have souls, and therefore do not go to heaven as human believers do. My dog died today and I can't help grieving that he is gone. Is there a possibility that even though he doesn't have a soul, I might be able to meet up with him again?
It is natural to grieve the loss of a dear pet, but we have no reason to believe there will be a resurrection for animals as for people. Since our eternal home is a new heavens and a new earth, it is possible that there will be animals there. Is Isaiah 11:6-9 figurative or literal? We will have to wait and see.
However God provides it, you will have the joy you had with your dog without the sorrow sin has brought to all creation. It is part of the tragedy of sin that the animals suffer along with us, and Romans 8:19-22 says the whole creation will be redeemed from bondage. There is, however, nothing in Scripture that leads us to expect a resurrection for specific animals.