Communion veil

This question actually came from a little girl in my congregation, but I would love to be able to tell her the “correct” answer. She asked why we put a cloth over the bread and wine after the Lord’s Supper. The pastor admitted he didn’t have a certain answer. My thoughts are that it is tradition born of necessity. By that I mean that in the first century, when the Lord’s Supper was instituted, there was not central heating and cooling. Covering the elements kept the flies off, and thereby showed respect for the Lord’s Supper and His body and blood. I think of how the bread in the tabernacle was covered when the Israelites went on the move, too. Is there are more to it than that? This is a sharp, observant little lady, maybe about 10 years old, so not yet confirmed. She said after worship she’s been wanting to ask the question for a long time. I’d love to email her parents a link to an answer from an expert!

There are some items in our worship spaces that intentionally convey symbolic meaning. For example, the altar communicates the message of sacrifice to worshipers. It also symbolizes God’s presence among his people. Then, there are other items in our worship spaces into which people have injected symbolic meaning. The veil that covers the Communion vessels is an example of that.

As you pointed out, the veil serves the purpose of protecting the vessels and elements from airborne particles. What has happened throughout the years is that people have added symbolic meanings to the practical purpose of the veil. As long as the added meanings are in keeping with biblical truths and do not distract from the meaning of the Lord’s Supper, the symbolism is fine.

Before the consecration of the elements can take place, the pastor needs to remove the veil that covers the elements and the vessels. After the distribution of the Lord’s Supper has taken place, the pastor returns the remaining elements and vessels to where they were at the beginning of the service and covers them with the veil.

These are the actions that your young friend observed. The actions of the pastor serve practical purposes.

How wonderful it will be when your friend can participate in the Lord’s Supper and not merely observe its celebration! Be sure to thank your friend for her question. God’s blessings to you and her.