Faces of Faith – Dora
As we look around the space that we might rent for weekly services in central London, Dora Correa turns and gives a decisive nod. “Don’t worry, pastor,” she says, “Some fresh flowers, some new curtains. This place can be a home for us.”
Dora is a living example of the ripple effect of the gospel. Her mother worked in the house of WELS Missionary Larry Schlomer, Sr. in Colombia, and she heard the gospel message from him. She preached the message to her children, and the whole family became Lutherans. Since then, Dora has moved internationally twice, first from Colombia to Spain, and then from Spain to England. Now, she lives in London with her sister, Marta, and various members of their extended family, including her son and grandson. The family connected with Lutherans in London when Missionary Mike Hartman reached out to arrange a visit. Dora and Marta attend as many worship services in London as possible. Although there is a language barrier between them and most other members of the group, Dora says they feel at home among their fellow Lutherans, especially when they take Holy Communion together.
Dora is familiar with settling into new homes. She knows from experience the things that are most important to take with you when you move. It’s not the curtains, books, or trinkets that matter—the Word of God and sacraments with fellow Christians are the things that are irreplaceable.
From Ruth Nitz, world missionary wife in London, England
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