Enemies, allies, and agendas

Jeffrey L. Samelson

The 2016 American presidential campaign has revealed a challenge. You find yourself defending a particular party or candidate merely because they have been attacked by someone whose views or policies you oppose, or you end up attacking some others merely because they appear to be aligned with someone you oppose. You end up wondering, ā€œHow did I get here?ā€ when you realize that you are now supporting someone you really donā€™t agree with or arguing against someone who thinks as you do.

There are two old sayings: ā€œThe enemy of my enemy is my friendā€ and ā€œThe enemy of my friend is my enemy.ā€ Those may offer useful guidance on the battlefield or to resolve some major conflict for the short term, but as Christians whose first loyalty is always to our Lord, they can be problematic in politics, in our personal lives, and in the church.

We are often encouraged to form alliances based on false dilemmas, as in, ā€œCandidate X is for this good thing; if you donā€™t support him, then youā€™re opposed to the good things she stands for.ā€ In fact, Candidate X may also be for bad things we cannot support. In reality, other candidates may be worthier of our support. We may find the same thing happening in the workplace, in some groups we belong to, or even in our families as sides or factions are formed around some issue or personality. Tragically, we see it also in the church, when ā€œforā€ or ā€œagainstā€ on some single issueā€”finances, furnishings, or something elseā€”is used to divide everyone into ā€œusā€ and ā€œthem.ā€

Christians, however, donā€™t let common enmities or agreeable alliances stand in for faithfulness to God and his will. Sometimes that requires abandoning what is convenient or comfortable for careful consideration and hard choices. This goes with the ā€œdeny yourselfā€ part of Christā€™s call to ā€œtake up [your] cross and follow meā€ (Matthew 16:24). We learn to discern (Philippians 1:9-11).

So we do well to remember that there are deep ditches on either side of the narrow, scriptural, Lutheran middle road. ā€œAt least itā€™s not Catholicā€ doesnā€™t excuse aligning yourself with a Protestant church full of its own errors. Saying ā€œWeā€™re on the same side on this important social issueā€ does not condone ignoring false doctrine. You may properly disapprove of Aunt Agnesā€™ lifestyle, but that doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s wrong about Grandmaā€™s health care. Pastor Smith may truly have handled yesterdayā€™s discipline case poorly, but thatā€™s no reason to oppose him today or avoid his Bible class.

Many people will try to get us to sign on to their agendas, but our ultimate agenda has to be the Lordā€™s, and that means asking hard questions: What witness to Christ am I giving with my support? Will this opposition burn bridges for the gospel? By being loyal to my friend, am I being disloyal to my Savior?

Sometimes Godā€™s will coincides clearly with some person, party, or politics we favor, and then we can confidently give our full support. But this doesnā€™t happen as often as we want. Too often going ā€œall inā€ means compromising Christ. So we study his Word, pray for wisdom, act in love, and seek his will in all things, rejoicing in the alliance God made with us by sending his Son to be our Savior.

Contributing editor Jeffrey Samelson is pastor at Christ, Clarksville, Maryland.



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Author: Jeffrey L. Samelson
Volume 103, Number 6
Issue: June 2016

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