Dancing with God

Waiting for the right person to be your spouse is trusting God to lead you.

Katelyn Edwards

Imagine: You gaze into the eyes of your fiancé on your wedding day. It’s the day you’ve been waiting for all your life. You’ve finally found that someone special who loves you with all his or her heart, someone with whom you can spend the rest of your life.

Many teenagers eagerly await the day when they will meet their spouse. Romance and dating are something popular in high school. Yet, your actions now will affect the future. You may not know your spouse yet, but you will one day, and he or she will care how you have treated those of the opposite gender before you met. It is tempting to fall for the first cute boy or girl you see, but you need to keep in mind that God wants the best for you.

Keeping yourself pure for your spouse goes far beyond the obvious in God’s Sixth Commandment. It also includes your thoughts, words, actions, and even the way you dress. God says in Proverbs 5:15-17, “Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers.” It’s not wrong to have boys and girls as friends, but keep in mind who is yet to come. One person deserves intimacy.

I once heard an amazing phrase that struck home: “Dance with God, and he will let the perfect man cut in.” This relates more to the girls’ side of things. I like to think of it this way: In life, dance with God. Let him guide you and learn to follow his footsteps. Don’t look around for others on the dance floor. As tempting as it is, such a distraction could cause you to stumble or even fall. Keep your eyes on him, and, when the time is right, he will let the perfect man cut in. In turn, you will know how to dance as the partner, one who submits and follows your special man’s lead.

Turning to the guys’ side of things, the same idea can be considered with a little twist. Guys are “in training.” God is teaching you how to dance with gentle leadership. You learn how to lead the girl as you dance and take her with you every step of the way. When you are fully trained, God will lead you to the perfect partner. Trust him; he’s danced with her himself.

Popular Christian singer Jamie Grace sings it perfectly in her song “White Boots.” Don’t get your “white boots” dusty by testing out every girlfriend or boyfriend you have. Trust God and wait in patience. It is good to get to know others to see if he or she is the one God has chosen. However, leave the ultimate decision up to God. He’ll let you know when the time is right. Stay pure and untouched, so that you will have nothing shameful to hide. Choose to love your spouse before you’ve met him or her. Make it so that he or she smiles and says, “Thanks for remaining loyal to me, even before you knew me.

“Thank you for dancing with God.”

Katelyn Edwards, a junior at West Lutheran High School, Plymouth, Minnesota, is a member at Salem, Greenfield, Minnesota.


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Author: Katelyn Edwards
Volume 103, Number 8
Issue: August 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ © 2021
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