Blessings, challenges, and opportunities in WELS schools

WELS Commission on Lutheran Schools completed the annual Lutheran school statistics collection from all WELS schools for the 2024-25 school year. On the surface, the numbers are very close to a year ago, with preparatory and area Lutheran high school enrollments increasing by 103 for a total of 7,484 students, Lutheran elementary school enrollments increasing slightly to 28,361 students from 28,081 in 2023, and the number of students served by early childhood ministries decreasing to 11,338 from 11,799. The number of called teachers has grown by 49 to 3,108. Ā 

The following insights come through close examination of trends in our schools over the past 3, 5, and even 15 years. Even though early childhood ministries and Lutheran elementary schoolsĀ have continued to open, a much greater number have closed. When compared to the 2010 statistical report, the number of early childhood ministries has decreased from 388 (225 connected to a Lutheran elementary school and 163 standalone) to 345 (241 connected to a Lutheran elementary school and 104 standalone), though total enrollment has increased by 13 percent. The number of Lutheran elementary schools has decreased from 328 in 2010 to 276 currently, though during that period total enrollment has increased by 17 percent. The number of area Lutheran high schools has grown by four, including a fully accredited WELS online high school enrolling 14 students, with overall area Lutheran high school enrollment increasing by 23 percent since 2010. Ā 

Although enrollment overall has been at record numbers the last two years due to increased interest in Christan education, fewer but larger schools are a result of mergers, consolidations, and closures due to the reality of rising costs and decreased enrollments, making it more difficult for smaller schools in smaller congregations with fewer supporters to continue to exist.Ā 

The Commission on Lutheran Schools stands ready to provide consulting guidance and onsite support for schools dealing with fiscal sustainability challenges, declining enrollment, and merger considerations. Thanks to generous gifts toward utilizing schools for outreach, funds are now available to review, provide guidance for, and help all schools develop and implement effective harvest strategies for the growing number of unchurched and community members enrolling in our schools. It is our prayer that every school is effectively using a harvest strategy to connect more families to the gospel. Please contact [email protected] for further information.Ā 

View the WELS Commission on Lutheran Schools statistical report.Ā 

In Christ,
Mr. James Rademan, director, Commission on Lutheran SchoolsĀ