Areas of Ministry

Adult Discipleship assists congregations and called workers in helping individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus and become better equipped to use their unique gifts to bring Christā€™s love and the gospel message into all their daily relationships and activities.

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WELS Campus Ministry, a ministry of WELS Home Missions, provides resources, support, and encouragement to WELS congregations that serve college students around the United States and Canada. These congregations are vital in connecting college students with fellow Christians, strengthening their faith with the gospel message, and encouraging them to share that faith with other college students. The WELS Campus Ministry Committee currently provides over 45 campus ministries with financial support and assists hundreds of other congregations in their campus ministry outreach.Ā Ā Ā Ā 

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Christian Aid and Relief provides disaster relief and humanitarian aid to people around the world who have been devastated by natural disasters and other tragedies. The committee also helps individuals with catastrophic medical and personal needs.

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WELS Ministry of Christian Giving encourages members to excel in the grace of giving and assists them in making planned gifts to support the gospel ministry of their congregations, synod, and WELS agencies.

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This group provides training, resources, and a unified team approach to identifying the needs of congregations and their leaders. The group works closely with Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and Martin Luther College to deliver continuing education to called workers. The group comprises Adult Discipleship, Congregational Counseling, Evangelism, Lutheran Schools, Special Ministries, Worship, and Youth and Family Ministry.

The Congregational Counseling Commission was established by the Conference of Presidents to provide short-term assessment and advice to congregations seeking to identify ways to improve their ministry.

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This commission provides resources to assist WELS congregations and members in reaching lost souls with the saving message of the gospel.

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WELS Home Missions is blessed to plant churches and assist mission-minded congregations in the United States, Canada, and English-speaking West Indies. Home Missions currently supports 144 congregations with financial subsidy or district mission board/mission counselor assistance, with 29 of those being cross-cultural mission congregations. Home Missions also provides over 45 campus ministries with financial support, while assisting hundreds of other congregations that serve college students around the United States and Canada.

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The Commission on Inter-Church Relations (CICR) works closely with World Missions to maintain relationships with church bodies all over the world. CICR serves under the Conference of Presidents by representing the synod in doctrinal discussions with other church bodies who are in fellowship with WELS or exploring potential fellowship. The CICR also meets regularly with representatives from various sister churches in the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference for information sharing and mutual encouragement. The CICR also assists individuals and churches that are seeking to take confessional Lutheran stances.

The CICR maintains a Lutheran churches periodical reading list and visits several conventions to stay abreast of happenings in the Lutheran world.

This commission guides and assists congregations in advancing the gospel of Jesus by providing resources, training, and personal assistance for starting and strengthening WELS schools.

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This committee provides spiritual services to WELS members and others who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. The committee carries out its mission through a ministry-by-mail program, a full-time civilian chaplain in Europe, and a national civilian chaplain and liaison to the military.

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WELS Ministerial Education works to provide workers for the more than 1,200 churches and 750 schools in the synod. WELS provides this education through a system of four schools: two high-school-level preparatory schools, a college, and a seminary.

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Multi-Language Productions (MLP), an arm of WELS World Missions, has created more than 2.9 million video, audio, and print resources in 56 languages for use in global outreach. They also operate the TELL Network, an online training and church multiplication program offered in English, Mandarin, Spanish, and Tagalog. Working closely with WELS world missionary teams, TELL Network provides Bible study curriculum focused on leadership training for students across the globe, preparing them to gather groups, lead Bible studies, and plant churches.

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Special Ministries offers spiritual and practical guidance and training to congregations and individuals as they share Godā€™s love to those with special needs or in special circumstances.

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WELS World Missions conducts and encourages gospel outreach in 46 foreign countries and is exploring outreach opportunities in 19 prospective new mission fields. World Missions brings the light of Godā€™s Word to the world through evangelism efforts, church planting, training national workers for ministry, and providing religious materials in foreign languages.

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The commission assists congregations by encouraging worship that glorifies God and proclaims Christā€™s love. It provides the following resources and training: a national worship conference, preaching resources, various publications like the Christian Worship hymnal, and worship enrichment workshops.

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This ministry encourages and assists congregations and parents as they nurture our future church leaders in the Word from birth through high school by providing resources, encouragement, and training.

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