Abiding truth QUIZ: How much do you know?

Take our short quiz about Reformation history and test your knowledge.

1. Where in Martin Luther’s writings can you find this quote: “The true treasure of the church is the most holy gospel of the glory and grace of God” (Luther’s Works [LW], Vol. 31, p. 31)?

A. The Ninety-five Theses

B. Treatise on Good Works

C. Babylonian Captivity of the Church

D. Address to the Christian Nobility

2. Luther was born and died in the same city. Which city?

A. Smalkald

B. Mageburg

C. Eisleben

D. Wittenberg

3. Which of these statements is true about Pope Julius II?

A. He dedicated the cornerstone for the rebuilding of St. Peter’s in Rome on April 18, 1506.

B. He was called the “Warrior Pope.”

C. He and the popes after him raised money by selling indulgences to rebuild St. Peter’s.

D. All of these statements.

4. Luther left the Wartburg with a rough draft of the New Testament in German. Who helped him with it when he returned to Wittenberg?

A. Frederick the Wise

B. Philip Melanchthon

C. Johann Eck

D. Paul Gerhardt

5. Where in Luther’s writings can you find this quote: “A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all” (LW, Vol. 31, p. 344)?

A. The Ninety-five Theses

B. The Freedom of a Christian

C. Babylonian Captivity of the Church

D. Address to the Christian Nobility

6. While Melanchthon and the others were in Augsburg in 1530, Luther remained behind in the safety of which castle?

A. Coburg

B. Torgau

C. Wartburg

D. Neuschwanstein

7. While at the Wartburg, Luther translated the New Testament into German. Which of these statements is correct?

A. He translated from the Vulgate, Jerome’s Latin Bible.

B. He used Tyndale’s English Bible

C. He translated from the Greek Testament Erasmus published in 1516.

D. He had no books at the castle but translated from memory.

8. Where in Luther’s writing can you find this quote: “The temporal authority is under obligation to protect the innocent and prevent injustice, as Paul teaches in Romans 13” (LW, Vol. 44, p. 157)?

A. The Ninety-five Theses

B. Treatise on Good Works

C. Babylonian Captivity of the Church

D. Address to the Christian Nobility

9. Luther was married to Katherine von Bora. Which of these statements is true?

A. Katherine was a former nun.

B. They were married on June 13, 1525.

C. Two daughters died before they reached adulthood.

D. All of the above.

10. Luther’s Small Catechism and Large Catechism were published in which year?

1. 1517

2. 1529

3. 1535

4. 1546

11. Where in Luther’s writing can you find this quote: “A Christian . . . does everything gladly and willingly. . . . He simply serves God with no thought of reward, content that his service pleases God” (LW, Vol. 44, p. 27)?

A. The Ninety-five Theses

B. Treatise on Good Works

C. The Freedom of a Christian

D. Address to the Christian Nobility

12. Melanchthon wrote the first Lutheran doctrine textbook. What was its title?

A. Evangelical Lutheran Doctrine

B. Christian Doctrine

C. Loci Communes or Common Places

D. Bible Truths

13. Lutherans became the first Protestants when . . .

A. Lutheran princes protested an imperial order to return to Roman Catholic practices and doctrine.

B. Luther, at Worms, said he would not retract his teachings.

C. The Lutherans read their confession at the Diet of Augsburg

D. They were not the first; John Calvin was the first Protestant.

14. Henry VIII, King of England . . .

A. Defended the Roman Catholic sacraments and opposed Luther.

B. Was married to Catherine, a relative of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.

C. Left the Roman Catholic Church and became head of the English church.

D. All of the above.

15. Where in Luther’s writing can you find this quote: “But whatever is without warrant of the Scripture is most hazardous and should by no means be urged upon anyone, much less established as a common and public mode of life” (LW, Vol. 36, p. 76)?

A. The Ninety-five Theses

B. Treatise on Good Works

C. Babylonian Captivity of the Church

D. Address to the Christian Nobility

Answers: 1. A; 2. C; 3. D; 4. B; 5. B; 6. A; 7. C; 8. D; 9. D; 10. B; 11. B; 12. C; 13. A; 14. D; 15. C.

What does it mean for you to be a Lutheran today? Go to wels.net/lutheran-heritage and give us your insights and comments. We want to share some of the comments in October.

Luther’s writings

In 1520, four of Luther’s works (all mentioned in this quiz) sent shock waves throughout the church of his day.

The first was the Treatise on Good Works. Luther directed Christians to look to the Ten Commandments for direction on what to do that would please God. Only what God commands is good when done out of faith in Christ. It is better for a Christian to serve others than to go on pilgrimages or follow self-imposed good works.

In the second, To the Christian Nobility, Luther challenged the princes to reform the church. He maintained that all Christians are equal before God and have the duty and right to oppose corruption and error. Luther removed the special distinction between clergy and laity; only ministry made them different.

The third, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, shook the ground under the Roman Catholic concept of a sacrament. Luther identified only two sacraments instead of seven. Baptism and Holy Communion are the only sacraments that have New Testament authority and were part of the early church’s practices. He defined a sacrament as a rite instituted by Christ that has visible elements connected with the promise of forgiveness in Christ.

The Freedom of the Christian is the fourth. Luther suggested that the Christian is free from all false ideas about good works. God grants forgiveness by grace. Therefore, Christians freely love God and their neighbors, not to earn something from God but willingly to do what pleases him.



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Volume 104, Number 6
Issue: June 2017

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