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Great stories of the Bible: The flood

The Flood

Joel S. Heckendorf

Many estimate it took more than 50 years to build the 450 x 75 x 45 ft. box we know as the ark. I wonder if Noah ever thought, God, did you forget about me? When his neighbors had Friday night fires, do you think it got old for Noah to hear them ask again and again, ā€œHey Noah, got any firewood?ā€ Each jab may have caused him to think God had forgotten him.

How about when Noah was in the ark? The Bible says, ā€œThe LORD shut him inā€ (Genesis 7:16). No excursions. No escapes. Just 370 days shut in with 7 other humans, 2 rhinoceroses, 2 zebras, 2 elephants, 2 pigs, and 16,000 other animals and birds. The noise and the smell would have led me to ask, ā€œGod, have you forgotten about me?ā€

Noah could have and might have asked that. ā€œBut God remembered Noahā€ (Genesis 8:1). Highlight that verse in your Bible. The same powerful God who could focus his power to exercise universal wrath on a world of people who had so blatantly turned their backs on himā€”that same powerful Godā€”remembered Noah.

But does God remember me? Iā€™m no Noah. I doubt I would have the patience to swing a hammer for 50-plus years to build a boat so far from the water. I get it that God remembers his people, but how do I know that includes me? Does God remember me?

Simple answer: yes. Not because youā€™re as good or blameless or righteous as Noah. God remembers his people because God remembers his promises.

Jump ahead to the end of the flood account. With the smell of Noahā€™s burnt offerings in the air, God promised, ā€œNever again. Even though every inclination of a manā€™s heart will continue to evil from childhood, never again will I destroy all living creatures. Whenever the rainbow appears in the sky, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earthā€ (see Genesis chapters 8 and 9). God has remembered that promise.

That isnā€™t the only covenant God has ever made with you. With the scent of his Sonā€™s sacrificeā€”his sweat and drying bloodā€”God promises forgiveness, life, and salvation. God remembers his promises. Yes, God remembers you.

The flood is the most popular childrenā€™s story. But donā€™t let it just be about a boat and some animals or universal destruction. See the deliverance. Because God in his grace saved Noah, he preserved the line of the One who would save the universe. EvenĀ though God destroyed every living thing, he also preserved the path for life everlasting. He remembered a blessing and a promise for you. Thatā€™s the ultimate comfort of this popular story.

Exploring the Word

1. Tell the story in your own words. Then read the account. Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is the most popular story included in childrenā€™s Bibles?

Answers will vary. Boats and animals are common themes in childrenā€™s books, thus itā€™s fitting to have the flood be the most popular childrenā€™s story. Even the deliverance of Noah and his family will be important to many.

3. Look up the following passagesā€”Genesis 19:29, Genesis 30:22, Exodus 2:24, Leviticus 26:42, 1 Samuel 1:19, Judges 16:28, Luke 23:42. What comfort does each provide?

All these passage speak of God remembering people.

ā— Genesis 19: God remembers Abraham by rescuing Lot.

ā— Genesis 30: God remembers Rachel and her inability to have children.

ā— Exodus 2: God remembers his promises to Israel as they are groaning in Egypt.

ā— Leviticus 26: God will remember his promises to Abraham even when people disobey.

ā— Judges 16: God remembers Samson.

ā— 1 Samuel 1: God remembers Hannah and her prayer for a son.

ā— Luke 23: Jesus remembers the thief on the cross.

The various situations remind us that no matter our situation, Godā€™s grace leads him to remember us.

4. List other ā€œcovenantsā€ that God made with people. What is your takeaway?

ā— Abraham (Genesis 15 & 17): covenant of land, to be the father of a great nation, and the promise of a Savior.

ā— Sinai (Exodus 19ā€“24): God would be the God of Israel, and they would be his people.

ā— David (2 Samuel 7): everlasting kingdom, promise of a Savior.

ā— New Covenant (Jeremiah 31): promise of forgiveness.

There are many takeaways, not the least of which is that God is serious about keeping his Word. He has promised us salvation through faith in Jesus and will keep that promise.


Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the last article in a ten-part series on the top ten stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after Sept. 5.


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Author:Ā Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 103, Number 9
Issue: September 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Great stories of the Bible: Baby Moses

Baby Moses

Joel Heckendorf

ā€œThis is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.ā€ Even though no child has ever believed those words, parents know the grim truth: Sometimes it hurts to love.

Mosesā€™ mother knew this all too well. Baby number three was on the way. If it was a girl, she would have three mouths to feed. If it was a boy, by government decree sheā€™d have to feed that child to the Nile River. And then he was born. She loved the child. And thatā€™s what made it hurt. It hurt to think what might happen to this child. It hurts to love.

But itā€™s also that ā€œlove-ā€™til-it-hurtsā€ attitude that leads people to act in extraordinary ways. The love of the mother of Moses drove her to great lengths. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to give birth and not tell anyone? Parents today canā€™t go 24 hours without posting about their child: ā€œJohnny smiled today,ā€ ā€œFaith rolled over,ā€ ā€œTimmy likes carrots.ā€ Out of love, Mosesā€™ mother muffled her infantā€™s cries for three months. Imagine the energy and determination that took. Every knock at the door sheā€™d have to hide not only her son but also every evidence of his existence.

When hiding his existence no longer seemed viable, love drove Mosesā€™ mother to take another risk. She was willing to give him up, hoping and praying that someone else might take him. By the grace of God, thatā€™s exactly what happened. The Egyptian princess adopted Moses, trained him to be a leader, and even found his very own mother as the nanny. Read the amazing story in Exodus 2:1-10. Godā€™s providence is usually the focal point of this familiar story, but donā€™t miss the display of love. The love-ā€™til-it-hurts display from Mosesā€™ mother is tremendous.

How could she do it? She knew anotherā€™s love. She knew the love of her God. If there is ever a parent who knows that love hurts, itā€™s our heavenly Father. As children of his creative hand, he has a deep bond with each and every one of us. Imagine how it hurt him to know that because of sin we werenā€™t just headed for the river, we were heading to the lake of fire. Thankfully, he wasnā€™t content to just say, ā€œOh well.ā€ His love drove him to great lengths. His love drove him to offer up his Son to rescue us. Like Father, like Son. Jesus loved ā€™til it hurt as well. He loved us to hell and back so that he could say, ā€œThis hurts me more than it hurts you.ā€

Because he loved ā€™til it hurt, we can love. ā€œWe love because he first loved usā€ (1 John 4:19)..

Exploring the Word

1. Tell the story in your own words. Then read the account. Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is one of the most popular stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles?

Many childrenā€™s books end with, ā€œHappily ever after.ā€ The account of baby Moses is such a story. Perhaps it is a popular childrenā€™s story because it has a baby in the story.

3. Trace the many displays of Godā€™s providence in this account.

Answers will vary. Examples include:

ā— The miracle of a healthy child being born.

ā— Mosesā€™ mother being able to keep him safely hidden for three months.

ā— The basket being able to hold Moses safely.

ā— Moses being kept safe from the dangers of the Nile River.

ā— The princess finding him.

ā— The princess being willing to adopt Moses.

ā— The Pharaoh permitting a Hebrew baby to be raised in the palace.

ā— Mosesā€™ mom being able to raise Moses as a maid.

4. List times when it has ā€œhurtā€ to show love to someone.

Answers will vary. Examples include:

ā— Telling grown children they are living contrary to Godā€™s will.

ā— Sacrificing your free time or money for the sake of someone else.

ā— Watching parents slowly die. It hurts to see them suffer because you love them so much.

ā— Seeing your children being picked on at school. Your love for them makes you hurt for and with them.

In every situation, Godā€™s will is clear: love. We continue to love even when it tears our heart out. We love because God loves us.

Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the ninth article in a ten-part series on the top ten stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after Aug. 5.



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Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Joel Heckendorf
Volume 103, Number 8
Issue: August 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


The ripple effect: Lois and Eunice

After Jesusā€™ ascension, believers spread the gospel around the world in widening ripples.

Daniel N. Balge

As the power of Pentecost rippled across Romeā€™s empire, not everyone who came to know Jesus as Savior was new to the faith. Some of those learning about Jesus for the first time already had faith in the true God. The Holy Spirit had already created their faith in Godā€™s forgiveness through Godā€™s promises in the Old Testament. So they werenā€™t strictly converts, but they did learn the news that Jesus had come and was the Messiah promised by the prophets.

A sonā€™s strong faith

Such longtime and now better informed believers included a Jewish woman named Lois, her daughter Eunice, and Euniceā€™s son Timothy. The apostle Paul met them in Lystra in Asia Minor (modern Turkey), probably on his first missionary journey and certainly on his second.

That first visit (Acts 14:6-20) had been tumultuous. Because Paul healed a crippled man there, he and coworker Barnabas were mistaken for Greek gods. Soon hostile Jews from earlier stops on the first journey reached Lystra and incited locals to stone Paul. So thorough was the assault, that these Lystrans pronounced Paul dead and dumped his body outside the town. But after a group of believers gathered around Paul, he revived and returned to Lystra. The next day he and Barnabas moved on to Derbe.

Timothy may have been in that circle of Lystran believers. Paulā€™s second letter to Timothy hints at that (3:11). What is certain is that, when Paul returned to Lystra (Acts 16:1-5) on his second journey, this time with Silas, Timothy was described as a ā€œdisciple.ā€ He was so well regarded by local Christians and so impressive to Paul and Silas, that Paul took him along on this journey and the next as a coworker.

Indeed Timothy was at Paulā€™s side in good times and bad. He sometimes served also as an extension of Paulā€™s ministry, going ahead of him to Macedonia or taking up work where Paul could not be (Corinth, Thessalonica, Ephesus, and likely Philippi). Whether with him or not, Timothy was always close to Paulā€™s heart. Paul loved him like a son (1 Timothy 1:18; Philippians 2:22) and longed to see him again as Paul was finishing his race in a cold jail cell (2 Timothy 4:7,9).

A motherā€™s example

And what had made Timothy such an asset to Paul and to the gospel? Paul knew: ā€œI am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you alsoā€ (2 Timothy 1:5). Because Timothyā€™s father was a Greek, apparently not a believer, it had fallen to Lois and Eunice to train this child in the way he should go. Because of their efforts, blessed by the Holy Spirit, Timothy had ā€œfrom infancy . . . known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesusā€ (2 Timothy 3:15).

No one in ministry ever has had the mentor and model that Timothy had in Paul. But even that unparalleled example only built on what Timothy heard first from his motherā€™s lips as he sat on his grandmaā€™s lap.

Contributing editor Daniel Balge, a professor at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minnesota, is a member at St. Paul, New Ulm.

This is the third article in a 12-part series on lesser-known New Testament witnesses.



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Author: Daniel N. Balge
Volume 103, Number 7
Issue: July 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Great stories of the Bible: Joseph


Joel S. Heckendorf

ā€œWhat God ordains is always good.ā€ Try saying that to a preschool mother who just found out that her husband has stage-four cancer. ā€œWhat God ordains is always good.ā€ Try saying that to a congregation president whose pastor resigned because his lifestyle is no longer above reproach. ā€œWhat God ordains is always good.ā€ Try saying that to a dad whose teenage daughter died in a rollover accident. Then duck, because you never know what they might throw at you.

As Christians, we know that bad things happen because of sin. But when bad things happen to us, our voices quickly harmonize with the skeptics, ā€œHow can a good God let bad things happen?ā€

Welcome to Josephā€™s world (Genesis chapters 37ā€“50). Early on, life was good. Yes, his mother died when he was a young boy, but Joseph still had big dreams. He had a loving father and 11 brothers who helped put food on the table. He dressed well, sporting a multicolored robe youā€™d expect to see modeled on a red carpet. But what once was a promising life, as vibrant as the coat that he donned while skipping his way to the fields, soon turned gray. Hated. Framed. Forgotten. At one point, all could have served as the title of his autobiography. But thankfully, those titles were merely chapter headings. None of them were the final chapter.

The final chapter of the Bibleā€™s first book (Genesis 50) shares one of the great biblical lessons when it comes to dealing with difficult times. The lesson is simple: Wait. Why doesnā€™t God show his power over this disease? Wait. Why did God allow a congregation to endure that struggle? Wait. Why did he call that person out of this world? Wait. In other words, donā€™t be too quick to close the book on your autobiography. Leave room for a final chapter. In the end, youā€™ll see Godā€™s providence. In the end, youā€™ll see that ā€œGod intended it for goodā€ (Genesis 50:20).

We may not always appreciate or understand how God exercises his authoritative hand. But when we look at his leading hand, the conclusion is clear: God is good, no matter the present circumstances. God is so good that he sent his Son to this world to live and die for us so that he could lead us to eternal life. If he is leading us to life, you can bet he will lead us through life. With that perspective, we no longer view things ofĀ this world as ā€œgood thingsā€ or ā€œbad things.ā€ Theyā€™re ā€œGodā€ thingsā€”things that God is using to bring us through this life to himself in heaven.

Therefore, we can say with confidence, ā€œWhat God ordains is always good.ā€

Exploring the Word

1. Tell the story in your own words. Then read the account. Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is one of the most popular stories included in childrenā€™s bibles?

Many childrenā€™s books end with ā€œhappily ever after.ā€ The account of Joseph is such a story.

3. What were once difficult times in your life that you now see how God intended them for your good?

Answers will vary. After considering how God worked out difficult things in the past, consider the difficulties you are presently facing. Read Romans 8:28.

4. Read all of Genesis chapters 37ā€“50. Trace how God used each difficulty in Josephā€™s life for a blessing.

Answers will vary. Examples include:

ā— If Josephā€™s mother hadnā€™t died, his father may not have spoiled him as much.

ā— If Joseph wouldnā€™t have been spoiled, his brothers wouldnā€™t have hated him.

ā— If Josephā€™s brothers hadnā€™t hated him, they wouldnā€™t have sold him into slavery.

ā— If Joseph hadnā€™t been a slave, he never would have made it to Egypt, the country that would supply food for thousands of people in the whole region.

ā— If Joseph hadnā€™t been framed for a crime, he never would have met Pharaohā€™s butler.

ā— If Pharaohā€™s butler hadnā€™t forgotten about Joseph for two years, Joseph would have been long gone before Pharaoh needs a dream interpreter.

ā— If all this wouldnā€™t have happened, the lineage of Jesus could have been cut off, and we wouldnā€™t have a Savior.

Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the eighth article in a ten-part series on the top ten stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after July 5.



Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 103, Number 7
Issue: July 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Great stories of the Bible: Creation


Joel S. Heckendorf

Iā€™m not looking to gain a Twitter following from Forward in Christ readers with this next statement: I donā€™t care for the hymn ā€œHow Great Thou Art.ā€ Ever since my eight-year-old ears heard it played with too much vibrato on my grandmotherā€™s in-home Hammond organ, Iā€™ve not cared for it. When a grieving family requests it for a funeral, I say, ā€œWonderful,ā€ and my face smiles, but my ears cringe.

But maybe the problem is not with the hymn. Maybe itā€™s me. We get so comfortable with our surroundings that unless God bedazzles the sky with some magnificent sunset, we easily take creation for granted. We donā€™t always see the depth of Godā€™s wisdom, love, power, and care in creation or in the creation account of Genesis chapter 1.

The Bible clearly says its focal point is Jesus. ā€œThese [words] are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his nameā€ (John 20:31 ESV). Absolutely true. Our comfort in Godā€™s love, power and care is wrapped up in Jesus. But there would be no words written to believe in Jesus if there wasnā€™t an ā€œin the beginning.ā€ Genesis may not clearly portray the power of the cross or the comfort of any empty tomb, but itā€™s the beginning of a love story . . . a relationship between God and people . . . a relationship between God and me.

On six consecutive, 24-hour days, God said and it was so. That gives us certainty concerning other things God said.

ā— Because God said, ā€œLet there be there light,ā€ and there was, I can trust Jesus when he says, ā€œI am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darknessā€ (John 8:12).

ā— Because God said, ā€œLet there be a vault between the waters,ā€ and there was, I can trust God when he says Christ made us holy by ā€œthe washing with water through the wordā€ (Ephesians 5:26).

ā— Because God said, ā€œLet there be stars in the sky,ā€ and it was so, I can trust God when he says you will shine like stars forever and ever (Daniel 12:3).

ā— Because God said, ā€œLet birds fly above the earth,ā€ and it was so, I can trust God when he says he will renew our strength and we will soar on wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31).

ā— Because God said, ā€œLet us make mankind in our image,ā€ and it was so, I can trust God when I stand in front of a coffin knowing that God said about my loved one, ā€œYou are mineā€ (Isaiah 43:1).

ā€œThen sings my soul, my Savior-God to thee, ā€˜How great thou art! How great thou art!ā€™ ā€ (Christian Worship 256).

Exploring the Word

1. Tell the story of creation in your own words. Then read the account (Genesis chapters 1ā€“2). Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is one of the most popular stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles?

The world is something tangible to which children relate. To learn how it all started is a natural question.

3. Which day of creation amazes you the most and why?

Answers will vary. Take time to marvel at the miracles of each day. For example, study the phenomenon of light as it travels 186,000 miles/second through the universe. Consider the different kinds or rays: ultraviolet, infrared, etc.

4. List as many things as possible that we learn about humankind in Genesis chapters 1ā€“2.

Answers will vary. Examples include: made in the image of God, God blessed humans, ability to pro-create, ruler of creation, Eve was Godā€™s gift to Adam, establishment of marriage, etc. In the end, might a study of creation lead us all to glorify God and say, ā€œGod loved me enough to give me this.ā€

Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the seventh article in a ten-part series on the top ten stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after June 5 at wels.net/forwardinchrist.




Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 103, Number 6
Issue: June 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Great stories of the Bible: Ruth: Part 6


Joel S. Heckendorf

Itā€™s fun to dream about the future. Where will you live ten years from now? Where will your kids live? Will you be a grandparent?

Perhaps Naomiā€™s dreams reflected the meaning of her nameā€”ā€œpleasant.ā€ Sheā€™d fall in love. Get married. Have sons to take care of her in her old age. Her sons would find some nice Jewish spouses. Sheā€™d be a grandma, and theyā€™d live happily ever after.

What was reality? The book of Ruth tells us. Naomi falls in love and marries. Sheā€™s blessed with two sons. But then famine forces the family to move to a foreign land. Her husband dies. Her sons marry foreign women. Tragedy strikes again. Both sons die. Naomi is stuck in a foreign country with no husband, no legal heirs, and two daughters-in-law that are not bound to her. She laments, ā€œDonā€™t call me ā€˜Pleasantā€™ anymore. Call me ā€˜Bitterā€™ ā€ (cf. Ruth 1:20).

Fast-forward and you soon learn that our God is not a God of percentages. Against all odds, Naomiā€™s daughter-in-law, Ruth, accompanies her to Bethlehem and becomes a believer in the true God. Against all odds, a God-fearing Israelite, Boaz, buys Naomiā€™s land for a generous price. Against all odds, Boaz marries Ruth, and they have a son who would be the legal heir of Naomiā€™s late husband, assuring that sheā€™d be taken care of in her old age.

When the local ladies saw Naomi bouncing her grandbaby on her lap, they preached a wonderful sermon, ā€œPraise the Lord, Naomi. The Lord has not left youā€ (cf. Ruth 4:14). When famine drove Naomi to a foreign land, God didnā€™t say, ā€œI stop at the border.ā€ When Naomiā€™s husband and sons died, God did not forget her.

That boy on Naomiā€™s lap was Godā€™s testimony that the Lord never stopped working. That boy would also be Godā€™s promise that he wouldnā€™t stop working in the future. Twenty-eight generations later, that boy would have a descendant named Jesus.

Naomiā€™s life is not unique. Look back on your life. Weā€™ve had our famines and our funerals. But God was working, wasnā€™t he? He worked to help you trust his promises in every setback and tragedy. You may even remember how God seemingly miraculously provided you with a monthā€™s mortgage or next monthā€™s tuition.

So where will you live ten years from now? Where will your kids live? Will you be a grandparent? Whether the picture you imagine ever fully develops, I canā€™t tell you.

But this I can say with certainty, ā€œThe Lord never stops working.ā€


Exploring the Word

1. Tell the story in your own words. Then read the account. Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is one of the most popular stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles?

This story has so many emotional ā€œhooks.ā€ Three widows, a faithful daughter-in-law, a love story, a happy ending. All play into this accountā€™s popularity.

3. Work through the mental exercise described in the article. Think of situations where God never stopped working and turned you from ā€œbitterā€ to ā€œblessed.ā€

Answers will vary. Relating our story to Naomiā€™s story helps us appreciate and trust Godā€™s providence.

4. List as many passages as you can that demonstrate how God continues to work in our lives.

Answers will vary. Examples include Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 50:15; and 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the sixth article in a ten-part series on the top ten stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after May 5.



Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 103, Number 5
Issue: May 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Great stories of the Bible: Part 5: Daniel and the lions’ den

Joel S. Heckendorf

ā€œGod bless our native land. Firm may she ever stand.ā€

A Massachusetts native penned those words in 1835. But the words are a free translation of an 1815 German song. Apparently, the tune was first sung in England in 1740. In between, it was used for political songs in Denmark, France, Austria, and Russia. So which ā€œnative landā€ is God supposed to bless?

When we hear Daniel, a word association game may follow up with the words lions or prayer. Certainly those are major themes of this popular story (Daniel chapter 6). But donā€™t miss how Daniel was a blessing for the governmentsā€”yes, governmentsā€”he served.

Showing leadership potential at a young age, Daniel was ripped away from his country to serve a king hundreds of miles away. Instead of kicking and screaming, he served the king and was a blessing for a government that threw his God-fearing friends into a fiery furnace and that consulted sorcerers and astrologers.

When that Babylonian government was overthrown by the Persians 60 years later, Daniel didnā€™t protest, ā€œIā€™m too old to help.ā€ He didnā€™t grumble, ā€œI donā€™t have enough energy to learn this new Medes and Persians system.ā€ No. He served. He served so exceptionally that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.

This month, we have an obligation to pay taxes to our government. While grateful for our government, our gratitude is often challenged. Itā€™s especially challenging when a government makes decisions and implements laws that donā€™t always reflect Godā€™s will for our lives. What should we do when some laws make it more difficult to be honest about what Godā€™s Word says? God gives us an option, ā€œSeek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exileā€ (Jeremiah 29:7). In other words, as you live in ā€œBabylon,ā€ continue to be faithful to your God and show your love for ā€œBabylon.ā€

Thatā€™s what Daniel did. ā€œHe was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligentā€ (Daniel 6:4). He was a blessing to those around him. He let his light shine. His light was faithful, diligent service to his adopted country. He made enemies; they tried to destroy him in the lionā€™s den. But his light also caused some to notice his faith and his God. Darius even issued a decree saying that ā€œin every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Danielā€ (Daniel 6:26).

Perhaps itā€™s not the main point of the story. But as you pay your taxes this month, may the story of Daniel lead you to wrestle with these thoughts: How can I be a blessing to those in authority? How can my deeds lead others to glorify God?



1. Tell the story in your own words. Then read the account. Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is one of the most popular stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles?

As with many popular stories, the ā€œgood guyā€ lives and the ā€œbad guysā€ die. In addition, the miracle of surviving an overnight stay in the lionsā€™ den would seem to be a remarkable feat for children.


3. Agree or disagree: We encourage too much time to be spent with fellow Christians instead of letting our light shine for others.

Your personal situation will differ. Point is, we will want a balance. God warns, ā€œBad company corrupts good character,ā€ but also encourages us to be light to the world. Looking at how Daniel was able to positively influence the king is a model for us to be a shining light in society.

4. Name at least three lessons you can learn about prayer from Danielā€™s example?

Answers may vary. Perhaps most amazing is the content of Danielā€™s prayer. He ā€œgave thanks, just as he had done before.ā€ Through Jesus, we have reason to give thanks in all circumstances. Other lessons to learn from Daniel include his humility (kneeled) and his regular prayer life (three times a day).


Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the fifth article in a ten-part series on the top ten stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after April 5 at wels.net/forwardinchrist.


Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 103, Number 4
Issue: April 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Great stories of the Bible: David and Goliath: Part: 4

Great stories of the Bible:Ā David & Goliath

Joel S. Heckendorf

Rudy. Hoosiers. Moneyball. Miracle. Karate Kid. Cool Runnings. Rocky. What do all these sport movies have in common? Against all odds, the underdog wins.

We love such movies. But we donā€™t just love the big-screen stories; we also cheer for the underdog in life. We cheer for the ā€œCinderellaā€ team in the NCAA basketball tournament. Underdog victories are heartwarming and motivational.

David and Goliath is the ultimate underdog story (1 Samuel chapter 17). Standing at six cubits and a span (about 9ā€™6ā€), Goliath towered over David by about four feet. The giantā€™s 126-pound armor weighed almost the same as his opponent. The iron tip of his spear was as heavy as a bowling ball. David had five smooth stones from a stream. To say the Vegas odds were against this sling-shooting shepherd is quite the understatement. And Goliath knew it. Shaking his massive head in disbelief at the boy coming to meet him in the valley, the Philistineā€™s pride pumped his armored chest out just a bit more.

But you know what happened next. Pride goes before the fall. One stone. Thatā€™s all it took. One stone to the head, and the giant fell.

David vs. Goliath isnā€™t just a clash between a boy with a peach-fuzzed face and a manā€™s man. It wasnā€™t just a battle between a sling and a sword. The battle didnā€™t belong to David. ā€œThe battle is the LORDā€™sā€ (1 Samuel 17:47). Goliathā€™s sarcasm was true . . . he was a dog in this battle. Against the Lord, Goliath was the underdog.

We often go through life with an underdog mentality. With chips on our shoulders we are out to prove something. We want to ā€œbe a David.ā€ Self-help books encourage us to ā€œbe a Davidā€ as we face our giants. But this popular story is not about being the hero. If David walked into the valley alone, he would have died there. Donā€™t try to be a David; rather see Davidā€™s greater Son. See Jesus, the Son of David.

Although he didnā€™t look like much, Jesus, the Son of David, has taken down bigger giants than Goliath. When the devil tempted him in the desert, Jesus slung the smooth stone of his Word at this mighty foe. When sin towered over Jesus and pinned him to the cross, what did Jesus do? With his words, ā€œIt is finished,ā€ he hurled a stone and struck sin in the head, knocking it to the ground. Three days later, when death thoughtĀ it had Jesus defeated, Jesus burst through the stone of the tomb and cut off deathā€™s head.

The big giants have been defeated. Therefore, little giants in our life donā€™t stand a chance. No matter what you are facing, you are always the favorite because ā€œthe battle is the LORDā€™s.ā€

Exploring the Word

1. Tell the story in your own words. Then read the account. Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is one of the most popular stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles?

We are inspired by David because we often see ourselves as the underdog. But hopefully we now see that with the Lord we are never the underdog.

3. What can we learn from David when Saul told him he couldnā€™t fight Goliath (1 Samuel 17:33)?

David looked at victories he had in the past. So, too, as we look at the challenges of our future, may we remember how the Lord has provided in the past.

Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the fourth article in a 10-part series on the top ten stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after March 5.


Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 103, Number 3
Issue: March 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Real people. Real Savior: Perez : Part 8

Matthew chapter 1 lists the ancestors of Jesus. You will learn more about your Savior as we trace through segments of his family tree.


God is willing to be part of a family that includes the worst of sinnersā€”including you and me.

Thomas D. Kock

Judah, fourth son of Jacob, went off to live with a friend named Hirah, an Adullamite. There Judah married a Canaanite woman, and had three sons. When his oldest son Er came of age, Judah got a wife for him. Her name was Tamar.


But God put Er to death because he ā€œwas wicked in the LORDā€™s sightā€ (Genesis 38:7).

So Judah asked Onan, his second son, to marry Tamar in order to provide a son that would be considered the son of Er, his dead brother. It was a proper request even if it seems strange to us. But Onan didnā€™t want to provide a child who would be considered his brotherā€™s, so when he and Tamar had relations, ā€œhe spilled his semen on the groundā€ (38:9). What he did was also ā€œwicked in the LORDā€™s sightā€ (38:10), and God put him to death too.

With two of his three sons dead, Judah told Tamar to live in her fatherā€™s house as a widow until Shelah was old enough to be married.

After a long time Judahā€™s wife died. After a time of grief, Judah went to where his men were shearing his sheep. Tamar was told that her father-in-law was going to visit the sheepshearers; she dressed up as if she was a shrine prostitute.

Judah saw her and wanted to pay her to have sexual relations with him. He promised that heā€™ll give her a young goat as payment; she wanted something to keep as a pledge. So he gave her his seal, cord, and staff, all of which would have identified him.

Later when it becomes obvious that she was pregnant, Judah wanted to burn her to death as a prostitute! He still did not know that he was the father of the child. She produced the evidence (seal, cord, staff), and Judah recognized his own sinfulness.

From that sinful alliance, Tamar bore twins, Perez and Zerah. Amazingly, Perez was one of the ancestors of our Savior.


If you havenā€™t heard that account before, perhaps you are surprised by its graphic sinfulness. But if weā€™re honest as we look at our own hearts, itā€™s not much of a surprise. Lentā€”spring and sheepshearing timeā€”gives us that opportunity to examine our hearts. But Lent is so much more. Itā€™s about the Savior who came for us. He was willing to be part of a family that included Judah, Tamar, and Perez!

He is willing to be part of a family that includes you and me too. Thatā€™s amazing! The holy God was willing to suffer and die so that you and I could be part of his family. Thatā€™s even more amazing! The holy God made sure that you and I heard about what he did for us, and he led us to trust it. That too is amazing! And thankfully, itā€™s also true.

So, goodbye to regret and sorrow. Hello to Jesus and his gracious victory for us.

Contributing editor Thomas Kock, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Atonement, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

This is the eighth article in a nine-part series on people in Jesusā€™ family tree.


Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Thomas D. Kock
Volume 103, Number 3
Issue: March 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Great stories of the Bible: The birth of Jesus: Part 3

The birth of Jesus

Joel S. Heckendorf

Crystal-like snowflakes gently cascading over a world filled with celebrations and camaraderie. A snow-globe world where everything stays in place as the music gently plays. Our view of the world at Christmas is often fantasized. Even now, you can remember the smell of the chestnuts roasting and the notes of yuletide carols.


The details of Luke chapter 2 remind us that Jesus came to a real world. ā€œIn those days, Caesar Augustus . . .ā€ ā€œThose daysā€ were peppered with political scandals, assassination plots, war schemes, military drafts, taxation, and more. Would you want to come to a world like that?

Our real world isnā€™t much better. Jockeying for position in politics, family, or business. Misguided spirituality. Pride. Anger. Living in the past. Taxes. War. Money. All of these make for a messy world. But if all we concluded this past Christmas is that Jesus came to a messy world and our world is messy, we missed the full beauty of Christmas.

Itā€™s not just the world that is ā€œmessed up.ā€ Itā€™s us. I donā€™t mean that generically, as if to say, ā€œWeā€™re all sinners.ā€ I mean it personally. I admit that pride, anger, greed, jealousy, and envy mess me upā€”and you too. Even when we do something nice like signing and sending a thoughtful card or paying it forward at Starbucks, what was going on in our minds? ā€œThat was nice of me.ā€ How quickly we get self-absorbed.

And yet, as messed up as the world is and as messed up as we are, God came. Why? Thereā€™s only one answer: love. Thatā€™s what blows me away about Christmas. Not the angels. Not the shepherds. Not the virgin birth. That Jesus came to this world shows us his incomparable, inexhaustible love.

It doesnā€™t have to be December 25 to marvel at that expression of love. Write on your mirror, ā€œGod came to earth for me.ā€ Corrupt-hearted me. When we see how desperate we are, we see what a Deliverer he is. That Jesus came to this world shows us his love.


ā€œWhile they were there, the time came for the baby to be bornā€ (Luke 2:6). Iā€™ve yet to hear a mascot cheer, ā€œWeā€™re the mighty, mighty Infants!ā€ But thatā€™s how God cameā€”as an infant. The God who holds the world in his hands had to be held by a teenage girl. What kind of weak God is this? Soon youā€™ll marvel at the strength and determination of Jesus as you watch him walk to Calvary. Those steps were only possible because God came into our world as a baby. God said, ā€œIā€™m all in.ā€ There was no turning back. How God came to this world shows his commitment.

That commitment doesnā€™t stop. That Jesus had a human hand shows he is committed to always hold yours. That he had human hair shows heā€™s committed to care for you, right down to the hairs on your head. His human feet shows heā€™s committed to walk with you wherever you go. That God came as a lowly human and was laid in a manger in our world shows just how committed he is to take us to his mansions where he made room for us.


Exploring the Word

1. Tell the story in your own words. Then read the account. Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is one of the most popular stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles?

The sentimentality of Christmas. Seeing ā€œbabyā€ Jesus it seems fitting and relatable for a childrenā€™s Bible.

3. ā€œWhen the set time had fully come, God sent his Sonā€ (Galatians 4:4). Why was this a ā€œgoodā€ time for Jesus to enter the world?

Readers are encouraged to read up on their history of the time. While we can never fully understand Godā€™s timing, the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) when Jesus was born would allow for the faster spread of the gospel. It also may have contributed to a longing for a Messiah, even though the people were looking more for an earthly Messiah than a spiritual one.

4. God came to earth in other ways. List them. Why is this one different?

God revealed himself in many different ways: a voice, visions, dreams, pillar of fire/cloud, a human body, whirlwind, whisper, casting of lots, etc. By becoming human, not only was it a permanent revelation (as Jesus still is true God and true man), it was the fullest revelation of who God is. See John 1:18: ā€œNo one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.ā€


Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the third article in a 10-part series on the top ten stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after Feb. 5 at wels.net/forwardinchrist.


Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author:Ā Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 103, Number 02
Issue: February 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Real People Real Savior: David: Part 7

Real People Real Savior:Ā David

Because of Jesus, we, along with King David, get to wear the crown of life.

Thomas D. Kock

Not too long ago we crowned the college football champions. A Super Bowl champion is about to be crowned. Soon after that weā€™ll crown an NCAA basketball champ. Itā€™s crowning time!


David is the first person in Jesusā€™ line who wore a crown. That may be why Matthew lists him as ā€œKing Davidā€ in chapter 1. Heā€™s the only person in the list whoā€™s called ā€œking,ā€ even though more than ten other kings are listed.

So, what would be the ā€œjewelsā€ in Davidā€™s crown? Perhaps one jewel is that heā€™s the shepherd boy who became king, the classic underdog who became great. A more likely jewel is that heā€™s the giant-slayer who, trusting in God, took on and defeated Goliath. Or perhaps weā€™d point to when he honored the kingshipā€”and more important, honored Godā€”by refusing to kill King Saul when given a chance. Awesome work, David! Those are shining jewels in that crown!

Oh, but there was the affair with Bathsheba and the attempted cover-up. Then David arranged the murder of Uriah, Bathshebaā€™s husband. Not exactly what we think of as jewels in the crown. But those are key events in the life of David, the king. Even these chunks of asphalt or pieces of gravel are ā€œjewelsā€ in his crown.


In amazing grace, God counts you and me to be kings and queens. Yes, in the eyes of God you and I are royalty, and we will be forever, as God will give to us the crown of life (cf. Revelation 2:10). Thatā€™s amazing! God has put a ā€œcrownā€ on our heads, and you and I will wear a crown forever.

So letā€™s consider the jewels in our crowns. Surely there are times when we serve God well. There are times when we practice hospitality, when we show unselfish love, and when we willingly and freely help our neighbor. Yes, those are wonderful jewels in our crowns!

But then there are those other times when weā€™re selfish, refuse to love, and serve ourselves rather than serving God or others. Perhaps, like David, weā€™ve committed what the world would call ā€œbigā€ sinsā€”murder or adultery. Unfortunately, those ugly big or little chunks of asphalt are in our crowns too. It sounds like weā€™re a lot like David. It sounds like weā€™re kings and queens whose crowns are incredibly flawed.

And so we rejoice that David, the king, is one link in the chain leading us to Jesus, the King. Jesus, the King of all, has a perfect crown glittering with flawless jewels as ruler of the universe. He exchanged that crown for Davidā€™s flawed crownā€”and for oursā€”when he wore a crown of thorns. He was willing to lay aside his crown to take our punishment.

And now? Now you and I get to be kings and queens! Because the King laid aside his crown, he places eternal crowns on the heads of sinners like you and me.

And thatā€™s why David was really a king.

Contributing editor Thomas Kock, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Atonement, Milwaukee.

This is the seventh article in a nine-part series on people in Jesusā€™ family tree.



Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author:Ā Thomas D. Kock
Volume 103, Number 2
Issue: February 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Real People Real Savior: Rahab: Part 6

Real People Real Savior:Ā Rahab

Matthew chapter 1 lists the ancestors of Jesus. You will learn more about your Savior as we trace through segments of his family tree.

Thomas D. Kock

In Jesus, we have a fresh start every day.

A fresh start. Wouldnā€™t that be great?! Perhaps the turn of the year is a time when having a fresh start might be particularly on our mind. Whether 2015 was a great year or a rough year for you, as the new year turns, it is, in a sense, a fresh start.


Perhaps Rahab would have appreciated the concept of a ā€œfresh startā€ as well as any of us. Rahab lived in Jericho at the time when the Israelites entered the Promised Land. Joshua sent spies to Jericho on a reconnaissance mission; they stayed at Rahabā€™s house.

From a strategic point of view, it made sense for them to stay there. You see, Rahab was a prostitute. So seeing strange men coming and going wouldnā€™t have raised much suspicion.

But life was about to change for Rahab. She said to those spies: ā€œI know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, so that all who live in this country are melting in fear because of you. We have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt. . . . When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyoneā€™s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth belowā€ (Joshua 2:9-11). That is remarkable! The Red Sea event had taken place 40 years earlier! Yet, it was remembered.

Next comes the plea for the opportunity to have a fresh start: ā€œNow then, please swear to me by the Lord that you will show kindness to my family, because I have shown kindness to you. Give me a sure sign that you will spare the lives of my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all who belong to themā€”and that you will save us from deathā€ (Joshua 2:12,13).

The spies gave their word; she was to hang a scarlet cord in the window of her dwelling. She did, and all in her dwelling were spared (see Joshua chapter 6).

And then? Then Rahab married into the Israelite familyā€”and not just any Israelite family. She married into the family that carried the line of the Savior. Talk about fresh start! The former prostitute became an ancestor of the Savior!


Why in the world would God want someone like that in the line of the Savior? Just as valid a question would be, ā€œWhy in the world would God want someone like you or me in his family?ā€ Yes, Rahabā€™s sins were damning; your sins and mine are just as damning. And yet Jesus, in wonderful grace, has forgiven Rahab as well as you and me. He has adopted us into his family. As Rahab was given a fresh start, so are we.

Day-by-day we get a fresh start as we remember our baptisms and as we hear Godā€™s words of peace. Our sins are forgiven, washed away. At the altar we get a fresh start as Jesus gives us himself, his true body and blood. Each day, each year, a new startā€”a renewed meā€”because of Godā€™s grace.

Contributing editor Thomas Kock, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Atonement, Milwaukee.

This is the sixth article in a nine-part series on people in Jesusā€™ family tree.



Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author:Ā Thomas D. Kock
Volume 103, Number 1
Issue: January 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Real People Real Savior: Hezekiah: Part 5


Matthew chapter 1 lists the ancestors of Jesus. You will learn more about your Savior as we trace through segments of his family tree.

Though the terminal illness of sin affects us all, God uses daily events to draw us closer to him until we see him in heaven.

Thomas D. Kock

All I want for Christmas is . . . a terminal illness.

Wait. He wants what?!?

Yeah, Iā€™m guessing that a terminal illness isnā€™t likely to hit the wish list for any of us this Christmas season. But thatā€™s the situation in which Hezekiah found himself.


Hezekiah was a young man, probably 39 years old (compare 2 Kings 18:2 and 2 Kings 20:6). He became ill, and it was clear that his life was in danger. Isaiah was sent to him with the message, ā€œThis is what the Lord says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recoverā€ (Isaiah 38:1). Weā€™re told that Hezekiah wept greatly. Weā€™re told that he prayed, reminding God that heā€™d done his best to serve God faithfully.

Interestingly, weā€™re not told that Hezekiah asked for a longer life. Perhaps he desired that. Perhaps he even did ask for it, but weā€™re not told that he asked for it. Regardless, God chose to add 15 years to his life, and Isaiah was sent back to deliver the message.

After his recovery, Hezekiah wrote, ā€œSurely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your backā€ (Isaiah 38:17; read all his thoughts in Isaiah 38:9-20). As Hezekiah looked at that illness, he could see Godā€™s hand of grace. God intended the illness for Hezekiahā€™s benefit. He doesnā€™t detail how the illness was for his benefit. We donā€™t know, but we do know that Hezekiahā€™s focus became ā€œyou have put all my sins behind your back.ā€


Isnā€™t that what Christmas is all about? Ultimately we need a God who is willing and able to put all our sins behind his back. To put it more bluntly, we need a God who is willing and able to forgive us. And as we gaze at the babe of Bethlehem, a descendant of Hezekiah, we see the God who was ableā€”and willingā€”to come to this earth to win forgiveness of sins for us. Thatā€™s what we really need!

Because whether we want it or not, we all have a terminal illnessā€”the terminal illness of sin. Death will happen.

Yes, itā€™s true that Hezekiah was blessed with 15 more years of life on this earth, but that only delayed the inevitable. Fifteen years later, he died. But every indication we have is that Hezekiah was a believer and went to heaven. So, he didnā€™t really die! While his body ceased to live, his soul lived on as he entered the glories of heaven!

And someday so will you. You too will enter the glories of heaven because of the Babe of Bethlehem, who lived, died, and rose for you. And as God postponed Hezekiahā€™s terminal illness to draw him closer, so God will use the events of everyday life to humble you and me, to refocus us, to focus us on the Word, and ultimately to draw us closer to him.

Even if it takes a terminal illness to draw me close to him forever, then Iā€™ll add it to my Christmas wish list. Or a gracious God will add it for me.

Contributing editor Thomas Kock, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Atonement, Milwaukee.

This is the fifth article in a nine-part series on people in Jesusā€™ family tree.



Do you have a manuscript, idea, or story from your own life you’d like to share for use in Forward in Christ or on wels.net? Use our online form to share it to our editorial office for consideration.


Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author:Ā Thomas D. Kock
Volume 102, Number 12
Issue: December 2015

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Great stories of the Bible: Crossing the Red Sea: Part 1

Crossing of the Red Sea

Joel S. Heckendorf

To the east . . . the Red Sea. To the west . . . the powerful Egyptian army breathing down their necks. How did the people of Israel get themselves between this rock and hard place? More important, what would they do now?

Read Exodus 13:17ā€“15:21.


Culminating in the Passover, God sent a series of amazing plagues that loosened Pharaohā€™s grip, allowing Israel to escape Egypt. With eye-popping excitement, an Israelite could divulge details of how they arrived at the banks of the Red Sea. The frogs. The locusts. The darkness.

But the plagues were in preparation for the trip. Godā€™s pillar of cloud did not follow the GPS-recommended route from Egypt to the Promised Land. In fact, the most natural, straight-line route didnā€™t require the crossing of any water. God went out of his way to lead them to the Red Sea. God knew his people. He knew what he wanted for them. And God knew he needed to guide his people to a point where they had no choice but to depend on him.

God knows you. God knows what he wants for you. And God knows the easiest path is not always the best path to get you there. The Christian life is not lived in straight lines. At times God deals us detours. Sometimes those detours lead us right between a rock and a hard place.


When the Israelites looked up and saw the Egyptians marching after them, they wanted to go back. They thought being slaves in Egypt was better than the situation that God had presented. Wisely, their God-appointed leader, Moses, encouraged, ā€œWait.ā€

Godā€™s delays are not denials. He knows what heā€™s doing even when it appears that we are hemmed in or pinned down. ā€œDo not be afraid. Stand firm. . . . The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be stillā€ (Exodus 14:13,14).

Easier said than done. Like Israel, itā€™s so easy for us to blame God for leading us to difficult situations. Itā€™s easy to think, ā€œIf only I hadnā€™t followed the Lord.ā€ Fellow Christian, do not be afraid. ā€œStand firm. . . . The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.ā€

For the Israelites, God split the sea in front of them. The situation that once spelled doom now spelled deliverance. But notice where God was. He led them to the difficult situation. But then the angel of God and pillar of cloud went behind them (Exodus 14:19) to protect them.

You can have that same confidence. When God leads you to a difficult situation and youā€™re too afraid to put your toes in the water, know that the Lord who brought you there will move your forward and protect you. No matter what enemies pursue or what walls stand in front, know that the Lord already stretched out his hands to bring you to the real Promised Land.

Exploring the Word

1. Tell the story in your own words. Then read the account. Which details did you omit or mistakenly add?

Answers will vary. If studying in a group, split up into smaller groups and see how many different details are included in the exercise. Why do you think some details made every list and other details didnā€™t make any lists?

2. Why do you think this story is one of the most popular stories included in childrenā€™s Bibles?

Itā€™s action-packed and dramatic. Miracles are popular stories to include in childrenā€™s Bibles as they help gain attention.

3. What does this account teach about the difference between fear and faith?

Fear is when we canā€™t see God through our circumstances. Faith is when we see our circumstances through God. When we know that our God loves us and is powerful, wise, and trustworthy, we will be better prepared to handle rock-and-hard place situations.

4. Read Psalm 27:14. Relate any biblical or personal examples when youā€™ve ā€œwait[ed] for the Lordā€?

Psalm 27:14ā€”ā€œWait for the LORD; be strong and take heart.ā€ Biblical examples may include Joseph in Egypt, Job, David while being pursued by Saul, Noah and the flood, Ruth, etc.

5. ā€œMove. Pray. Move.ā€ Apply Godā€™s directive in Exodus 14:15 to your life.

God invites us to pray, but he also encourages us to move forward with the opportunities he presents in life. For example, if weā€™re praying for a job and he gives us the opportunity to develop skills for a particular job, God doesnā€™t want us to simply pray. He also wants us to utilize the gifts that he has given us. Even in a perfect world, God gave Adam and Eve activities to carry out (Genesis 1:28). At the same time, we humbly go forward with a ā€œGod-willingā€ attitude and seek to glorify him in whatever we do (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the first article in a 12-part series on the popular childrenā€™s Bible stories and how they apply to our lives today. Find answers online after Dec. 5 at wels.net/forwardinchrist.


Next month: The battle of Jericho



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Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author:Ā Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 102, Number 12
Issue: December 2015

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Real People: Real Savior: Josiah: Part 4


Matthew chapter 1 lists the ancestors of Jesus. You will learn more about your Savior as we trace through segments of his family tree.

Our physical blessings pale in comparison to the eternal blessings that Jesus won for us.

Thomas D. Kock

ā€œKing Josiah is dead!ā€ That would have been the sad announcement to the nation of Judah about the year 609 B.C. I wonder how the people responded.

Fast forward 2,600-plus years. We have so much for which to be thankful, donā€™t we? We enjoy a standard of living that is amazing. Although the culture of America is decaying, we still freely worship God and can study and share his Word. Most important, we have full and free salvation! How will we respond? I trust that we will respond with humble thanks to God.

But Iā€™m guessing that some who are reading this are thinking, ā€œI donā€™t feel like giving thanks. I donā€™t see much for which to give thanks.ā€ Perhaps many of the Israelites felt like that when Josiah died.


Josiah was one of the more remarkable kings. He ascended the throne at age eightā€”yes, thatā€™s rightā€”after his father, Amon, had been assassinated. Amon had been a wicked, short-lived king. Josiahā€™s grandfather had for the most part been wicked too. Perhaps we would have expected that Josiah would continue in their ways.

But he didnā€™t. In fact, the Bible makes this dramatic statement: ā€œNeither before nor after Josiah was there a king like him who turned to the LORD as he didā€ (2 Kings 23:25). Wow! High praise!

Josiah put his faith into action. He made major efforts to get rid of the pagan altars. He even went into Samaria and destroyed the altar that Jeroboam had built at Bethel. He traveled throughout Samaria destroying high places (cf. 2 Kings 23:15-20).

When Josiah was 26, he launched a project to repair the temple in Jerusalem. As they worked on the reparations, the workers found a bookā€”the book of the Law! (MostĀ likely it was the book of Deuteronomy.) Can you imagine how evil the land had become that they could lose the Bible, or at least part of it!

When Josiah heard the words of the book, he mourned. How theyā€™d sinned against God! He urged the people to repent. They celebrated the Passover with dramatic zeal (cf. 2 Chronicles 35:1-19). It seemed as if the Israelites finally had a king who would lead them faithfully back to spiritual truth.

And then he died; he was only 39.

Pharoah Neco was marching through Israel to fight the Babylonians; Josiah went out to try to prevent Necoā€™s advance. Neco said, ā€œI have no quarrel with you.ā€

Josiah fought anyway. He was mortally wounded. How the people of Judah mourned (2 Chronicles 35:25). Did any of them give thanks?

Iā€™m fairly positive that Josiah gave thanks. He went to heaven! There before the God of grace, Iā€™m guessing he gave thanks more fervently than ever before.


At Thanksgiving we rightly give thanks to God for his rich physical blessings. Thatā€™s appropriate.

But those physical blessings pale in comparison to the eternal blessings that Jesus won for us. You have the forgiveness of sins! You have the sure promise of heaven! You have Godā€™s promise that all things will work for your good! None of those things would have been yours if Jesus hadnā€™t come.

So as you read the genealogy of Jesus, read it with thanks. Through those real people, God brought our very real Savior to this earth, your Savior, the one who conquered death for Josiah, for you, for us all. ā€œGive thanks to the LORD, for he is good!ā€ (Psalm 118:1).

Contributing editor Thomas Kock, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Atonement, Milwaukee.

This is the fourth article in a nine-part series on people in Jesusā€™ family tree.



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Author: Thomas D. Kock
Volume 102, Number 11
Issue: November 2015

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


We believe as all believers have: Part 13

ā€œWe look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.ā€

Joel D. Otto

In the early centuries of the Christian church, it was common for Christians to gather regularly where their dead were entombed. The purpose was to remember those fellow Christians who had died in the Lordā€”especially martyrs who died for their faithā€”and rejoice in the hope of the resurrection. In fact, during one severe bout of persecution, Christians were banned from visiting their cemeteries. The hope of the resurrection was very real for the early church.

Our 21st-century world does its best to put off death. Itā€™s obsessed with diet and exercise, medication, surgery, therapy. All of this can serve to mask the reality of death. Death is unnatural. It is ugly and nasty. It is what sinful humanity has earned and deserves (Romans 5:12; 6:23). No amount of embalming, make-up, or well-manicured cemetery lawns can change that fact. Everyone faces the death of loved ones. Everyone will face his or her own death. Death is an emotionally-charged subject, even if most people donā€™t want to think or talk about its reality. No one escapes it.

As Christians, we have to face deathā€™s harshness. We also do our best to prolong our lives. Many Christians strive to care for the bodies God has given us by eating healthy, exercising regularly, and making use of the blessings of medicines. Yet we recognize the ultimate futility of these measures. No matter what we might do to live longer, we will all eventually face deathā€”unless Jesus returns first. And our journey will also include dealing with the loss of loved ones.

But we react differently. The death of a Christian, while a sad time because we lose the companionship of a loved one, becomes a victory celebration. Our own death, while scary and unpleasant because of possible pain and an uncertain process, is the way God brings us to the heaven he was won for us and prepared for us (John 14:1-3). He gave his Son into death that ā€œwhoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal lifeā€ (John 3:16). Jesus is ā€œthe resurrection and the life. The one who believes in [him] will live, even though they dieā€ (John 11:25). Jesus ā€œhas destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospelā€ (2 Timothy 1:10).

That is why we ā€œdo not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hopeā€ (1 Thessalonians 4:13). We are confident that when we Christians die and are buried, our bodies will be raised and glorified when Jesus returns in glory (1 Corinthians 15:51-54;Ā Philippians 3:20,21). Because our Redeemer lives, we will enjoy a new eternal, heavenly home where we see God face to face and enjoy life without suffering or sadness (Job 19:25-27; Revelation 21:1-4). With Christians down through the centuries, ā€œwe look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.ā€


1. How might the promise of the resurrection give you comfort as you face difficulties in life?

We have Godā€™s promise that these present sufferings we endure are temporary and fleeting. The glory Jesus has won for us is forever (Romans 8:18). At the resurrection, all of the problems and difficulties of this life will be gone because sin will no longer be present. God has promised us a final and full deliverance. We will be rescued from this world of troubles (Revelation 21:4; Revelation 7:14-17). Many of our difficulties involve our physical bodies. At the resurrection, God will give us glorified bodies that cannot suffer pain or die (1 Corinthians 15:42-50; Philippians 3:20,21). Perhaps most important, we will see our Savior face to face and worship him for all eternity (Job 19:23-27; Revelation 21:1-3).

2. Explain how you would find comfort in the promise of the resurrection as you face the death of Christian loved ones.

There are a lot of different places in Scripture to go for this comfort. But focusing on the promises God gives in his Word in connection with Jesusā€™ resurrection gives the most comfort. Jesusā€™ conversation with Martha at the grave of Lazarus assures us that those who have been brought to faith in Jesus have spiritual life now and eternal life because Jesus has conquered death. He is life itself (John 11:17-27). Jesus promised that he has prepared a place in his heavenly home for those who believe that he is the way, truth, and life (John 14:1-6). Death does not have the last word for those who have fallen asleep in Jesus. Jesus will raise and glorify his believers (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). As we face the death of a Christian loved one, there will usually be sadness and grief because we are losing someone we love. We will not see them or talk to them again this side of heaven. But for Christians, death is a precious and blessed event because it is the way God brings his believers into their eternal rest, away from the troubles and hardships of this life (Psalm 116:15; Revelation 14:13).

In some ways, the exact comfort of Scripture that will serve us best will depend on the nature of the situation. Was this someone who endured a prolonged and painful battle with cancer? Was this an aged Christian who was taken peacefully? Was the death sudden and unexpected? A young person? A child? Different promises will provide specific comfort in different situations. But the one common factor will be the resurrection of Christ. Christians are buried with him and raised with him at our baptism (Romans 6:4,5). The Jesus who conquered death by leaving a sealed tomb alive now lives and reigns over all things for the good of his believers, including his believers who are facing death or facing life after the death of a loved one. And he will mostĀ certainly break open our tombs on the Last Day and give us the full and final victory over death forever.

3. Explain how you can comfort a friend at the loss of a loved one.

If the loved one of the friend was a Christian, see the answer to the previous question. If the loved one was not a Christianā€”or youā€™re not as certain as you might be if the person was a regular attender in worship and confessed his or her faithā€”then there isnā€™t a lot of comfort that can be given. You can assure your friend of Godā€™s love for him/her in Christ, a love that will not be taken away, even if a loved one has died. You can remind them that finally only the Lord knows those who are his believers (2 Timothy 2:19). We canā€™t see faith in someoneā€™s heart. But any death should remind us how fleeting life can be and the reality that our times are in the Lordā€™s hands (Psalm 31:15). Therefore, we need to be ready at all times by devoting ourselves to hearing the Word and receiving the Lordā€™s Supper. At such moments, Christians need to express compassion and tender support for those left behind. That compassion is a fruit of our faith and provides us an opportunity to share our faith.

Death is also a reminder of the urgency to share the good news of Jesus with our unbelieving family and friends. The following prayer conveys the kinds of thoughts one could share with a friend who has lost an unbelieving loved one. ā€œWe ask that you would give them the strength they need in this time of grief, and comfort them with the precious assurance of your love for them in Christ Jesus. May this death remind us all of how quickly our lives here on earth come to an end. Lead us all to use the time you have given us to grow in our knowledge of you and your Word. When you summon us, may we be found in sincere repentance and steadfast faith, prepared to stand before your judgment seatā€ (Christian Worship: Pastorā€™s Companion, p. 302).

Contributing editor Joel Otto, professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Salem, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

This is the final article in a 13-part series on the Nicene Creed. Find this study and answers online after Nov. 5 at wels.net/forwardinchrist.



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Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author:Ā Joel D. Otto
Volume 102, Number 11
Issue: November 2015

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Real People, Real Savior: Solomon

Matthew chapter 1 lists the ancestors of Jesus. You will learn more about your Savior as we trace through segments of his family tree.


Like Solomon we find ourselves chasing after great projects, pleasure, or wealth instead of pursuing Godā€™s kingdom first.

Thomas D. Kock

There are a lot of smart people in the world, arenā€™t there? I think of the people who built the first rocket to the moon. Wow! What a collection of brains that must have been! Or how smart does one need to be in order to invent a computer or a cell phone?

There have always been really smart people. The Great Pyramids in Egypt are just one of many testimonies to that fact.


One of those really smart people was Solomon. He was a builder; he constructed Godā€™s temple, a magnificent palace, and other buildings. He wrote songs and proverbs. He described plant lifeā€”so we could say he was a scientistā€”and he was a teacher. In Ecclesiastes heā€™s called ā€œthe Teacher.ā€ In fact he was so smart that God makes this amazing statement: ā€œKing Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. The whole world sought audience with Solomon to hear the wisdom God had put in his heartā€ (1 Kings 10:23,24). Wow! What a statement!

But we also read this tragic statement: ā€œKing Solomon, however, loved many foreign women. . . . He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines. . . . As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. . . . So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORDā€ (1 Kings 11:1-6). He was so smart, and yet at the same time he was, well, so dumb. He rebelled against the One who had given him his great wisdom and even turned his backā€”at least partiallyā€”on that wonderful God. Dumb!

And what a price he paid! In Ecclesiastes Solomon describes life apart from God. He says he pursued great wisdom, attempted great projects, poured himself into pleasure,Ā amassed great wealth! The result? ā€œYet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sunā€ (Ecclesiastes 2:11).


Is Solomon different from you or me? The all-wise, all-knowing God says, ā€œBut seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as wellā€ (Matthew 6:33). Wouldnā€™t it be smart to listen to the all-wise, all-knowing God? Sure! And yet like Solomon we find ourselves chasing first and foremost after great projects, pleasure, or wealth. The pursuit of Godā€™s kingdom gets pushed to the background. We find ourselves stressed and struggling. And yet like hamsters on a wheel, we continue to chase after those earthly things. Sounds like weā€™re a lot like Solomon!

But Jesus doesnā€™t abandon us. Instead, he chose to enter our oh-so-foolish world, so that he, in whom all wisdom resides (cf. Colossians 2:3), could look oh-so-foolish as he died a criminalā€™s death, all in order to win life eternal for us humans. Yes, he chose to enter our world as a descendant of Solomon. He put our needs before his, pursuing Godā€™s kingdom first so that we who so often fail to put the kingdom of God first will someday inherit the kingdom.

That doesnā€™t seem wise to us, but it was wise to God.

And God is much wiserĀ than anyone, even Solomon!

Contributing editor Thomas Kock, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Atonement, Milwaukee.

This is the second article in a nine-part series on people in Jesusā€™ family tree.



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Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Thomas D. Kock
Volume 102, Number 9
Issue: September 2015

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


We believe as all believers have: Part 11

ā€œWe believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church.ā€

Joel D. Otto

Catholics. Baptists. Methodists. Presbyterians. Pentecostals. Several flavors of Lutheran. With all of these different church bodies, how can we believe that there is ā€œone holy Christian and apostolic Churchā€?

There have always been divisions in the church on earth. It is a reality because of false teachers, as Jesus warned (Matthew 7:15) and the apostles wrote (Romans 16:17; Galatians 1:6-9; 1 John 4:1-6). When the Council of Nicaea met in A.D. 325, there were Arians who taught that Jesus was not equal to the Father and Donatists who believed that the validity of the sacraments hinged on the moral character of the clergy.

Yet, down through the centuries the church has confessed: ā€œWe believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church.ā€ So what is meant by these words?

We first need to understand what the word church means. It is translated from a Greek word that means ā€œcalled out.ā€ Those who belong to the church have been called out of the darkness of unbelief to the light of faith in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit working through the gospel (1 Peter 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 2:13,14). Believers in Jesus are the only true members of the one holy Christian and apostolic church.

Thatā€™s why we believe that there is only one true church. This one church isnā€™t equal to a visible organization. We cannot point to a church body or congregation and say, ā€œThere is the one true church.ā€ But members of the one church will be found in church bodies and congregations where the gospel is proclaimed and the sacraments are administered according to Christā€™s command.

We believe that there is only one church because the only way to be a member is to believe in Jesus as the only Savior. He is the only way, truth, and life (John 14:6). Jesus himself said, ā€œThere shall be one flock and one shepherdā€ (John 10:16). So Christ is the only foundation and cornerstone of the church (1 Corinthians 3:11).

The church is also described as ā€œapostolicā€ because the only way to learn about Jesus is through the Word of God, the writings of the apostles and prophets. Godā€™s Wordā€”the inspired words God gave to the apostles and prophetsā€”tells us of Christ and is the only source of truth in the church.

Since the Holy Spirit has brought us to faith in Christ, we are a ā€œholy temple in the Lordā€ (Ephesians 2:21). By faith in Jesus, we are ā€œa chosen people, a royal priesthood, aĀ holy nation, Godā€™s special possessionā€ (1 Peter 2:9). We have an incredible status because the Spirit has brought us into the one church.

Even though false teachers continue to divide the visible church, the one true church will not be overcome because the gospel will continue to be proclaimed (Matthew 16:18; 24:14). And so we continue to confess with confidence as all believers have: ā€œWe believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church.ā€


Exploring the Word

1. What are the differences between the invisible church and visible churches?

The invisible church consists of all people who believe in Jesus as the Son of God and Savior, no matter when or where they have lived, no matter what visible church they have belonged to (see Ephesians 5:25-27; 1 Corinthians 1:2). Visible churches, on the other hand, consist of people who have claimed membership in those churches. They may believe in Jesus, or they may not. They may be hypocrites. It is not up to us to determine who is or who is not hypocrites or true members of the invisible church. That is the Lordā€™s work on the Last Day (see 2 Timothy 2:19; Matthew 13:24-30,36-43). There will be members of the invisible church in visible churches where the gospel is proclaimed and the sacraments are administered (Isaiah 55:10,11).

2. Describe the importance of the apostolic nature of the church.

The content of the faith of the invisible church is apostolic, that is, it is the written Word of God which the Spirit inspired the apostles and prophets to write. Likewise, that same prophetic and apostolic Word is the tool of the Spirit to create and sustain true faith in Christ. Thatā€™s why Paul speak of the apostles and prophets as the foundation of the church (Ephesians 2:19-22). It is also why Paul can speak of the unity of the church (Ephesians 4:3-6). There is only one faith revealed in the one divinely inspired Word of God worked by the Spirit through that same Word of God. Finally, since the Word does not change, the faith of the church does not change. Believers of the first century are saved and members of the church the same way believers of the 21st century are: through the apostolic Word. ā€œThus the faith of the church is not fickle, changing from year to year or generation to generation. The faith is firm and changeless in the deposit of faith handed down to us by Christ through his apostolic Word. It is fidelity to that changeless Word that makes the church apostolicā€ (Deutschlander, Grace Abounds, p. 451).

3. In the original Greek of the Nicene Creed, the word translated ā€œChristianā€ is actually ā€œcatholic.ā€ Literally, the word catholic means ā€œuniversal.ā€ In what ways does the Roman Catholic Church misuse this word? Why is a proper understanding of this word a comforting concept?

By using the word catholic in its name, the Roman Catholic Church has historically claimed for itself the one universal church or the one ā€œsaving church.ā€ While the Roman Catholic Church has changed its stance on this in recent decades, the statements of the Council of Trent still stand that no one outside of the Roman Catholic Church can hope to be saved. The Roman Catholic Church thus equates itself with the holy ChristianĀ Church. It equates a visible church with the invisible church. It ignores Jesusā€™ words in Luke 17:20,21 and John 18:36,37. Even worse, the Roman Catholic Church condemns salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, which is what makes someone a member of the holy Christian Church.

The word catholic is properly understood as referring to the holy Christian Church, the invisible church. This is the one true church consisting of all people who have been called out of the darkness of unbelief to faith in Jesus (see 1 Peter 2:9). This is a comforting concept because my membership in Christā€™s church does not depend on my family background, church membership, gender, race, or social standing. It only depends on the Spirit-given faith in Jesus as my Savior, faith given and strengthened through the Word and sacraments. Therefore, I also can be comforted by the fact that there are believers all over the world wherever the gospel of Jesus is proclaimed and the sacraments are administered. I have an invisible, yet real, unity with all who believe in Christ.

Contributing editor Joel Otto, professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Salem, Milwaukee.

This is the eleventh article in a 13-part series on the Nicene Creed. Find this study and answers online after Sept. 5 at www.wels.net.



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Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Joel D. Otto
Volume 102, Number 9
Issue: September 2015

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


We believe as all believers have: Part 2

ā€œWe believe in . . . the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseenā€

Joel D. Otto

For the fourth-century writers and confessors of the Nicene Creed, this statement was not very controversial. There was no dispute among Christians that God was the almighty Creator of the universe. Even heathen unbelievers accepted that some divine being or force was the cause or ā€œprime moverā€ of the universe.

Yet, those early century Christians thought it was important enough to clearly confess that God created all things. They were blessed with foresight because today this is an extremely controversial issue both inside and outside of the church.

Public education has long accepted the theory of evolution as the ā€œscientificā€ explanation for the origins of the universe. But many Christian churches, in an attempt to appear intellectually acceptable to the secular culture, have compromised the creation account in Genesis. Some claim that God got things started and used the evolutionary process to bring the different species into existence. Others dismiss Genesis chapters 1ā€“2 as myth. They say it was simply the way primitive believers tried to explain the origin of the world. Since scientific discoveries, they claim, have progressed so much, we have to get away from such myths.

The problem is that every attempt to diminish or compromise the Genesis creation account diminishes and compromises the power of the one true God. If he is truly ā€œthe Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth,ā€ as the church has been confessing for centuries, then by all means he has the power to call into existence this entire universe by his spoken word in six 24-hour days. Consider the intricaciesĀ of the human body, the orderliness of the orbit of the planets, the fact that our planet is the right distance from the sun and rotates at the right angle and at the right speed.

Finally, however, it is a matter of faith. We can study Godā€™s creation and marvel at it. We can attempt to debunk evolutionary theories. In the end, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we believe what the Bible says: ā€œBy faith we understand that the universe was formed at Godā€™s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visibleā€ (Hebrews 11:3).

Believing that our heavenly Father has created this universe gives us additional confidence that he has the power to help us. Even when the world appears to be falling apart, even when our lives might seem to be unraveling, we remember that by faith in Jesus we are children of the heavenly Father who in love and power called all the heavens and earth into existence, ā€œseen and unseen.ā€ He lives and rules all things for the good of his children.

So we can echo the confession of the psalmist: ā€œMy help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earthā€ (Psalm 121:2).



1. We often marvel at what we can see of Godā€™s creation. Describe as many of the ā€œunseenā€ things of Godā€™s creation as you can.

There are many answers. Here are just a few: air (consider how it contains just the right amount of oxygen), gravity (consider that the earth rotates at the right speed, on the right axis, at the right distance from the sun and moon), sound waves, heat/light/energy (we canā€™t usually see this, but we often see its source or feel the results), angels. One might also consider the way God makes the crops grow. We observe it happen, but it happens in such a way that it is hard for us to see. One might also think about the internal workings of the human body. These things are unseen unless we get an X-ray, MRI, or have surgery or some traumatic injury.

2. Read Psalm 139:13-16. How does an understanding about Godā€™s creative activity help us view our bodies, intellect, and abilities?

It is true that sin has marred Godā€™s perfect creation. That is why, for example, there are genetic defects. However, because we are knit together in our motherā€™s womb by the almighty God, the different look of our bodies, the different skills and abilities we have, and the different levels of intellect and understanding we possess, all are used by God to make us the unique people that we are. And God uses the uniqueness of each one of us for his good purposes and for our spiritual and eternal good. So we can view our bodies, intellect, and abilities as gifts of Godā€™s power and grace, knit together to make each of us a unique blessing in his world and in his church to serve him and others, even if sometimes we might see what we consider to be defects and deficiencies.

3. Read Genesis 1:2,26; John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-17. While we usually confess that the Father is Creator, how do these passages inform a complete picture of creation? What does this tell us about the Trinity?

Both the Son and the Holy Spirit were also involved in the work of creation and continue to be involved in the work of preserving creation. The Bible does ascribe specific tasks to a particular person of God. For example, only the Son became flesh and was crucified. And we will often delineate certain titles for the persons of God based on the tasks typically ascribed to them (for example, Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier). However, when it comes to creation, all three persons were active. The three persons of the one God take counsel together and work together to care for us and save us.

4. In what way does your view of the origin of the universe affect your worldview and purpose in life?

If you hold an evolutionary view of the world where the worldā€™s existence is a result of change, accident, or survival of the fittest, then your worldview is focused on yourself, and your purpose in life becomes personal survival and advancement in life and/or a pursuit of personal pleasure. There is no accountability toward something or someone higher than yourself. There is no Creator to honor and glorify, so you end of glorifying humanity and humanityā€™s achievements. Or people might turn creation itself or created things into ā€œgod.ā€ Consider the way some people refer to ā€œMother Earthā€ or the way different civilizations have worshiped the sun, planets, or animals (cf. Romans 1:18-32).

On the other hand, if you believe that God created the universe, gave us life, and provides all that we need, then you also recognize that you are accountable to that Creator. Adam and Eve recognized that they were accountable to God for their disobedience, even though they tried toĀ hide from him (see Genesis 3). Your worldview is focused on your Creator, and your purpose in life becomes obeying his commands; glorifying and honoring him in attitude, word, and action; and serving others (1 Corinthians 10:31; Deuteronomy 10:12). There is an accountability and responsibility to the God who gives and sustains life. Luther brings this thought out in his explanation to the First Article. After reviewing all that God has done to create us, provide for us, and protect us, he writes, ā€œAll this God does only because he is my good and merciful Father in heaven, and not because I have earned or deserved it. For all this I ought to thank and praise, to serve and obey him.ā€ While ultimately we worship, honor, and obey God in gratitude for his saving works, his creating work also elicits our praise and forms our worldview as one where we strive to glorify our Almighty Maker in all that we do.

Contributing editor Joel Otto, professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Salem, Milwaukee.

This is the second article in a 13-part series on the Nicene Creed.


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Author: Joel D. Otto
Volume 101, Number 12
Issue: December 2014

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


John 3:16: Part 12

ā€œGod so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.ā€

Joel S. Heckendorf

Grandpas carry them in pockets. Restaurants stock them next to the cash register. A peppermint candy swirl is one of the most mouth-refreshing candies. Yet it poses a problem. Itā€™s too easy to chomp down. Instead of lasting 10 minutes, you devour it in 30 seconds. Soon you wish you had a new piece of candy so you could savor its sweetness again.

John 3:16 is one of the sweetest pieces of gospel candy. Because of its familiarity, itā€™s easy to chomp this verse down without considering its meaning. Slow down. Let it sit in your heart and steadily send sweet sensations to your head and life. Savor the sweetness each layer of this verse offers.


The first sweet taste comes in the key word love. The original language of the Bible employs numerous terms for love. Agape, the term used here, is the sweetest and richest. Agape is a special kind of selfless love. Itā€™s an attitude that results in action. Look at the action love prompted our Father to doā€”he gave his one and only Son.

Savor that sweet truth. God gave his Son. Relationships are strengthened by shared experiences. Think about the experiences the Father shared with his Son. Sitting in the heavens, they could recall the day of creation when they said, ā€œLetā€™s make man in our image.ā€ They could reminisce about their rescue effort of Noah or how they led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. They had an eternity of experiences together, and yet God gave his one and only Son for you.


The Bible clearly teaches that no one can believe on his or her own. Itā€™s the work of the Holy Spirit. Savor the sweetness of this verse that subtly points to the miracle of the Holy Spirit working in our hearts. Also, savor the sweetness of the seemingly insignificant word whoever. Whoever assures us that we donā€™t need a special pedigree to be part of Godā€™s family. We donā€™t have to live in a certain era or location. The gospel spans cultures and classes. Savor the sweetness of the unity the Spirit brings toĀ ā€œwhoever believes.ā€ And you canā€™t earn the status God freely gives to ā€œwhoever believes.ā€

But itā€™s not just belief in anything. It says, ā€œWhoever believes in him,ā€ which brings us to the core of this piece of gospel candy:


To savor the full flavor of this sweet message, we need to grasp that hell is real. Hell is suffering. Hell is anger. Hell is pain. Hell is separation from God. Hell is where we were headed. But just as hell is real, so is heaven. Heaven is joy. Heaven is peace. Heaven is contentment. Heaven is seeing God face-to-face. Heaven is ours because Jesus rescued us by living a perfect life and dying an innocent death in our place. Through Jesus, God places the sweet taste of eternal life on our tongues. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Savor the sweetness.



1. What was the most difficult ā€œgood-byeā€ you ever had?

Answers will vary. Usually, the longer you are with someone, the more difficult it is to say good-bye. I think of my grandparents. Having been married for 68 years, my grandfather touched every pillow in the funeral home because he wanted the softest pillow for his now departed bride. Having lost the one who shared his lifeā€™s experiences threw him into a tailspin so that he died of a broken heart. The fact that we can witness such closeness in imperfect, human relationships makes us marvel at the love of the Father that he was willing to give his Son for us, the Son with whom he had a perfect relationship.

2. Describe a time when you most appreciated your unity with other believers.

Answers will vary. Examples may include a time when you were traveling. When Christians find one another in a heathen-dominant country or area, there is great joy in the bond of faith. Cherish the miracle that the Holy Spirit can make many ā€œwhoeversā€ believe.

3. Why do we often fail to celebrate the miracle of faith in our hearts?

We all are born with an attitude that I can do something to earn salvation. Or, we believe and live in a culture that promotes we are inherently good. Until we realize with the apostle Paul that each of us ranks as the ā€œchief of sinners,ā€ we will fail to fully celebrate the miracle of faith.

4. How does a declining belief in the reality of hell impact the sweetness of this verse?

Readers may want to check out this USA Today article: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-08-01-hell-damnation_N.htm. Five years ago, only 59 percent of Americans believed in hell. If hell is nothing to worry about, the need for a Savior diminishes. On the contrary, when we realize hell is where we were headed, our appreciation for the Son is magnified.


Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the final article in a series on the 12 most popular Bible passages accessed in 2012 through Bible Gateway, an online Bible resource.

Scripture references in this study are taken from the New International Version 1984.



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Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author: Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 101, Number 10
Issue: October 2014

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us


Philippians 4:13: Part: 10

ā€œI can do everything through him who gives me strength.ā€

Joel S. Heckendorf

ā€œI think I can . . . I think I can . . . I think I can.ā€ Author Watty Piper geared the book The Little Engine That Could for children. First released for publication in the United States in 1930, the classicā€™s optimistic message has climbed its way into a mountain of self-help books, motivational speeches, and personal mission statements.

Similarly, so has the Philippians passage. PHIL 4:13 appears on the eye-strips of athletes, and itā€™s inked on arms, engraved in rings, and printed on posters to motivate people. The reference is a visible reminder to never give up and to aim for success. To many, Piper and the apostle Paul were working with the same concept: ā€œI think I canā€ = ā€œI can do everything through him who gives me strength.ā€

But what happens when cancer isnā€™t beaten, even though Philippians 4:13 was the patientā€™s mantra? What happens when the PHIL 4:13 quarterback throws a game-ending interception instead of the game-winning touchdown? What happens when ā€œI think I canā€ is traded for ā€œI see I canā€™tā€? Itā€™s then, when the mountainous challenges in front of us seem impassable, that we need the intended comfort of Philippians 4:13.

Context is crucial when it comes to understanding this popular passage. Paul was in prison when he penned these words. With chains around his wrists, the likelihood of throwing any missionary touchdowns was slim. Yet he could confidently write, ā€œI can do everything.ā€ What did he mean? Back up a few verses, and we see that Paul is not screaming out a vein-bulging, locker-room pep talk in this verse. Rather, he is whispering the secret of contentment. ā€œNo matter the situation, whether itā€™s bleak or bright, you can face it. You can endure it because you are living in Christ. He will provide the strength. Even if youā€™re running on empty, the Holy Spirit has poured Christ into your tank. Youā€™ll have all the fuel you will need for the journey aheadā€”the journey to our destination with the Lord.ā€

Paulā€™s final words (2 Timothy chapter 4) assure us that he applied Philippians 4:13 to his life. Facing his death, he looked back and was thankful that the Lord stood by his side as he fought his fight and ran his race. He knew that the goal of life was not about climbing the mountain of earthly success. It was to ascend the throne of the Lord. AndĀ he knew the strength to make that climb didnā€™t rest in himself. If it did, heā€™d only be able to chant, ā€œI think I can.ā€ Rather, Paul knew his climb to heavenā€™s mountain depended on Jesus. Because of Jesus, Paul lived with an I know I can confidence. So can you, because of Jesus.


1. Context. Context. Context. List ways you have seen or heard this passage applied. How does the context of the original passage compare to the way it is often applied?

Example of Philippians 4:13 is often used by athletes, politicians or in the medical field. Philippians 4:10-12 shows that this is more about contentment and strength to endure all situations and not the ability to do all things.

2. What do you consider to be the top three things that rob us of the secret of being content?

Answers may vary. Examples include commercials, instant gratification/information, lottery/gambling, the de-Christianization of the world which places self at the center.

3. Instead of thinking of negative situations, why is it important to remember that even positive situations are possible through the strength that God gives?

It helps us to be humble and not rely on ourselves.

4. ā€œWho gives me strength.ā€ While not always translated as such, this concept appears seven times in the New Testament. After comparing Philippians 4:13 with the following passages, explain what it means to have strength from God: Acts 9:22; Romans 4:20; Ephesians 6:10; 1 Timothy 1:12; 2 Timothy 2:1; 2 Timothy 4:17.

To be strong in the Lord emphasizes a reliance on him and a zeal to do his will no matter the cost.

Contributing editor Joel Heckendorf is pastor at Immanuel, Greenville, Wisconsin.

This is the tenth article in a series on the 12 most popular Bible passages accessed in 2012 through Bible Gateway, an online Bible resource.

Scripture references in this study are taken from the New International Version 1984.



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Get inspirational stories, spiritual help, and synod news fromĀ  Forward in Christ every month. Print and digital subscriptions are available from Northwestern Publishing House.


Author:Ā Joel S. Heckendorf
Volume 101, Number 8
Issue: August 2014

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
Forward in Christ grants permission for any original article (not a reprint) to be printed for use in a WELS church, school, or organization, provided that it is distributed free and indicate Forward in Christ as the source. Images may not be reproduced except in the context of its article.Ā Contact us