Military retreat in Japan
WELS Military Chaplain Rev. Paul Horn and his daughter Calliope (a senior at Luther Preparatory School, Watertown, Wis.) traveled to Okinawa, Japan, in January to host a WELS Ministry to the Military retreat for WELS military members stationed in the Pacific. Four branches of the military—Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Army—were represented and included members from Guam, Japan, and South Korea. The weekend was packed with events such as Bible study and Sunday school on the beach, worship that included a teen confirmation, and fellowship activities. WELS Ministry to the Military, a part of WELS Special Ministries, provides live online worship and Bible study every weekend for those stationed in the Pacific, and future retreats are being planned. Refer WELS members in the military at
Service member referral
Military members and their families can receive devotions and other spiritual help materials in the mail or by e-mail.