WELS and LCMS relations

I am a practicing WELS member. Is there any chance the Wisconsin and Missouri Synods reunite in fellowship?

You may or may not be aware that representatives of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) have met annually for the past six years. Together updates from WELS have noted that “The main purpose of these meetings is to provide the synods with the opportunity to gain a clear understanding of their respective doctrinal positions and how the synods put those doctrines into practice as they carry out their ministry… None of the participants at these informal meetings anticipate a restoration of church fellowship between ELS/WELS and the LCMS in the near future. Yet, the sessions themselves were once again helpful as areas of agreement, as well as specific differences, were addressed in a cordial but candid manner.”

The annual meetings have done much to remove old, inaccurate stereotypes and to replace them with accurate, current information on the doctrinal positions and practices of the church bodies.

The ultimate result of these meetings is known to God alone. We can certainly pray that God will bless these and future meetings to the glory of his name and the good of his kingdom. And that is a prayer I offer.